Pastra García từ Sandford, Strathaven, South Lanarkshire , UK



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Pastra García Sách lại (10)

2019-02-21 07:30

Hot Key - Phím Tắt - Phím Nóng Các Chương Trình Trên Máy Vi Tính Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Phú Hưng

Tempt the Devil is the sequel to Claiming the Courtesan, but the characters in the latter book play an extremely minor role in this one. They are mentioned once, then they have a small scene near the end. While I feel the books are related they are not--necessarily--a series and do not need to be read in order. Having said that, I enjoyed how Tempt the Devil started out. Unique plot with a notorious "rake" (Julian and Earl) openly bargaining for the attention and body of Olivia, a well-known and sought after courtesan. Olivia was 31 and men vied for her attention. She created such an air of mystery about herself and had "rules" about her encounters that men fell at her feet in an effort to get her to select them as a "keeper." Of course, they talked about her behind her back and she was not accepted in society. When she got tired of a "keeper," she moved on. But she had secrets. Shameful secrets that led her into the life of a whore. And her mission was not what men thought... Julian learned her secrets and together they began building a relationship. Sex was always the focal point; although, in the beginning they also talked, but their sexual encounters were all the time and got old. Halfway through the book, I needed something else to happen. And I got irritated at how the dialogue was continually interrupted with lengthy (sometimes multiple paragraphs) of narration. Enough. It was fine in the beginning, getting the internal thoughts of the characters, etc, but it stayed that way through the entire book and, for me, ruined some of the momentum when some serious dialogue was going on. Sometimes, so much narration went on between a question and an answer, I forgot what the question was. At one point, I began reading the dialogue then went back to read what the author was writing between the lines. Often, some of the narration was recapping previous events or thoughts repeated. I desperately needed something ELSE to happen in this book. Both characters were very likable, imo. Both had the standard troubled past and regrets to work through. I didn't buy that Julian fell in love with Olivia so fast--was shocked when he said he loved her so early in the book. For me, it conflicted with the way his character was set-up. Thought more time would be devoted to him clearing up his past mistakes and he caved too early in the book. Then the focus remained on Olivia and Julian and sex. Pages and pages of sex scenes...very long sex scenes--again filled with narration. It was evident the author broke out the thesaurus--regularly. While I think expanding my vocabulary is a good thing, jerking me out of the story to ponder the meaning of words may not be so good on the flow of reading a novel for entertainment, imho. A time-frame in the ending came late into the conversation and was buried in narration. I thought, come on, tell me how much time elapsed. Finally, that was provided. What got my attention to read this book was the cover...:-)

Người đọc Pastra García từ Sandford, Strathaven, South Lanarkshire , UK

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.