Mariam Khalil từ Lourmarin, France



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Mariam Khalil Sách lại (10)

2018-03-18 15:30

Ben-Hur Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Lewis Wallace

Favorite Line(s): "We still hate Bridgette, right? I haven't missed anything?" I shake my head. "We still hate her."-I just love this. Oh, Anna, how have I not reviewed you yet?! How have I yet to gush about my complete and utter adoration for every piece of this book? How have I never talked about my fascination with Paris and films and my glee when I found out Anna was a fellow germaphobe?! Alas, since I've failed to rave about this brilliant YA debut I shall do so now. Anna and the French Kiss is one of those books that makes readers want to grab a beret* and a plane ticket and head off on the adventure of a lifetime. It's fun and exciting and heartwarming and frustrating and much much more. Anna Oliphant is a relatable protagonist with enough quirks to keep readers from feeling she's the typical female lead in YA lately.** Anna's voice was so strong I felt like I really could pull her from the pages (We would totally be BFFs-we could share hand sanitizer and trade cleaning tips.). The audience is truly taken on a journey with Anna, we learn her secrets and motivations and fears and get to know her. Once we do know her everything she does becomes "Oh, Anna would do that." I loved reading from her perspective and seeing the world through Anna's eyes and....damn it I need another book from her POV! She's truly a character I wish I could write. Anna's real, hilarious, kind, and clean. Very, very clean. Étienne St. Clair is a different matter entirely. I wish I could roll up to Ikea and pick up a St. Clair in aisle 3.† St. Clair is one of the most crush-worthy characters I've ever had the pleasure to read about. I wanted to climb up onto my roof and shout his name to the sky upon finishing this book. I can't explain in a single review how much I adore him, you'll have to read the book and find out why he's so swoon-inducing yourself! The first time I'd ever heard about Anna and the French Kiss I was watching a VlogBrothers video as I do religiously three times a week. John Green rarely recommends books in his videos and very, very rarely are they ever YA. So obviously I grabbed a copy the next day and then I started reading immediately. And I found it was set in Paris.†† And it's about a boarding school. And I didn't stop reading until I was completely finished. And then I went on Stephanie Perkins' blog and read every post and can now officially call myself a fangirl. Anna is such a believable story, but that's not where the magic lies. It lies in the fact that I wanted to believe this story. I wanted Anna and St. Clair, Meredith, Rashmi, Josh, and even Dave (okay, maybe not Dave) to get whatever they wanted. I wanted them to be happy, or at least content and I wanted to believe that they would stay friends and take on the world together. I cannot adequately explain how much or even why I love Anna and the French Kiss so very much. I can only recommend that everyone who is a fan of reading and hope picks this up at a bookstore, library, or even borrow it from someone else. Seriously, just stop reading this post and go read it, kay? *Maybe not the beret. How about a crepe? Everyone loves crepes. **You know...the "perfect" girl who's the only one who doesn't think she's brilliant in every way. †I actually have no aisle preference. I've never actually been to Ikea but I'm sure each aisle is lovely in its own right. ††Fun fact: my dream college is the American University of Paris. So I was EXTREMELY PLEASED with the setting. And I actually wrote a ten page paper on Nouvelle Vague French Cinema so France + film geek = Cara likey.

2018-03-18 21:30

Sói Và Gia Vị - Tập 2 Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Hasekura Isuna

I’m not a big Historical Romance fan. No…that’s not true. I don’t read Historical Romance at all. At least not until I read A Little Bit Wild. I can’t say that I’ll go buy every HR book on the shelf, because – well, yeah- I’m still not sure that I like the genre in general. However, I do love Dahl’s writing regardless of genre. As I’ve said before, not many authors can write cross genre and me like every book. She can and does. I love that the women in Dahl’s books don’t back down, and if they do there’s usually a benefit for them (fine by me!) A LITTLE BIT WILD holds true to that. Marissa outwardly comes across as a very refined, proper lady. But inside, she’s different. She has a desire to know about being wild. She wants to have fun, so she does. Even though it goes against society. I loved that she did what she wanted to and she owned up to the mistakes she made. Not once did she lay blame on someone else for her indiscretion. Jude. Well, let’s see where do I start with Jude. He’s the opposite of Marissa. On the outside he comes across burly and insignificant. His reputation is that of a lesser male, one that society doesn’t necessarily frown upon, but they don’t regard him highly either. Unlike Marissa, his outwardly appearance is wild and free spirited. Inside though, he’s a gentleman. He cares about women and how they are treated. Jude knows how to love. My favorite thing about Jude is that he understands Marissa and respects her wants/needs to explore the scandalous nature of sex. When Marissa needs someone to help her and save her family’s reputation Jude steps in to help. Then he doesn’t back down even though Marissa pushes. More than once while reading about these two I forgot this was a historical novel. The writing isn’t stuffy and neither are the characters. Even Marissa’s brother, Baron York, isn’t as stuffy as he could be. The care and love he has for his sister comes through very well. A couple of times the book slows down and drags while the family goes back and forth trying to keep Marissa’s reputation from being ruined. But all in all this is a great read. As usual, Dahl’s writing jumps off the page and makes you fall in love with characters. So even if you aren’t a fan of Historical Romance I still recommend this book. You’ll love it anyway (I hope)!

2018-03-18 23:30

Học Thuyết Vân Bàn Tay Của Gia Cát Khổng Minh Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Trịnh Hoành

"Eat the cake anime!" This is one of the funniest quotes from the book I, Tina. I, Tina is one of the few books I have read in my spare time out of boredom. Surprisingly, I enjoyed this book so much that I then went out my way to see the movie. The movie was just as amazing as the book itself. The fact that this book was non-fiction, made me enjoy it because I only like fictional books to a certain extent. The humor and sorrow played out well in I, Tina because it made me think and at the same time, I could relate to it. One more thing that I loved about the book was how it ended. Being that I, Tina is somewhat of a biography on Tina Turner’s life, you should automatically know that this book is non-fiction. I love when I am able to relate to a book and that is exactly why I enjoyed this book. Tina included real characters and real events in the book, which made it very interesting and hard to put down. One part of the book that amazed me was when Tina spoke about the birth of her child and how Ike snuck her and the baby out of the hospital, knowing that Tina had a low blood count. He did this just so Tina could continue to sing, he didn’t care about her health. Tons of feeling and emotion was put into the book because you can feel it through writing. Although I, Tina is a serious it is very humorous. I, Tina has very sad parts but I thought they were hilarious. The book has tons of emotional chapters it makes me feel like i was in Tina Turner's shoes but even though is heavily emotional it makes me laugh. A funny part of the book was when Ike Turner made Tina eat the cake. It was funny but sad at the same time because it wasn't funny to Tina. In conclusion, the story of her flight from Ike with thirty-six cents to her name; the subsequent lawsuits for breach of contract and her comeback to fame and fortune that topped anything she had known when she was part of Ike-and-Tina-Turner is well known enough not to have to recount here; but most of this book is a fascinating and well-written exploration of her childhood, her rise to fame, and the hell of her marriage with Ike, told by many different voices besides hers and Ike's that were witness to it all. We listen to Tina's own voice: "I gave in to myself. I went inside of me to help me. You can do it." We look at Tina now, heading for seventy and still drop-dead gorgeous, and we feel a deep admiration and respect for a very magnificent lady. This book is inspired reading.

Người đọc Mariam Khalil từ Lourmarin, France

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.