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Sách được viết bởi Bởi: James Lee
** spoiler alert ** I loved reading Bones & Cat again, though I wished they had gotten more alone time together.... I fear the image of a burnt mannequin will be stuck as my image of Cat, not cute... I love Bones, Spade, Ian and Mencheures for the single fact that they are all so different, yet so united... completely there for the other if needed... Spade, Mencheures and Bones fiercely protective of their mates is Hot as Hell!!! But even with all these Hot Vampires, and Bad ass Cat with her completely insane ways, My weakness is Bones and Cat, their Love story, the way they are with each other, It makes the series for me, and I did feel less of them in this book, not sure why since there wasn't really an extended time when they weren't together, I suppose it was because for just one moment alone, they had to go miles and miles away and High in the sky (which that scene btw, was Awesomely erotic)... Tyler was the best part of this book, great character...
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Jim Gleeson
Good, but wanted some of the plots to be resolved.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Sơn Nam
I really liked how the story is told in reverse. I also liked Marquez's characters and setting, very real.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Trần Cương
I learned to read from my mom and Dr. Seuss. With classics like Green Eggs and Ham, The Cat in the Hat, and others. Great books, great times, great memories!
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Mijika & Liuzi
Great read! Something for everybody. It's not often that a new novel will please both horror aficionados and newcomers alike, but Brett Talley's first book does just that. Told in five parts, That Which Should Not Be is the story of Carter Weston, a student sent on a mission to secure an ancient tome. What he finds along the way are four old men, snowed into a seaside tavern during a nor'easter, each with their own frightening tale to offer. Through the course of the stories, readers will have their own favorite tale (mine was the one of students on a grand adventure who wander into trouble in Eastern Europe, but others might enjoy a psychologically frightening tale of a New England asylum -- or that of a fur trapper who faces evil in the woods). This is a great read -- a real page turner -- my only wish is that there was more. Keeping my fingers crossed for more from Talley -- and that Hollywood gets its hands on this one.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: The Windy
Already read through once and will re-read more carefully. Good information. I think this will remain a reference book for me.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Nhiều tác giả
This is a cute story, but my child thought it was cute to refuse to use the potty like this princess. Not a bonus in for me. I feel this is more for the parents than the child.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Hoàng Ưng
رواية واقعية في اعتقادي الشخصي .. ولا أقصد بهذا أنها حدثت بالفعل وما يكتبه الكاتب هو ذكر لقصة حفرت في عقله ، بل أقصد أن هناك العديد من القصص المماثلة والتي سمعنا عنها أو جلسنا واستمعنا لأبطالها في مكان ما !! كمية الإقتباسات الرائعة في الرواية تجعل القارئ يتوق للعثور على المزيد وتلوينها بقلم فسفوري ، إما لأنها تلامس جزءا معينا في حياته أو فكرة معينة في عقله ، أو ببساطة لأنه وجدها جميلة الصياغة ، بليغة التعبير ، ومستحقة للحفظ في المفضلة للباحثين على اللغوية الرائعة جدا والتي تصل للقمة ، في الكلمات والتمثيل والبلاغة .. فهي رواية تعطي كم هائل جدا من المتعة اللغوية كقصة .. أعجبتني فصول معينة مثل حرب الخليج التي أبدع الكاتب في وصفها ولامس القلب ، كانت فترة لا يريد الكثير منا أن يتذكرها أو يكتب عنها ولكن قراءتها أعادت ذكريات قاسية نوعا ما عن وضع العالم العربي في ذلك الزمن ، وفي الوقت نفسه أعاد ذكريات الحنان والعاطفة والحب والخوف الذي جمع شمل عائلات كانوا يضيعون أوقاتهم في المخاصمة والجدال ، وذكرني بالآباء الرائعين المحبين لذويهم في ذلك الزمن وذكريات عمل المستحيل لحماية فلذة الكبد. مس تنغل ، والأم .. شخصيتان رائعتان في هذه الرواية ، ربما أختار الأجزاء التي تحدث فيها عنهما كالأفضل على الإطلاق ربما يكون ديار رغم أخطائه الكثيرة وحياته البائسة وطريقه البعيد جدا عن الدين هو الملاك الطيب لناصر ، فرغم قسوته وعدم مبالاته المتصنعة إلا أنه كان يقول الأصح والحقيقة التي لا يريد قلب ناصر الذي أعماه العشق أن يصدقها ، ولكن المؤكد بلا شك أن مها هي الملاك الشرير ، الذي يقبل عليك بابتسامة استدراج ..! الرواية رائعة جدا .. أحببت الكثير من أجزائها ونقصت نجمة في التقييم لعدم استطاعتي تجاهل أمرين ، قصة حب عابثة جدا وواقعية في أحيان كثيرة مصورة خلال كل أجزاء الكتاب كأنها أمر مبرر ، رغم أنها غير مبررة أبدا فكيف لرجل أن يحب متزوجة !! لقد إنتهى الحب عند قبولها بالآخر ، هذه حقيقة يجب الإيمان بها دون البحث عن أدلة أو براهين أو تبريرات ، والأمر الآخر مها الأفعى الغادرة ، طريقتها في استدراج فريستها كانت أعظم درجات الخيانة لنفسها أولا ، ثم لزوجها .. وأخيرا تعود لناصر كآخر فصول رواية لا ينبغي أن تبدأ بعد النهاية بهذا أبدا ..!! رغم أن مها من الشخصيات الأساسية جدا في الرواية وقد تكون الدعامة الأساسية لسرد كل المجريات .. أبطال القصة الذين استمتعت بهم هم الأم ومس تنغل وديار وأخوات ناصر ، واللغة !! .. مها بالنسبة لي كانت ثانوية جدا .. جدا شكرا لكل أجزاء العفة .. لا يهمني أبدا كيف يكون شكل مها بلا ملابس وإلى إبداع أكثر
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Suzanne I. Barchers
What an astounding memoir. Even though The Hiding Place and The Diary of Anne Frank are of course amazing accounts of the war and concentration camps, this book gave me much more of a feel for what the war was like and the devastation and atrocities that took place. Alicia's account greatly differs from the other books by telling what happened to Jews that weren't taken into concentration camps. We hear so many stories about the camps (and rightly so), but I have to admit it never occurred to me to wonder what happened to all the other Jews throughout Europe who managed to escape the Nazi's and being taken to the camps. Alicia's story is awe inspiring, I'm still dumbfounded that she was in her early teens when she experienced all she did, her strength is like nothing I have ever read before. My only criticism (and it's minor) it that it is written so poorly, it does a disservice to the telling of a must-read account of the extermination of millions of Jews.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Ruth Owen
Jonathan Eig's book about the iconic "Iron Horse" is an extremely well-written, engrossing, and engaging book. I rarely give out five stars, but this book is deserving of such praise. Lou Gehrig comes to life in these pages. One sees a reluctant, shy star and reads about his heartbreaking illness that felled him at the prime of his career. Tbe book read like a novel, not a dry non-fiction tome. The Gehrig we meet is more interesting than any paint-by-numbers portrayal of one of the greatest players of all time. I highly recommend this eminently readable book.
Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.