Mukesh Jain từ Dhand, Punjab , India



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Mukesh Jain Sách lại (10)

2019-01-14 12:31

Báo Quấc Ngữ Ở Sài Gòn Cuối Thế Kỷ 19 Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Trần Nhật Vy

Rhiannon Davies, known as Non, the main character in this novel, is a wonderful creation. A fascinating character I thought, a strong character, she seems almost ahead of her time. She copes with the two children of her husband’s first marriage, lovely Wil and more difficult Meg, plus another child, the mysterious Osian, who her husband brought into their home and asked Non to accept with no questions asked. On top of this her kind father in law is unwell, and most difficult of all, her husband Davey, recently returned from fighting in World War I, seems to be suffering from what we would now call post-traumatic stress disorder; she finds him each morning in some sort of terrible waking dream, reenacting some wartime shooting incident and hiding under the kitchen table. He does not speak of this to her. Non is desperate to have the man back that she loved before, and feels that she must find out what exactly happened to change him. A letter from someone Davey claims to have fallen in love with provides a clue that Non follows. As well as these concerns she struggles with her own particular health issues and curious gift that have impacted on her life thus far, and also juggles the relationships with her sister Branwen, and her nephew Gwydion, and her difficult mother in law Catherine. Further, she has cause to question what she knew about her late father, as she learns more about him. The author effectively adds to the heaviness that weighs on Non by incorporating the details of the weather at that time, hot and stifling, a heat that Non cannot escape until the end of the novel, when it finally cools down, in tune with the story. It is an interesting time period; just post World War I, with several in the locality mourning the sad loss of their men. We get a real sense of domestic life then, the heat of the range when cooking, the novelty of having a kettle, the procedures when doing the washing, all add to the authentic period setting of the novel. Additionally we learn a little about alternative medical practices, and the novel brings in some of what is happening around them in the world at the time, such as the rights of women, and the events in Ireland. I think this is a beautifully written novel, thought provoking, intelligent and enjoyable to read. The characters are so well drawn and believable, and I felt like I got to know them. I would recommend it and I would read more by this author.

2019-01-14 13:31

Biệt Thự Chuột Nhắt Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Karina Schaapman

After reading the two stories in the Alpha and Omega series by Patricia Briggs that I absolutely loved, I decided I should try this one too. Mercy Thompson, the heroine who gives her name to the series, is an auto mechanic and a walker. That means she can turn into a coyote. Mercy’s world is a succession of fantastic creatures, there are the fae, the werewolves, and the vampires and then there are the humans. Mercy lives in the Tri-Cities in the backyard of the local werewolf Alpha, Adam. She was raised among werewolves, in the Marrock’s pack, and she feels quite at home among them, in fact she feels there may be a special connection between her and Adam. When the story opens Mercy gives work to young man that appears on her doorstep, she can smell that he is a wolf but he doesn’t talk about that much. In the subsequent day, Mercy kills two werewolves, the young man is murdered, Adam, the Alpha werewolf is attacked, and his daughter kidnapped. Unable to decide who’s to blame Mercy takes a badly wounded Adam to see the Marrock, the leader of the wolves in North America. While Adam is being taken care of Mercy meets Samuel again, the Marrock’s eldest son who she was in love with once and with whom she almost run away to marry. It is quite apparent that there’s something still between them. Samuel is now a doctor and the Marrock sends him back with Mercy and Adam to discover what happened and where is Adam’s daughter Jesse. While it may sound a love triangle is in the works the main focus of the story is very much the action, the mystery behind the attack and Mercy herself. The story is full of suspense and very fast paced and I was completely immersed in it. Besides the werewolves, also the vampires play an important role in the story as Mercy has befriended the vampire Stefan and through him they try to find id they have any clues about what happened. I think one of the best things about Briggs’s books is how well she creates the fantastic world where the characters live. Despite there being innumerous characters and species, you never feel confused about who is what and it’s easy to understand who is who in the wolf’s hierarchy. Like in the Alpha and Omega series, I really enjoyed knowing about who has the power, how the laws are enforced, etc… And then the other this I really liked was Mercy herself, she is confident but knows her weaknesses, she is determined and courageous but not reckless and she is intelligent and actually a nice person to the ones who surround her. I can’t wait to read the next one and see what happens next with Mercy, Adam and Samuel and what adventures they will get involved in.´ Grade: 5/5

2019-01-14 15:31

Mẹ Kể Con Nghe - Hoàng Tử Hồng Ngọc Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Hà Nguyên

The quotes at the beginning of this book are from The Phantom of the Opera and Beauty and the Beast . Serving as the inspiration, the story follows a young woman (16-35 years old) as she falls in love with an older, disfigured, man. The man was 7 when his parents were killed in a horrible accident. Even after years of surgeries and grafts, his face is still unpresentable. He grows up in boarding school, goes to college, and starts a career as an architect. He tries to operate with as little contact with the outside world as possible. He hires an engineer with a past to be his contact. When a man he would consider a friend/mentor asks him to redesign his house, he meets the 16 year old daughter of his mentor. Instead of being disgusted, she falls in love. He's obsessed, as well. He tries to forget her, but can't. A relationship develops between the two. Not as bad as one might think, considering the man, even though he's almost twice the girl's age, has had little contact with the world. They're both innocents, really. The mentor dies. On the girl's 18th birthday, they marry. The man and his engineer friend teach her how to be a draftsman and she takes over the public face of the business. She never really grows up, however, protected in their little world. She struggles with wanting a child. The man doesn't want to bring someone into the world to face what he has. He's also terrified that the child will be afraid of him. It's not until the girl, now a woman, witnesses a suicide, ends up in a compromising position, and runs away from home that the man realizes what he's jeopardized all these years by rejecting a family of his own. Touching story. Okay, maybe a bit emotional, but I like that now and then.

Người đọc Mukesh Jain từ Dhand, Punjab , India

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.