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Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Nhiều Tác Giả
If I were able to read Salinger's Glass family stories as parody, they'd be knee-slapping, gut-busting eviscerations of mid-twencen affluence and the privileged class. The truth is that I've always felt that they were thinly-veiled roman a clefs filled out with aspirational padding. This is most apparent in "Raise the roof, Carpenter-bros!" while "Seymour: An Introduction" is the more engaging of the two stories, especially as rendered by the hilarious dilettante voice of Buddy/J.D.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi:
Made me cry and I never want to hear about "the fat o' the land" again.
My absolute favorite short story by her.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Mẹ Cháo quẩy
Why not?
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Nguyễn Ngọc Tư
From the description, I thought this was going to be such an interesting read, but it was somewhat of a let down. The story was pretty hard to get and stay into. I didn't find myself drawn to any of the characters, they were all pretty weak. A lot of people liked her first book, White Teeth...I'd imagine it was significantly better than this one.
Phenomenal story. Once I was able to truly begin reading I was unable to put it down. Truly the storyteller is able to keep you engrossed in the story and makes you feel as though you are living right beside each character as they relate the story to you.
This is the young adult fiction that you read and spend the rest or your life recommending or giving away to every kid you know. I never read this when I was young and I wish I'd found it then. I think it would have meant a lot to me. In a world that is over-run with new young adult fiction it is refreshing to read a book that has been around for so long and still remains pertinent. I think very few of the young adult books coming out now will be able to pull that off. Right up there with Louisa May Alcott and Madeline L'Engle.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Nguyễn Tử Quang
Alkuun tarina veti hyvin imuunsa, mutta loppua kohti mielenkiintoni alkoi hiipua. Luulen, että se johtui yliannostuksesta uskonnollisten pohdintojen ja kysymysten vuoksi. On hyvin ymmärrettävää, että kun kertojana on kolmannen sukupolven pastori (ja vieläpä 1900-luvun alkupuolen Iowassa), uskonto ja usko leimaavat hyvin vahvasti sekä koko ihmistä että hänen elämäänsä. Monessa mielessä se olikin hyvin kiinnostavaa luettavaa, ja ottaen huomioon miten helposti voisi mennä täysin metsään sydänsairauteen kuolevasta, vanhana isäksi tulleesta pastorista kirjoitettaessa, kirjailija on onnistunut hienosti. Teksti ei ole ihan liian imelää eikä ihan liian paatoksellista. Gileadissa on hienosti väriseviä tunteita ja hienopiirteisiä sävyjä. Se on hiljainen kirja, rauhoittumaan kutsuva kirja, joka ei ole liian osoitteleva tai saarnaava. Tähtien antaminen kirjoille on usein pirun hankalaa, ja niin oli tämänkin kanssa. Neljä tähteä antaisin, jos poika, jolle kirjan kertojapastori sanansa osoittaa, ei olisi vaipunut niin taka-alalle loppua kohti mentäessä. Olisin halunnut tutustua siihen poikaan paremmin.
It's fantastic book on inspiration and motivation. Simple language and easy to digest facts.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Lê Bích Ngọc
Timeless, Classic, thrilling! A true taste of culture and passion!
Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.