Patrick Freedom từ Scavezzà VI, Italy



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Patrick Freedom Sách lại (10)

2020-01-23 21:30

Cuộc Sống Của Bạn Đã Tốt Đẹp Chưa? Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Marcia Ullett

Bedbugs is a thoroughly creepy read. It's not horrific in the way we commonly think of the horror genre. Bedbugs gets into your psyche, instilling a paranoia that will have you scratching incessantly while convinced you just saw a bug out of the corner of your eye. I loved the family in Bedbugs and would have enjoyed their characters in any story. I particularly "got" Susan, a woman who has recently quit her job to pursue her dream of being an artist. She and her husband have a daughter, with a nanny that comes during the week so Susan can work on her art. Susan struggles with the guilt of being home and still employing a nanny, as well as feeling her husband resents her for not working while his business is struggling. She's a character most women will easily understand, because at one time or another we've all suffered from a version of mommy-guilt or wife-guilt. Also, with no history or mental illness or hypochondria, she sees bedbugs while others swear there aren't any. This too will be relateable for many, since most people have experienced a version of hypochondria, however minor, in their lives at least once. Bedbugs is scary, especially because you don't know where the story is going. With a title like Bedbugs, you'd think the matter would be pretty self-explanatory. I personally pictured one of those creature movies Syfy always features. This definitely wasn't the case. The story takes unexpected turns that surprise and work very well in the plot as a whole. Bedbugs frightens because the idea of being infested by tiny bloodsucking insects is traumatic and very possible, especially now when outbreaks of bedbugs are often in the news. Bedbugs is relevant and will make your skin crawl.

Người đọc Patrick Freedom từ Scavezzà VI, Italy

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.