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Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Trương Thanh Thùy
I've read his sonnets one thousand times over and I still can't get enough. I absolutely love them, which is great, since we'll be studying them AGAIN in my senior seminar course AND my Shakespeare (my second time in this class haha) course this coming fall.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Jim Collins
I read this while I was staying with Melissa in California. It captured my attention while I was in California visiting. That has to be some sort of positive review, right? Neil Gaiman is a very interesting and busy man. The characters in this are very fluid, I could never tell what or who they really were. I liked this book quite a bit.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi:
I came across this book by accident. I was in the library looking for another book but the title caught my eye. Having read alot of vampire books lately I was ready for a change. Wow did this book deliver. I loved the characters and the way they are connected to the pack. It is so interesting the way the author portrays wolves. There is comedy, suspense, drama and romance. This is definately a 'good read'!!
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Thiên Hạ Bá Xướng
soal cerita gak perlu di bahas sepertinya. Standar from zero-to-hero-advanture. Ceritanya memang tidak begitu istimewa, tetapi cukup untuk membuat saya tidak rela melepas buku ini sampai jam 2 malam untuk namatin petualangan Tiuri. Satu hal yang perlu ditekankan adalah, gaya bahasa penerjemahnya. Diluar dugaan gaya bahasa yang sedikit nyeleneh dan tidak baku ("Lah buset" contohnya.. XD) dan penggunaan beberapa istilah dalam bahasa indonesia yang saya sendiri baru kenal dari buku ini yang membuat buku ini sangat menarik dan lucu ditempat yang buku lain tidak bisa tampilkan. Secara umum, 3 bintang kalo penerjemahnya orang lain deh.. haha
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Leonard Susskind
Not my fav by him but still very enjoyable. I wasn't satisfied at the end--not necessarily with how it ended but rather that it was over already. I could have stayed with these characters for a while longer.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Vân Anh
Wow, I found it really rewarding to read this book. I reserve five stars for books that make me grow. I love the lyrical and lush prose and would have enjoyed it for just that in HS or uni, but I think being 30+ with some experience of relationships (fulfilling and not) helped me to appreciate Janie's evolving selfhood from dreamy child to young bride in an arranged and loveless marriage -- she then runs off with a man who "..spoke for far horizon. He spoke for change and chance" -- to a resilient and self-reliant woman. So many beautiful passages. Here's an early one: She was stretched on her back beneath the pear tree soaking in the alto chant of the visiting bees, the gold of the sun and the panting breeze when the inaudible voice of it all came to her. She saw a dust-bearing bee sink into the sanctum of a bloom; the thousand sister-calyxes arch to meet the love embrace and the ecstatic shiver of the tree from root to tiniest branch creaming in every blossom and frothing with delight. So this was a marriage! She had been summoned to behold a revelation. Then Janie felt a pain remorseless sweet that left her limp and languid. A great deal of dialogue moves the story along. Surprisingly the heavy use of Southern Black vernacular did not slow me down. I've been somewhat obsessed with the dialect of the Scottish Borders which mostly boils down to phonetic variations of spoken English (which I find delightful!). Also, I'd never had a tea cake until a friend brought me one from TN last year. Buttery and sweet as sugar! Tea Cake is the nickname of Janie's third husband. There are many layers to this story and I plan to reread this book again over the years.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Nhiều Tác Giả
"I could have sworn that just a few second ago I was twenty-three, and now here I am in this wretched, desiccated body." I think the most interesting part of this book was its approach to looking at and understanding old age. Alternating between flashbacks of being a young man who accidentally began working on a circus and his life now living in a nursing home the book portrays life and the changes we never saw coming. An interesting read.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Cassandra Clare
KONEČNE! Ugh, možno by som tej knihe dala aj dve hviezdičky, ale je to Richelle a ja nejako nemám to srdce ohodnotiť to až takto zle. A napokon tých posledných sto strán ma aj viac-menej bavilo, keď som si k tomu konečne sadla a čítala s presvedčením, že od toho nevstanem, kým to nedám dole. Ale inak ma tá kniha celkom ničila. Pri Bloodlines som to brala ešte ako rozbeh, bola som celkovo hlavne nadšená, že sa stále môžem vrátiť do svojho obľúbeného sveta VA. Počas Golden Lily by som zrejme tiež trpela, ak by sa tam neobjavil Dimitri a nerozjasňoval svojou prítomnosťou moje dni. Ale Indigo Spell... To bolo utrpenie vzhľadom k tomu, ako veľmi zažratá som bola do VA kníh. Chýbal mi tam nejaký výraznejší dej a zápletka alebo aspoň vyvrcholenie, ktoré by mi vyrazili dych a vyvolali vo mne aspoň nejaký pocit nadšenia. Všetci sme si hádam zvykli, že Richelle nekladia ani tak dôraz na zápletky jednotlivých dielov ako skôr na celkový príbeh, ale toto bolo až príliš nemastné-neslané. Ak to porovnám s veľkoleposťou Shadow Kiss, tak Indigo Spell by sa malo skrútiť do guľôčky a zaliesť pod najbližšiu posteľ, také bolo malinké a nevýrazné. Ústredná zápletka s čarodejnicami bola celkom zaujímavá, no nie som si istá, či bola aj dostatočne zaujímavo podaná. Prevažnú väčšinu knihy sa tam iba striedali dookola tie isté sćény: rozhovor s Terwilligerovou, trénovanie kúziel, rozhovor s Adrianom, pátranie po Marcusovi a sem-tam sa tam objavili aj ďalšie postavy: Eddie, Jill, Angeline, Trey... zohrávajúci absolútne nepodstatnú úlohu. Neverím, že by sa tam tá učiteľka mohla vyskytovať ešte častejšie a ak by aj áno, asi by som to nebola schopná dočítať - tak nehorázne nezaujímavú postavu som už dlho nezaregistrovala. A Marcus... neviem, čo mal byť Marcus, ale vôbec na mňa nezapôsobil a tiež hrozne otravoval. Všetko to tam ako slniečko presvetľoval Adrian, samozrejme, ale ani on nedokázal dostatočne zahnať tie mračná nudy a opakovania sa tých istých okamihov na dostatočne dlhú dobu. Navyše mi ho bolo nehorázne ľúto, pretože mi pripadal iba ako bábka v rukách Sydney. Sydney povedala skoč a on skočil. A aj keď ho urážala a vyhadzovala mu niečo na oči, no vzápätí zistila, že potrebuje, aby skočil, on aj tak ihneď skočil. Jeho pomoc ochotne prijímala, ale veľmi rýchlo sa začala správať ako mrcha, keď prišlo na dôvod, prečo to pre ňu všetko robí. Na jednej strane sa dá pochopiť, prečo bola Sydney vždy taká ostražitá, veď to, čo jej celý život vštepovali do hlavy, sa nedá zahnať len tak behom dňa. Ale tým, že sa ním najprv nechala ošahávať a potom si odrazu zakaždým spomenula, že to nie je správne a vmietla mu to do tváre, na ňu teda dobré svetlo v mojich očiach nevrhalo. A naňho tiež nie. Plus, tá mágia! Ugh, taký nezáživný súboj som už dlho nečítala. Tak možno aby som to zrhnula, keďže zatiaľ to pôsobí asi tak na jednu hviezdičku: IS je pre mňa zatiaľ najslabší diel série (snáď mu tento titul Fiery Heart nevezme), ale stále je to Richelle. Jej štýl písania je ohromný a v pozadí sa dajú cítiť stopy a náznaky toho, kam smeruje celá séria - a ja ešte stále verím, že na nás v závere vytiahne niečo veľké. Je tam množstvo záhad, ktoré treba rozlúštiť, vzťahov, ktoré treba urovnať, a ja budem rozhodne pritom, ako sa to bude diať. Možno s niekoľkomesačným oneskorením, ale dozviem sa to.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Đỗ Hồng Ngọc
I was greatly diasappointed by this book. I feel the author could have made this book shorter because there was a lot of details that we didn't really need to help with the plot in any way. overall, i wish the author spent more time thinking about a better ending instead of random details to put into the book to fill up pages.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Nhà Số 5
Inspired by the lyrics to "Scarborough Fair", Impossible is a modern day fairy tale about a teenage girl cursed by an elfin knight. She has to complete three impossible tasks, or she and her children will belong to the knight forever. It more or less reminded me of reading The Da Vinci Code. I didn't like the way it was written (what was up with the switching POV?), the characters felt more like archetypes (if Mary Sue and Henry Stu count as archetypes), but I couldn't put it down until I knew how it ended. Of course, once I got there, that was kind of a letdown too. I should have just skipped to the end to see how she explained it. Meh.
Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.