Pavel Levchuk từ Woskrzenice Małe, Poland



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Pavel Levchuk Sách lại (10)

2019-03-02 06:30

Đàm Thoại Tiếng Phổ Thông Hàn Quốc Trong Mọi Tình Huống Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Phan Bình

This book wasn't fantastic, it wasn't bad but it wasn't good either. I guess it's just an average read? One thing I do have to say before starting. Why is the title saying "one night love-child?" After reading the book, i got the feeling that their child wasn't conceived in one night. I mean they were together for 2 weeks, where it does it even say one night?? Moving on, I felt that the book was too rushed. Up until the time he took her out for dinner, the book was pretty good actually. But the moment he took her out for dinner, the events that followed was so rushed. And I felt a whole huge chunk was missing. I mean, apparently he asked her to stay with him and all and go on some vacation with him? Oh, and she's a virgin I might add. The thing is, they didn't even show us the whole 2 weeks part. I mean, weird or what? What's more, apparently it was then that they fell in love though of course he didn't know it. I felt that it was too big a jump. One moment they were having dinner and talking. The next chpt, he appeared at her house and was really pissed with her. Honestly, that really left me puzzled. Until I read on, I realised that the author just skipped past the whole thing. And isn't the first sexual encounter very impt especially if she was a virgin? Not saying that I want details, cos quite frankly, I'm sick of them. But really? Just skipping through the whole thing? At least the time there should have been focused on a little. If not, how are readers supposed to believe that they're in love? Sigh.. This book had potential, I was really hoping it would be a fantastic book. But sadly, it wasn't. Many things could have been improved especially the part about skipping a week or so here and there then just covering it in a single para. I dunno, it just didn't do it for me. Another rushed part. One moment they were at her house. Next chpt, they were in London and she had her own apartment that he got for her. I was like what??? I mean, it would have been nice to see how they had argued about her going to stay there. I mean, she doesn't want to be independent on him! Anw, pardon me only using her and him. I kinda forgot their names. I'm really bad with names. Unless it's a really unforgettable name. Back to topic, I felt that the book could have been really good. But I mean, I don't even know why she loved him. She kinda hates what he tries to do for her and see it as taking away her independence? Yet, her next thought is omg, I love him so much. I don't just want a marriage of obligation. Yeah well that's true, but I mean if you love him, shouldn't you at least like his actions or sth? If not what are you in love with? His face? If you say his character, isn't it displayed through his actions? Whatever, I just couldn't empathize with her. As for him, it was pretty much a shock when he said he loved her. If the book hadn't been coming to an end, I would have never have thought that he was gonna confess his love to her. Similarly, I couldn't really see it through his actions. Sometimes, he was just plain mean to her. Sure, he's domineering, I can live with that. But the thing that I couldn't understand was when she accused him of having an affair, he just said no and flat-out refused to explain. Granted, she should have trusted him more. But if you love her, explain it to her so at least she wouldn't be sad or sth right? Don't go away and start thinking for so long then finally feel happy that she was jealous, which proved that she cared or sth. Hmm well, that just didn't convince me of his love for her. One good thing though. I liked seeing some of his own views of her. Though not many, it was enough to make me feel I could understand how he felt, though I didn't see it in his actions, only his thoughts. One thing that puzzled me was how all of a sudden he realised he loved her. I mean, it was just so quick. Again, I got surprised. Oh, and I kinda liked his confession of love to her? I mean, it was pretty sweet and it did convince me in the end that he probably did love her, albeit in his own weird way. I guess this book could have been a lot better. I mean, there was so much potential! From the blurb, I though I would really love the book as it was the kind of book I love to read! Sadly, it was a disappointment. If only there wasn't such big gaping holes in the timeline of the book, I honestly believe that this could be a very good book. Sigh.. I really wish I knew what happened in those 2 weeks. I just think its very crucial to the plot if any reader is to truly believe their love.

Người đọc Pavel Levchuk từ Woskrzenice Małe, Poland

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.