Mario Uribe từ Ingong, Gabon



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Mario Uribe Sách lại (10)

2018-06-05 16:31

Giải Toán Vật Lí Dao Động & Sóng Cơ Học (Ôn Thi Tú Tài & Luyện Thi Đại Học ) Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Lê Văn Thông

4.5 stars eave Myself Behind was not what I expected at all. Seriously, I did not expect this book to go where it did. I got the impression from the cover and the blurb, that this could be a heavy read. Maybe too heavy for me. I was semi-right, the plot wasn't light, but not too dark either - just the way I like it. And I liked, loved it! I found myself constantly surprised by how funny, yet sad, dark, but touching it was. One minute I laugh out loud, and the next I felt tears in my eyes. It really moved me. Noah is artistic, honest, blunt, opinionated and most of the time utterly impolite. His voice is a real teenager's, with an attitude. The narrative is clear, compelling and laced with humor. Also, Noah is gay, but deep in denial. Both he and his mother, Virginia had a sharp sense of humor and I fell in love with the both of them at the very start of the novel. I'm not sure if it was intentional or pure concidence, but her name, and her being a poet, made Virginia Woolf pop into my mind. Anybody who tells you he doesn't have mixed feeling about his mother is either stupid or a liar. Granted, Virginia York is a special case. Living with Virginia is like living with a myth. She's only half-human; the rest is equal part wolverine, hyena, goddess and rutting goat. In other words, she's a poet. Virginia was eccentric and complicated, to say the least. She loved Noah very, very much. And Leave Myself Behind was as much her story as Noah's. J.D. was an unknown entity to me and to Noah. We didn't know what to make of him at first. Is he straight? Gay? What does he want? To be friends with Noah or more? And what about his family? His mom? Is his family normal, just going through some rough patch, or is something else hidden in there? Rest assured, everything/everyone came out - pun intended -, but not always at the right time. And wow, everyone in this book had some pretty heavy stuffs in their past. And not just the people, but the house as well. In fact, it was the house that has hidden the most sinister, most destructive secret. It made me chill to the bone. I can totally understand that they didn't want any of those long-buried, horrible secrets to come to daylight. Ever. But you know what they say, nothing stays a secret, not forever. And when they do come out, they have the power to destroy everything. But it also could be a chance to rebuild, reconcile, to leave our old self behind and make things better for the second time around. They all had to go through their own dark tunnel to "reach the light", to find hope and happiness again. And that wasn't easy. Leave Myself Behind is such a captivating coming of age, coming out story. I loved it and can't recommend enough. And don't worry, while it has some dark moments, the ending is optimistic - and no, I won't tell you more.

2018-06-05 18:31

Tô Điểm Thiên Nhiên - Sách Tô Màu Và Kiến Thức Khoa Học - Biển Khơi Xanh Thẳm Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Nhiều Tác Giả

I have to say, I am surprised to see so many bad reviews to this book.... Ok, I am not an academic, I am a disabled, very ill and with many problems in my own life, 50 years old woman, who reads to get pleasure. And pleasure this book gave me. It also gave me the wish to read Austen, (I did not even see the movie or the BBC series) which I think it is an achievement for the author.... I liked other books by Potter a bit more, but still, I reckon the kind of fiction she creates is great, funny and entertaining, which (at least under my point of view) is the point of books. In this day an age in which young people read little or none, this book makes an interesting read which I could even suggest to my 13 years old daughter.... and, foul language? I have read this book a few weeks ago, and my memory may fail me...but I don't recall language which will beat Eastenders or some other TV programs.... I liked the book. Not the best of Potter, but I really liked it. If you like me, read to have a good time, a bit of a laugh and, sometimes get emotional.... I reckon you'll like it, but, by all means: go on read the other reviews...there are many, many people who gave it 1 star....and in here I come to the thought I always get when confronted with *critics* in all forms of art.... do they write? the book critics? do they make films? the film critics? do they paint? the art critics? I always say to my child that, to criticize a singer, a musician, any person in some profession, we first have to have the ability to do at least 10% of what they do..... I reckon Potter does a good job.

Người đọc Mario Uribe từ Ingong, Gabon

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.