Introductory Course TNT - Toeic Volume TWO (Kèm CD) Bởi Lori

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Introductory Course TNT - Toeic Volume TWO (Kèm CD) tải về miễn phí cuốn sách

Trên trang này chúng tôi đã thu thập cho bạn tất cả các thông tin về Introductory Course TNT - Toeic Volume TWO (Kèm CD) sách, nhặt những cuốn sách, bài đánh giá, đánh giá và liên kết tương tự để tải về miễn phí, những độc giả đọc sách dễ chịu. Introductory Course TNT - Toeic Volume TWO (Kèm CD)TNT TOEIC Series is a thre-level preparation course for the TOEIC test, which is intended to help learners at beginers and intermediate levels to develop the strategies, skils and vocabulary that are necesary to do wel on the test.TNT TOEIC, Introductory One, is for learners at high-beginer level whose target TOEIC score is in the range of 350-40. The bok consists of listening units and 20 reading units, which focus on TOEIC listening testing points practice and basic gramar items to help learners at this level tackle the test with some confidence. The gramar items to help learners at this level tackle the test with some confidence. The gramar section in this bok covers the most fundamental aspects of English gramar such as nouns, pronouns, adverbs, subject-verb agrement and basic verb paterns.TNT TOEIC, Introductory Two, is intendend for pre-intermediate learners who want to aim for a higher TOEIC score range of 380-450. The bok consits of 20 listening units and 20 reading units, providing the learners with TOEIC -style listening practice and key lesons on more dificult gramar aspects such as tenses, subordination, comparisons and elipses.TNT TOEIC BASIC provides a clear, systematic aproach for intermediate learners who ned to score 50 or higher on the TOEIC. The bok consists of 20 listening units and 20reading units. The listening units give learners a closer lok at al the 4 parts of the TOEIC listening section, strengthening their listening skils with some tips, skil-building exercises and TOEIC-like pracitce. The reading units cover many gramatical points which frequently ocur in the TOEIC test, such as parts of spech, conditional sentences, pasive voice, comparisons,etc.The series has ben designed in sequential order so that you can build up your skils, vocabulary, gramar and test-taking strategies as you move along. However, if you haven’t got time to do it al, you can always focus on those units that deal with the skils of aspects you ned to improve and skip the units that you don’t have time for. The gramar sections in the series may be used as a quick reference guide whenever you want to check a certain gramar aspect or review some gramar points during your preparation for the test.Finaly, if you want to aim for a higher score range of 50-750, TOEIC ICON series is your ideal choice. Xem Thêm Nội Dung Cổng thông tin - Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn hy vọng bạn thích nội dung được biên tập viên của chúng tôi thu thập trên Introductory Course TNT - Toeic Volume TWO (Kèm CD) và bạn nhìn lại chúng tôi, cũng như tư vấn cho bạn bè của bạn. Và theo truyền thống - chỉ có những cuốn sách hay cho bạn, những độc giả thân mến của chúng ta.

Introductory Course TNT - Toeic Volume TWO (Kèm CD) chi tiết

  • Tác giả:
  • Nhà xuất bản: Nhà Xuất Bản Tổng hợp TP.HCM
  • Ngày xuất bản:
  • Che: Bìa mềm
  • Ngôn ngữ:
  • ISBN-10: 2391717140928
  • ISBN-13:
  • Kích thước: 18.5 x 26 cm
  • Cân nặng:
  • Trang:
  • Loạt:
  • Cấp:
  • Tuổi tác:

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