Muhammed Atef từ Křepice, Czech Republic



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Muhammed Atef Sách lại (10)

2019-01-19 13:30

Tuyển Tập Đề Thi Violympic Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tập 1 (Kèm 1 CD) Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: The Windy

I love Greek mythology. I love Greek tragedies. I love the gods and goddesses and what they all represent and the timeless stories that accompany them. As with all people who love something, I am weary with re-imaginings and modern day updates of these tales. Some can be brilliant and really update the text to fit with the modern era, others can fail miserably. I was holding out hope for Carter’s debut (with a sequel in the works) since I have always been fascinated by the Hades and Persephone myth. There’s also a number of Greek tragedy related YA books coming out soon (including the much talked about “Starcrossed” in which the author received a 7 figure advance for what is billed as Percy Jackson for girls) so my interest was piqued enough to request an ARC on GoodReads. There was a phrase I kept using whilst reading the second half of this book – “What a dick move.” I apologise for the lack of eloquence here but it was the only thing I could think about the more this novel went on. To start off it wasn’t bad. It wasn’t brilliant and was definitely following a set pattern of mediocrity but there were a few moments I enjoyed, specifically Kate’s emotions regarding her dying mother. They were handled well and without overtly saccharine bucket-loads of cheap emotional grabs, and it was interesting to see a paranormal YA character dealing with such a difficult problem. Of course, this was quickly shoved aside for the plot, or what substituted for one. For the first half, “The Goddess Test” wasn’t horrifically bad, it was just mediocre. It seemed to be made from a well worn mould of YA fiction – outcast heroine who immediately garners male attention, jealous female antagonist who quickly becomes friend but fits all the clichés of flighty and annoying, mysterious and tormented supernatural figure to serve as love interest, bad boy moments, technical entrapment, etc. I’d read it all before and it wasn’t anything particularly exciting. Kate and Henry’s relationship was very poorly developed and didn’t make a whole lot of sense, not to mention how decidedly dull Henry was. How can you make Hades dull? By making him a moping misunderstood bad boy, that’s how. The Hades-Persephone myth was twisted into a more teen friendly shape where Henry was made into the victim, which bugged me to no end. Then again, these characters are so un-godly it makes sense to twist the myths to fit them. The characters are the story’s main failing for the bigger part. Kate is fine for most of it until she falls into love-struck too-annoying-to-live territory, typical for paranormal YA heroine these days it seems, and Henry is just dull. None of the immortal characters ever seem like fully fleshed out beings, let alone gods. They never convinced me that they were anything more than childish plot devices. The Greek gods could be childish but they could also be ruthless, passionate, cunning, devastatingly dangerous, charming, every other emotion you could think of. Here, the characters just served to keep the meandering plot from going too off-road. And this was all well and good for the most part. Like I said, it was mediocre but not awful. Then we got into the second half and things changed. What made up the supposed plot and the tests that were so important in deciding whether or not a teenage girl was worthy to become an immortal and co-ruler of the Underworld and the dead become more and more contrived to the point where I was rolling my eyes every other page. Not once was I convinced that Kate was goddess material and the so-called tests just made me think that the Olympians need to hire a new manager or something. but the biggest dick move came in the final few chapters, which I am going to spoil because I was so peeved off by them that I need to share my rage. SPOILERS BELOW. I MEAN IT. DON’T BLAME ME IF YOU’RE SPOILED AND DIDN’T WANT TO BE. ... Okay? (view spoiler) “The Goddess Test” is a mediocre book, chock full of everything one expects from paranormal YA these days, with serviceable prose and a few moments that keep things going amidst the dull characters and meandering plot. But the big reveal that makes everything okay for everyone except the reader just throws my ability to care out the window and frankly, it pissed me off. Can we stop using characters, especially teenage girls, as pawns in stories? Can we treat them with a little more respect than this? I can’t recommend this book, it just doesn’t seem to care about its readers at all, be they Greek mythology fans or not. This book’s left me with the same feeling I felt the very first time I saw the infinitely superior piece of entertainment, “The Wizard of Oz”, when it’s revealed to all be a dream. That wasn’t fair. 1/5. “The Goddess Test” will be released in USA on April 19th 2011. I received my ARC from

2019-01-19 21:30

Thương Một Người Đến Đau Lòng Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi:

A little more than a minute. That's all. Abby didn't look away for more than that, and perhaps it wasn't even that long. But that was all the time it took for her fiance's daughter to disappear into the San Francisco fog. What happened? Did Emma drown? Or was she kidnapped? Are horrible things happening to her, even as the city turns itself inside out, trying to find her? Now Abby is guilt-stricken, but she refuses to give up. Long after the police close the search, and her fiance tries to move on, Abby still continues, diving through the murkiest recesses of her memory, trying to recall the tiniest detail that will lead her to the answers and the truth...and Emma. Hmmm. That read like an alternative synopsis. Here's my take on the book: something of a page-turner. Its pacing is disjointed--fast at times, and then slowing down as the main character dives into the recesses of her memory and recalls periods of her past which remind her of the present. The main characters--namely Abby and her fiance--are compelling for their sheer ordinariness. Readers will relate to them, perhaps a little too much, and the worry and sickening fear will become something that is entirely plausible. A compelling read, and reminded me of Anna Quindlen's Black and Blue in terms of its pacing and tone, and possibly also its themes of family and devotion. Another read-alike possibility, if for no other reason than similar storyline: The Deep End of the Ocean.

Người đọc Muhammed Atef từ Křepice, Czech Republic

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.