Staszek Tarczynski từ Jaboticaba - RS, Brazil



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Staszek Tarczynski Sách lại (10)

2018-10-19 20:30

Sài Gòn Chở Cơm Đi Ăn Phở Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Ngữ Yên

"Adam & Eve" by Sena Jeter Naslund is a fic­tional book which tries to tackle the evo­lu­tion / cre­ation­ism debate through its char­ac­ters and via the sto­ry­line. The book encom­passes a love story, thriller and mys­tery in short space. Lucy Bergmann watched her hus­band die in, what she thought, was a freak acci­dent. He has entrusted Lucy with his life's work on, appro­pri­ately enough, a mem­ory drive (thumb drive, flash drive)proof of extrater­res­trial life which she wears around her neck. The Bergmann's friend, Pierre Saad dis­cov­ers a new ver­sion of the bib­li­cal book "Gen­e­sis". Together with the proof of extrater­res­trial life these dis­cov­er­ies threaten Judaism, Chris­tian­ity and Islam which makes Lucy and Pierre tar­gets. When Lucy's plane crushes, she finds her­self in the Gar­den of Eden with an Amer­i­can solider named Adam who believes she is his Eve. "Adam & Eve" by Sena Jeter Naslund is a story about begin­nings, rein­vent­ing one­self and is full of metaphors about the gen­e­sis and Gen­e­sis. Clearly we've taken things lit­er­ally and out of con­text when it comes to reli­gion and just as well it is easy to do so with this book. The writ­ing also reminded me of the way the bible is writ­ten, it is lyri­cal with beau­ti­ful prose and well writ­ten. The Hebrew bible is not full of "thy" and "thou" but is writ­ten in sim­ple lan­guage, poetic and to a mea­sured beat. I have no idea why the trans­la­tors chose to trans­late in a high brow man­ner and even change some of the mean­ings -- but that's a dif­fer­ent discussion. I did enjoy the book but I think it would be bet­ter enjoyed with mul­ti­ple read­ings, get­ting accus­tomed to the writ­ing style took me a while, I was almost a quar­ter way through the book before I got used to it and about half way through before I real­ized that the book is try­ing to tell an alle­gor­i­cal story. This is when I gave the plot holes, some huge, a pass. Actu­ally, the story becomes less inter­est­ing when the author leaves the deno­ta­tive approach and becomes lit­eral. How­ever, to her credit it must be said that the theme of "Gen­e­sis", in terms of adapt­ing, sur­viv­ing, and rein­vent­ing, is always present. The theme of "Gen­e­sis", not is in ori­gin, but as an event that begins some­thing, is a premise that I can iden­tify with and spoke to me through­out the book. I have lived in sev­eral coun­tries and in many cul­tures: rural, city, sub­ur­ban and even in a col­lec­tive for a large part of my life. Each time it was the end of one thing and the begin­ning of other. Each one was dif­fi­cult but frankly I feel sorry for those who born and die within a 5 mile radius and never expe­ri­ence any­thing dif­fer­ent. This is espe­cially sad in the United States where young peo­ple rarely travel and older ones refuse to expe­ri­ence new cul­tures even if it means just cross­ing the city/state line. For more reviews and bookish thoughts please visit

Người đọc Staszek Tarczynski từ Jaboticaba - RS, Brazil

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.