Jaime Cruz từ Krishnaganj, West Bengal , India



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Jaime Cruz Sách lại (10)

2018-11-21 10:30

Next Level Toeic (Kèm 1 CD) Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Myeong-Hee Seong

"Nach dem Auflaufen auf ein Riff und der anschließenden Zerstörung ihres Schiffs durch einen Taifun, ist die Mannschaft der „HMS Diane“ unter Kapitän Aubrey auf einer Insel, ca. 200 Seemeilen von Batavia entfernt, gefangen. Aus geretteten Materialien versuchen sie einen Schoner zu bauen, dies wird durch einen Überfall feindlicher Malaien gestört, glücklicherweise will ein chinesischer Dschunkenkapitän Schwalbennester auf der Insel ernten, und so ergibt sich eine Mitfahrgelegenheit. Das Glück ist ihnen weiterhin hold, in Batavia wurde gerade ein holländischer Segler gehoben, der nun zur Verfügung steht. Damit besteht nun die Möglichkeit, zum einen die französische Fregatte „Cornélie“ abzufangen, sie war ja der Grund, warum Kapitän Aubry und sein Freund Maturin in diese Weltgegend entsandt wurden, und zum anderen den Treffpunkt mit der „Surprise“ zu erreichen. Es gelingt, und dem weiteren Auftrag Richtung Südamerika steht nichts mehr im Wege. Der 14. Band aus der Aubrey-Maturin-Reihe zeigt einige Längen, das gewohnte Tempo wird nicht an allen Stellen durchgehalten. Trotzdem gibt er Einblicke in die damalige Zeit, vor allen Dingen in das koloniale Leben Australiens. Das Land erlebte gerade eine Hochphase als Sträflingskolonie, und wurde dementsprechend auch regiert. Leser der Reihe werden sich sofort zurechtfinden, mit den vorstehende Abstrichen also ein „Muß“, für Neueinsteiger dürfte es doch erhebliche Verständnisschwierigkeiten geben."

2018-11-21 13:30

Các Phương Pháp Tìm Nhanh Đáp Án Bài Tập Trắc Nghiệm Môn Toán Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi:

I'm super bummed because I had this hugely long review written, and my computer died! SO we'll see if I can recreate it now. I must say, I reveal a few of spoilers. Sorrry! This was a really great read - just as much as I was expecting, my guilty pleasureful Jamie fix. It was a riveting story and I loved it from start to finish! Yet it wasn't necessarily perfect. There were just a few things that probably would have knocked it down a .01 review point (naturally by Jamie default this one gets rounded up to a 5!). I REALLY wish that Claire wasn’t away from Jamie so much in this one. Yes, she was back in the 1960s for like 200 pgs with her daughter and all but I think one of the reasons I inhaled the other books was their relationship being together. Then they were away from one another again for at least 100 or so pages when they were separated onto different boats going to the Indies. What the heck! It made for a good story, yes, but I love the Jamie-Claire thing. Those parts in Claire’s POV weren’t as enthralling. I also was a little put off with the fact that they were no longer 20 something’s, and instead in their 40s. I guess as a 20something, I’m not as interested in relationships of 40 something’s? Is that awful? Guilty, I guess. So I basically spend the whole time picturing them the same as they were in their twenties. I found some parts confusing – SO much was going on and I was sometimes questioning where they were, who people were, etc. Granted, I should have read slower? Either way, I probably would need to read it again in order to fully grasp more details. So despite those things, I was immensely happy with the story! I obviously loved that Claire traveled again, and found Jamie. Super romantic! And that they didn’t separate time-wise again. I love that Jamie is constantly on the run, and how he handles all the crud life tends to hand him! Really like Lord John Grey, too. Interested in reading the books about him. Also I really hope we learn more about Brianna and her possible future husband, back in the 60s. I definitely love where J and C ended up at the end… psyched to see what life will be like for them! Did I mention that I love that this book spanned about 3-4 months instead of a few years like the others? I don’t think I’d care to hear about their romps when the two of them are like 60+. But regardless I will read anything about these two. I’m so hooked. Already feeling some Jamie withdrawal, but Drums of Autumn is too grotesquely huge to bring on the plane to Florida! I recommend this to everyone… these books are amazing!

2018-11-21 16:30

Tủ Sách Giáo Dục Trong Gia Đình - Những Điều Cha Mẹ Chăm Sóc, Khuyên Dạy Con Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Hải Nguyên

This is another review of a book I read before I knew about Goodreads (maybe it didn't exist in 2008?) It seemed like a good chance to post it. Away: A Novel By Amy Bloom Publisher: Random House, 2007 ISBN: 1400063566 256 pages “Away” by Amy Bloom is a modern classic. It is the Odyssey, with the part of Odysseus played by Lillian Leyb, a young Russian Jew in the 1920’s. In her little village of Turov her mother, father, husband, and, presumably, her toddler daughter, Sophie, are slaughtered in a Pogrom. Unwilling to admit Sophie’s death she searches frantically only to be told by a neighbor that she had seen the little girl in the river. With nothing left to remain in Russia for, Lillian begins a heart-rending journey that takes her from Russia to New York City to Alaska. She does what she has to do to survive in this strange new world, where she doesn’t understand the language or the customs. Survival isn’t always pretty. A joyful day comes that she is told Sophie is alive, rescued by villagers who fled with her to Siberia. Lillian leaves New York instantly, to find her daughter even though it means crossing the United States with just the clothes on her back and maps given her by an old Jew who secretly loves her. The maps point the way to Alaska, the Bering Strait, and Siberia. She walks. She walks through mud, snow, mosquitoes, filth, and violence into love with a lonely man. When she becomes lost in a snowstorm he goes into the blizzard to search for her and Lillian loses once again. This is a story of a mother’s love, of the indomitable courage of a young woman who didn’t set out to be a hero, of determination in the face of the impossible. There is love in this book but no romance. Lillian deals with reality, from having her small store of money stolen early on, to being filthy and crawling with head lice, her feet blistered and blackened. “Yes,” you will think, “this is exactly what it would be like to walk, owning nothing, helped by no one, from New York to Alaska.” And you will wonder every step of the way, will she achieve the unachievable and find her little daughter? Will she ever know peace and love? The style of writing is different, and breaks rules in a way I wouldn't attempt. The looks into the future of the different characters was disconcerting the first time, but after that I liked it. I was astonished that some people saw the character of Lillian as flat, and her quest unbelievable. I couldn't disagree more. I recommend this book highly for anyone who likes books with some difficulty to them. A beach read, it isn't. This was my first Amy Bloom book; it won’t be the last.

Người đọc Jaime Cruz từ Krishnaganj, West Bengal , India

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.