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SQL Cẩm Nang Bỏ Túi chi tiết
- Nhà xuất bản: Nxb Thống kê
- Ngày xuất bản:
- Che: Bìa mềm
- Ngôn ngữ:
- ISBN-10: 8935073051135
- ISBN-13:
- Kích thước: 12 x 20 cm
- Cân nặng: 190.00 gam
- Trang: 232
- Loạt:
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SQL Cẩm Nang Bỏ Túi Sách lại
Leo Zhang zhangqili — 这本书的开头是这样的:“从前,天使和魔鬼坠入爱河。结局并不顺利。” 。进入一个由超凡脱俗但充满爱意的嵌合体家庭抚养的Karou世界,这个家庭成为了报仇天使的苹果。试图消灭嵌合体的塞拉芬(Seraphim)士兵Akiva因无法解释的原因被吸引到Karou。然后他们坠入爱河。然后,他们找出了为什么要互相吸引。当故事开始时,有点古怪的“从前……”童话故事/寓言主题因故事的兴起而被暂停使用,从而产生了一些少年现实主义的感觉。在一开始,暗示了一些模糊的谜团。但是,在大多数情况下,我们被介绍给了故事的主人公卡鲁(Karou),他沉迷于现代的所有少年时代:艺术气息,生气,生气,狡猾,风趣。我崇拜她。还有她奇怪的生活方式,奇异的寄养家庭?几乎没有什么可以置疑的。一开始令人信服。在超自然的浪漫世界(实际上是幻想)中,世界的无缝融合是关键。作为读者,您的世界如何发展可能会成败我(我想除非您是Libba Bray,否则)。莱妮·泰勒(Laini Taylor)如此无缝地将两个世界编织在一起。好像两个世界一样。哇!现在,她变得像盖曼一样。我不知道当别人提到尼尔·盖曼时,“盖曼式”的含义是什么,但是对我来说,这是一个特定的东西:这是我在盖曼几乎所有作品中都看到的,甚至是短篇小说。这是现实的无缝融合,是的!但是,这也是故事的一种方式,尽管您只读过一次它似乎已经被讲过数百次了,但它既新颖又新颖,完美地被完美地呈现出来,就像童话故事一样。在某些方面,它并不仅仅是故事。但是,它的故事是如此的好以至于它是真实的。 (什么?!?我不知道,这就是为什么我想嫁给尼尔·盖曼的书,并生下他们的孩子。)等待-J.R.R.托尔金明白我的意思。 !他谈论着这棵伟大的故事树,其中所有故事都是枝叶上的叶子。幻想(或童话故事)的作者并没有发现叶子-一直/一直存在-而是展开叶子,讲述它的故事,这个故事已经存在。 “一个人不是从尚待观察的树木的叶子中写出这样一个故事,也不是通过植物学和土壤科学来写的;但是,它就像从叶子的思想中在黑暗中成长成种子一样:从所有这些之中早已被人们遗忘,见识,思念或阅读,深入人间。”因此,在《烟与骨的女儿》结尾处,我只拍了J.R.R.托尔金(Tolkien)和尼尔·盖曼(Neil Gaiman)和莱妮·泰勒(Laini Taylor)都在外面摘摘这棵传说之树的叶子,并以一种令我们惊讶的方式将它们送给我们,但与此同时,他们在文化上或精神上或其他方面都非常熟悉。 “童话故事的领域广阔而又高又高,充满了很多东西:在那里发现了各种各样的野兽和鸟类;无边的海洋和星星不计其数;美丽是一种附魔,并且是永远存在的危险;两者都是欢乐在那个领域里,一个人也许算是自己很幸运地徘徊了……在他在那里的时候,他问太多问题很危险,以免门关上,钥匙要关上。丢失。” [托尔金《童话故事》]可以说-泰勒的故事提出了很多问题!但是,从来没有关于她的世界的可信度或生存能力。仅关于她的故事本身。为什么硫磺会收集牙齿,为什么Karou真的是Karou的父母,手上却有纹身? 《烟与骨的女儿》是一种流派(超自然的浪漫/浪漫幻想)的一项成就,其中爱情故事被允许在讲故事本身的更基础方面投下阴影。刻画,冲突,解决-有时,这些故事被遗忘了,以制作更好的爱情故事,这使书本很烂。但是,在拉妮·泰勒(Laini Taylor)的情况下,并非如此:爱和渴望在一个美丽的想象世界中完美地发挥了作用。莱妮·泰勒(Laini Taylor)的《烟与骨的女儿》做得很好。她是一位出色的讲故事者,具有出色的想象力。 hamsas,牙齿,烟雾,骨头,两个月亮的神话-都微妙地展现了出来。没有多余的细节,一切都适合。那么,她的第五颗星怎么了? “你只需要让它呼吸……”有一次,我在小说写作课上的一个孩子在他的信中对我说。
Rui Manso _yntax_rror — ** spoiler alert ** Not a terrible book, but certainly not a favorite. The fact that it was about homosexuality was the first reason I almost didn't read this, and it isn't because I don't support it or believe it, it was because of the idea that if I was found out to be reading a book like this, I would be judged about being homosexual myself. The accusations of this sort have followed me for 6 years. Even my closest friends have questioned this matter. Regardless of all that, I chose to read this book because it was written by John Green and everyone is reading John Green. My friend Kayla got me into it and I have to say that without her, I would have a very boring, sheltered, unexciting life. Her ability to really see words and understand them is so powerful to me. I...am getting off track. The book: The plot was really good and I loved the interweaving chapters and double stories that took place until the awesome epic meeting scene. Then all shit went crazy! Tiny Cooper was very annoying but kind guy, freaky as hell but nice. I hate his crazy antics and the weird stuff he does, like smash his head into a car horn, or using that very same car horn to wake up Will Grayson and the rest of the sleeping neighborhood at 5 something in the morning. The Will Grayson who was friends with Tiny Cooper was a really good character, I saw a lot of myself in him, minus his retarded "rules". But I do agree that "shutting up" makes you a better listener and expands memory. Also probably because I never have anything significant to say. I am very happy when he realizes that he loves Jane and makes it work, I love his realizations of how he feels with everyone and what he does about it. His relationship with Jane made me think of the lack of my own relationship. It also made me think about how so far all the John Green books I have read, (Abundance of Katherine's, Paper Towns) have to do with teenage relationships. It made me think about everything, and made me wonder if I was ever the topic of a sexually positive conversation, or even the latter. I became worried. Was I ever desired? Because I certainly was never approached in the halls by some girl expressing such words. Moving on: I love Jane, her character is warm like a brownie fresh out the bakery oven. She is the girl I wish I could be friends with, she was smart and so funny. I just had a feeling of warm goo when I read about her. In the other Will Grayson's life, I really didn't like him. He was nice and stuff, but he was too...strange. I'll admit that what happened to him was very unfair and sad, but I feel the kid had to get straightened out. I liked his mom, she was really nice and just so soulful. That's the best word I can use, just a real awesome mom. I liked his two nerd friends, one because one of them was named Simon (and I really have not read many books with a character who has the name Simon) and also because they were just such nerds that they were instantly lovable. I really like Maura, even though she was a cruel person for doing the whole Issac thing, I still liked her a lot, and I feel so sorry for her that she had to be all alone. I really wish I could know the kind of material that she wrote in her notebook. All in all a good book, but one I won't be recommending to my mother.
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