Kristen Winstead từ Aḩmadābād, Markazi, Iran



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Kristen Winstead Sách lại (11)

2019-01-09 06:31

妖たちの四季 (妖怪の子預かります3) (創元推理文庫) - Bốn mùa của Youkai - Đứa trẻ bị Youkai bắt giữ 3 Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: 廣嶋 玲子

Drinkwater: A Sobering Tale of a Medieval Knight by Otto Scamfer is one of the best books I've had the pleasure to read in a long time. It is a sheer delight to have discovered this fine gem in a sea of mediocrity. Over the years, I have grown cynical about the books I read. Even some of the better books I've read seem to take themselves too seriously or not serious enough, resulting in a reading experience that is often hit-and-miss. It is rare that a book moves me from the very first page. But...more Drinkwater: A Sobering Tale of a Medieval Knight by Otto Scamfer is one of the best books I've had the pleasure to read in a long time. It is a sheer delight to have discovered this fine gem in a sea of mediocrity. Over the years, I have grown cynical about the books I read. Even some of the better books I've read seem to take themselves too seriously or not serious enough, resulting in a reading experience that is often hit-and-miss. It is rare that a book moves me from the very first page. But from the start, I knew Drinkwater was going to be a memorable read. Drinkwater is the story of an alcoholic young man named Winston Tabor who has lost his status as a knight-in-training and succumbed to depression. One evening, as he is leaving the local tavern in a drunken stupor, he is attacked and nearly killed by his father's enemy. Upon surviving his grievous injuries, he discovers that he has been framed for his father's murder. Winston is hunted by the law and is forced to remain in hiding even while he deals with his overwhelming addiction to drink. The story that follows is one of hope, courage, and redemption. I am very impressed with this book and find myself constantly recommending it to others. Not only is this book well-written, but it also has a positive message, one I might add it does without being overly preachy. The best praise that I can give this book is to say that it is very rare for me to find a book that I enjoy without fault. There was never a single moment during my reading where I found myself bored by what was going on or speed reading to get past meaningless text. Every scene flowed easily into the next, making reading this book an thoroughly enjoyable one. Needless to say, I will be following the career of Mr. Scamfer and look forward to seeing what else his furtive mind can conjur up. If his other books are even half as interesting as Drinkwater, then the future will bode well for us lucky readers.

2020-04-28 01:04

Gió Đời Thổi Mãi Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Hà Mạnh Luân

在我写了关于圣经的感受之后,这本书是朋友推荐给我的。我同意他的许多说法并不令人惊讶。我对摩西和圣经中的许多其他人所做的事情感到厌恶,并声称上帝告诉他们这样做:杀害,偷窃,强奸,奴役等。圣经中有太多的习俗,人们现在不容忍,这应该是上帝的启示吗?我很久以前决定,圣经充其量只是一本历史书。它讲述了一个很久以前的人的故事。它包含了他们的信仰,迷信以及他们试图了解周围世界的方式。潘恩实际上说这更像是一本寓言故事……故事和传统传承了一代又一代,并在故事本该发生的数百年之后才写下来。潘恩谈到基督的教mostly大都是善良的,但有些观念对相信他们的人有害。对于一个好人或“像基督一样”的人会虐待自己的想法,我也感到沮丧。假冒伪善者似乎最想教这种教导,他们想进行虐待和虐待。它创造了让自己受到伤害以变得良好的人,以及因伤害他人而得到回报的人。我已经看过这个想法如何在虐待关系中反复出现,并且我对那些继续教导它的人感到愤怒,好像它是好的和真实的。 (如果当我伤害你时我爱你,为什么你应该改变并停止伤害我?如果我保持虐待性的关系,并且当他虐待我时更友善,我只是在教他虐待我。)所以……我同意并赞赏他的大部分著作。我喜欢这样一个想法,即世界上所有的创造物和科学与美丽都在说上帝。我们不需要人的话就可以告诉我们什么,因为什么本身就可以说明。

Người đọc Kristen Winstead từ Aḩmadābād, Markazi, Iran

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.