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Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Doãn Kiến Lợi
There is a sticker on the book that says DaVinci code meets Alex Rider however I must contest that characterization, this is really an old fashioned adventure book more in the vane of Indiana Jones. With lots of suavely dressed bad guys, exotic locations and ancient treasures. What the author did well is create a cast of characters that either gender will enjoy from the brother/sister team searching for their parents, to the daring aviatrix Liberty Devine and Captain Mckenzie.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Disney Pixar
She's got a warm way to her characters and her writing, very comforting. I would like to read more someday.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Francis Xavier
good book, but a bit long in some places. Owen Meaney is still this man's masterpiece IMO (of the books of his I've read that is!)
Sách được viết bởi Bởi:
One of our favourite children's books. The kids loved the I-spy element and I soon knew it off by heart so could 'read' to them whilst doing something else.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Lý Nhân Phan Thứ Lang
‘Life is messy, clean it up,’ is a well-known sound byte from a product advertisement on television. Unfortunately, real life is more complicated, with enough twist and turns to make the most stalwart among us dizzy. In Joyce Scarbrough’s novel, Symmetry, she has written a winner focusing on the complexity of life and the many facets of human relationships. Jessica and Lee Cassady’s life becomes more complicated when they come face-to-face with the realization that their marriage is not as perfect as it should have been. Jess has no doubt that Lee loves her, but his macho posturing has always been a source of irritation to her, and his inability to understand her needs suddenly becomes maddening when she calls his hotel room and a woman answers. Scarbrough’s book is not your ordinary romantic potboiler, for she has combined a wonderful story with some of the problems that many people have to live with on a daily basis. Jess has a hair-pulling condition called Trichotillomania, which is one of many types of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Her book is not only entertaining, but it serves to increase public awareness of this condition, as well as the many others that make some of us ‘different’ from our friends. Having had cancer twice in my lifetime, I am well aware of support groups and what they can mean for someone suffering from afflictions beyond their control. Symmetry is well written, informative, and entertaining, and most important, it might open the eyes of many who are having trouble understanding the behavior of a loved one. The characters are real and the fast moving plot will keep you wanting more, I highly recommend this book and I suggest that you put it on your reading list. Symmetry is a novel you don’t want to miss.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Nguyễn Đông Thức
loved it
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Claire Sandy
Inhalt: Cassel fühlt sich überall als Außenseiter. In seiner Schule hat er nur wenig Anschluss gefunden. Noch schlimmer ist allerdings, dass er auch in seiner Familie oft wie das fünfte Rad am Wagen behandelt wird. Cassel gehört zu einer Familie, die seit Jahrzehnten das Fluchmagiergen in sich tragen. Sie können Gefühle manipulieren, Erinnerungen löschen oder das Glück anderer Menschen beeinflussen. Nur Cassel scheint diese magische Gabe nicht zu besitzen, was ihn schon seit Jahren quält. Die Erinnerung an seine ehemals beste Freundin Lila bereitet ihm allerdings noch schlimmere Qualen. Vor drei Jahren hat Cassel sie ermordet, nur weiß er nicht warum. Eines Tages erwacht Cassel auf dem Dach seiner Schule. Durch sein Schlafwandeln kommen allerdings Wahrheiten ans Licht, die sein komplettes Leben und die Erinnerungen an seine Vergangenheit zerstören könnten. Meine Meinung: Die Idee der Fluchmagier an sich ist sehr interessant, spannend zu lesen und etwas für mich völlig neues. Umso gespannter war ich auf die Umsetzung, die der Autorin aber leider nicht immer gelungen ist. Die Gabe der Fluchmagier, oder auch Fluchwerker, wie sie oft von der Gesellschaft aus Angst genannt werden, ist faszinierend, nimmt aber auch erschreckende und grausame Züge an. Anfangs hatte ich große Schwierigkeiten mich auf die Geschichte einzulassen und völlig in das Buch zu versinken. Ich hatte den Eindruck, dass Holly Black die Gabe der Fluchmagier als völlig selbstverständlich als Wissen des Lesers vorausgesetzt hat, als würden sie wirklich in unserer Welt leben. Immer wieder tauchen Personen mit einer anderen Fluchfähigkeit auf, die wie bereits gesagt sehr interessant waren, nur musste man sie erst einmal verstehen. Für mich gab es seitens der Autorin viel zu wenig Erklärungen, die teilweise auch ein wenig verwirrend waren. Auch war die erste Hälfte des Buches ein etwas anstrengender Start. Die Geschichte ist nur langsam in Fahrt gekommen und ich habe darauf gewartet, dass endlich der auf dem Klappentext angekündigte Wendepunkt erreicht wird. Als er dann endlich eingetroffen ist war die Geschichte wirklich sehr fesselnd, sodass ich den Rest des Buches in einem Rutsch durchgelesen habe. Besonders angetan war ich von der Darstellung Cassels. Der Autorin ist es wunderbar gelungen die Gefühle des Protagonisten an den Leser heranzutragen, sodass er für mich zu einer sehr authentischen und beinahe wirklich existierenden Person wurde. Die restlichen Charaktere sind in meinen Augen allerdings etwas blass geblieben. Sie waren in der Geschichte zwar immer präsent, doch konnte ich mich einfach nicht in sie hineinversetzen. Die Nebenfiguren wurden von der Autorin wenig bis gar nicht beschrieben, obwohl sie für den Verlauf der Handlung allesamt von großer Bedeutung sind. ‘Weißer Fluch’ ist der Auftakt einer Trilogie. Das Ende des Buches ist allerdings in sich abgeschlossen. Wer also einen Fantasyroman ohne Cliffhanger lesen möchte ist mit ‘Weißer Fluch’ gut bedient. Der zweite Teil der Reihe erscheint im englischen unter den Namen ‘The Curse Workers – Red Glove‘ (Die Fluchwerker – Roter Handschuh) im April 2011. Fazit: ‘Weißer Fluch’ ist leider nur in der zweiten Hälfte des Buches wirklich spannend. Das Thema des Buches ist allerdings etwas sehr besonderes.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Susan Meredith
I thought it was a bit like the hunger games- but I liked hunger games better. It was a littel too much like a lord of the flies kind of theme. Boys suck in a changing mazetrying to solve it to escape with no memory because it was wiped before they were sent to the maze and arrive to a pecking order. It's ok wasn't my favorite does draw you in once you get past the made up words the boys create. IT's almost like they are tring to swear with out using swear words. They use it like a swear word and can't have the boys say one sentence without using it. So at first you are confused trying to figure out what that word means and they never really explain very well but you get the picture after they use it often enough.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Nhiều tác giả
How many times is Curtis Sittenfeld going to write Prep? Does it matter, if she does it so well?
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Ingo Siegner
This book was disappointing...not enough intrigue or suspense. Harris failed to develop Sookie's relationships with Quinn, Eric and Bill. (I think she took the easy road here) She failed to develop Bob the cat's storyline (weak), as well as Sookie's relationship with her great-grandfather (superficial). Harris introduced some new characters, but they were mundane, they come out of left-field (?). I don't think she had a clear picture of what she wanted to write...Harris may have given into the pressure of producing a book on a deadline, if so this book was not a Sookie story...I don't know what it was. I'm disappointed. The book was mediocre, with the sense that Harris was trying to wipe the slate clean, which is ridiculus because the characters are already a part of the storyline and should remain so. For example, the Queen, Siegebert, Quinn and Bill are barely even mentioned in this book. Two are killed off, one is dismissed and one is ? (have no idea). These characters make the books interesting, along with Sookie, Pam, Eric and Sam, and to find a quick resolution was a cop out. Makes me wonder about book 9.
Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.