Peter Roth từ Tamaterau, New Zealand



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Peter Roth Sách lại (11)

2018-12-06 06:30

Nhà Thông Thái Nhỏ Larousse - Động Vật Thảo Nguyên Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Valérie Guidoux

“…janganlah sekali-kali kau memetik buah sebelum matang…”Michael ayah Iyasu Novel yang menarik, meski terasa singkat, sehingga terasa seperti mimpi. Hingga akhir saya belum puas membaca novel ini. Namun, di luar hal tersebut, novel ini patut mendapat apresiasi. Pengarangnya yang merupakan seorang dokter tidak menghalanginya untuk menampilkan fragmen kehidupan tokoh Iyasu yang fenomenal bagi rakyat Ethiopia. Seorang kaisar baru yang harus menghadapi pertentangan, antara menuruti kehendak gereja yang menginginkan pembantaian terhadap kaum muslimin yang berjumlah tiga per empat penduduk negeri dan menuruti prinsip pribadinya yang menginginkan kesejahteraan dan persatuan tanpa adanya kekerasan. Namun "keluguannya" harus menyebabkannya tersangkut dalam polemik dan konflik yang panjang dan menyakitkan. Ia dikhianati oleh adik iparnya sendiri yang kejam, Tafari. Seorang diktaktor yang rela menjual negara kepada orang asing demi kekuasaannya. Novel ini membuka mata kita, bahwa niat baik saja belum cukup, karena strategi dalam mempertahankan kebenaran juga perlu. Karena selalu saja ada orang yang tidak suka jika kebaikan ditebarkan. Di samping itu, tidk layak seorang pemimpin, tergesa-gesa memetik hasil, seperti dikatakan ayah Iyasu “…janganlah sekali-kali kau memetik buah sebelum matang…” karena buahnya akan terasa pahit.

2018-12-06 10:30

Bộ Thẻ Học Tiếng Anh - Đồ Chơi (Tặng Kèm Bút Xóa) Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Kiều Giang

Throne of Glass was everything I was expecting and more. I absolutely love fantasy and magical older times, especially when they're done right. Throne of Glass is fighting, magic, and killing done right. The Crown Prince Dorian along with the royal guard including Captain of the Guard, Chaol Westfell, have traveled far and long to find well- know assassin Calaena. The King has decided he needed a personal lackey so to say, and Dorian thought Calaena would be perfect and well worth the trouble, so he retrieves her from a death camp. She's told if she can win the battle to be his father's champion she will get her freedom after four years. Having no other choice, she agrees. She soon finds herself training with the rough yet handsome Chaol - Captain of the Guard and the other champions who are mostly brutes and bad guys. It's not any thing close to easy, but she knows she must win. But when the Crown Prince starts to show interest in her and champions start turning up brutally murdered, Calaena finds herself worrying about way more than just the competition. Holy moly on toast! This book! Sarah outdid herself... I honestly couldn't put it down. This is one of those books that I sacrificed my sleep just to finish and good golly was it worth it! I adored every fighting scene. The constant struggle between Calaena and Dorian and Chaol. The fear. The magic. It all came together so perfectly for me. I love Calaena's strength through out Throne Of Glass as well. It really was a "second chance" or a "rebirth" for her. Being taken from somewhere so horrible and even though she had to fight for it she turned into a new person. A hero, a fighter, and a someone you could trust and depend on. I mean come on... she's a trained assassin. I thought it was intense and exciting to watch her tear down each fella one by one. One character she helped and I absolutely loved was Nox. In such a rough situation it's always nice to have a friend and Nox was adorable in his own way. I actually hope we see him again in the future. As much as I loved both main boys, I am team Chaol. Dorian just seemed like that first love, I'm infatuated with you but not meant to be with you type of love. I must say that I did fall for him somewhat though. With his dark hair, bright blue eyes, his belief in true love, the fact that he takes care of his dogs, his love for reading... it's impossible not to feel something for him, but he didn't evoke my emotions like Chaol did. One of the things I absolutely loved about Chaol is you see a few huge shifts with him. In the beginning he's mostly quiet, brooding, untrusting, and distant. As we crept closer and closer to the end we find Chaol opening up... He's trusting Calaena, being less distant and actually trying to help and care for her. Plus mention the fact that he's sexier than Captain Hook in Once Upon A Time and can take down just about anyone makes my heart beat all over the place. As I was reading multiple people kept asking me what team I was, and I admit it took more than half way through for me to finally choose but this is the scene that did it for me: "In the garden the Captain of the Guard stared up at the young woman's balcony, watching as she Waltzed alone, lost in her dreams. But he knew her thoughts weren't of him. She stopped and stared upward. Even from a distance, he could see the blush upon her cheeks. She seemed young - no, new. It made his chest ache. Still he watched, watched until she sighed and went inside. She never bothered to look below." My heart broke for him at this part and right then and there I knew I was team Chaol because I never felt anything of that magnitude for Dorian. Chaol Westfall... just seriously? That name? Sex. He's 22 and my age... perfect. And let me tell you, Chaol gets even better and better as the book goes on! Overall, this whole story from start to end was brilliantly done. From the fights, the murders, the romance, the books, the intensiveness, the heart break, the magic... I just loved everything and could not put it down. If you enjoy fantasy, magic, super hot fellas, mystery, fights, adventure, and a kick-ass chick... pick up this book. You will not be disappointed. I'm already begging for the next installment.

2018-12-06 15:30

Học Tốt Toán Lớp 4 Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi:

Heavy is the crown of a dragon queen who does what she must to ensure her planet’s survival. Her word is law and to break it is a death sentence who defy her, but her harshest decree has cost everyone their dragon’s freedom. In order to become a more modern planet and trade with Earth, the people of Castra must keep their true forms secret. This unfortunate ruling has led to madness and eventual death to many draconic people as well as cost the harmonic unbalance of the planet itself. Now to save her planet she must undergo the thrall. Maeja knows what must be done to save her people. She has been in survival mode since the beginning of her reign centuries ago. Maeja’s captain-at-arms, Geirsson has no intention of letting Maeja live like she is not a woman who has needs or let her cage her dragon any longer. Valdason, elite Dragonbane warrior, may be young but catches on quickly by observation and instinct. These three will have to come together and release their lustful beasts. This story is heavily female dominated as the crown of this draconian nation is passed on from mother to daughter, but the males are no less dominant in their own right especially on a sexual level. I was fascinated by the rituals of these dragon shifters and the world created around them, but felt that neither was as fully explored as I would have liked with such a unique planet. However, the story is set in a way that it is easy to get caught up in the fantasy with much of the focus surrounding Maeja and Geirsson. With so much eroticism, I devoured this story and would love to see more from this author of this amazing world. Review also posted @ Whipped Cream Erotic Romance Reviews:

Người đọc Peter Roth từ Tamaterau, New Zealand

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.