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Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Nhiều Tác Giả
This is one of the books that really got me into historical fiction. Gregory creates great characters as she navigates you through part of the reign of Henry VIII. Loved it!
Sách được viết bởi Bởi:
I missed that this was a knit and crochet book, so I got it home before I realized that a couple of the projects that I really wanted to do were crochet. Drat! I'm working on the petal bib for a friend's baby that is due at the end of summer. Looks pretty good, but I think the second time through will be 100% better. There are a couple of other projects that I might modify, but I have to agree that some of the "one" skein projects are just ridiculous.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Minh Hiểu Khê
** spoiler alert ** يتناول هذا الكتاب بين طياته بـأسلوب سلس و ممتع إختلافات الناس و صفاتهم و سلوكياتهم و مهاراتهم من خلال تصنيفهم تحت 4 تصنيفات ( شمالي , جنوبي , شرقي , غربي) ضمن " بوصلة الشخصيه " يهدف إلى مساعدتك لمعرفة نفسك و تقييم ذاتك من خلال معرفة نقاط القوه في شخصيتك و تطويرها للأفضل و نقاط ضعفك السلبيه و مواجهتها . و يساعدك أيضاً لمعرفة سلوكيات الأشخاص من حولك و التكيّف معهم في الحياه و إنجاح كافة علاقاتك معهم. و هو كدليل لك ليرشدك لإختيار تخصصك في الجامعه و في مجال عملك من خلال مهاراتك التي تتميز بها و كيفية إستغلالها بالشكل الصحيح الموفق بإذن الله . الكتاب يتضمن 301 صفحه مقسمه على 7 فصول . أٌستمدت فكرة الكتاب من النظريات الكلاسيكيه لتصنيف طبائع الناس " كنظرية الأخلاط الأربعه لأبقراط وَ نظرية أرسطو قوى الطبيعه وَ نظرية يونج الوظائف الأساسيه الأربع للنفس البشريه وَ نظرية فصائل الدم ... إلخ " فخرجوا لنا أخيراً بـ تصوير الأشخاص لـ 4 طبائع : شمالي : سريع الحركه / واثق من نفسه / إستقلالي / تحمل المسؤوليه جنوبي : بطيء الحركه / مستمع جيّد / غير تصادمي / صبور شرقي : محب للكمال / دقيق / منظم / تحليلي غربي : إبداعي و إبتكاري / ذو رؤيه مرن / متحرر/ مغامر ... كل إنسان تكون فيه بعض من الطبائع الأربع من كل نمط بنسب مختلفه بحكم تأثره بالمجتمع الذي حوله و إكتسابه لبعض الصفات . بالتأكيد كل شخص يملك نمط غالب و دون الغالب * يحتوي الكتاب أيضاً على إختبار لتحديد نمط شخصيتك - بين الشمالي و الجنوبي ص 46 ص47 -بين الشرقي و الغربي ص48 ص49 ... الكتاب يُشّبه كل نمط بإحدى الحضارات من حيث أوجه التشابه بأهم صفاتها : الشمالي = الإسكندنافيين " الفايكنج" = القوه و الإستقلال الجنوبي=أهل الجزر الإستوائيه" جامايكا " = الصداقه و الكرم الشرقي=الأسيويين " اليابانيين" =التحفظ و إحترامهم للآداب << كإحترامهم للمواعيد و الإهتمام بآداب تناول الطعام و العادات و التقاليد الغربي= أمريكا الشماليه " الأمريكيين " = التحرر و غير تقليديين ... بالنسبه لي الكتاب رائع و ممتع جداً جداً أسلوب جميل و سهل إستطعت من خلاله التعرف إلى ذاتِ و الإبحار في ذوات من هم حولي و أصبح بإمكاني تقسيمهم تقسيم مبدأي بحسب ما يظهر لي من سلوكياتهم . كل من أحب أن يبحر في ذوات الأنفس أو حديث عهد بمجال تطوير الذات و أحب أن يستفتح أولى قرآئاته بكتب من هذا النوع أنصحه بهذا الكتاب . ...
Best book series ever. I read these when I was a young child, and reread them about a million times, in every order possible. I need to reread them as an adult. I hated the movie though..
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Nguyễn Ngọc Bình Phương
I highly recommend this book to women in general, but especially to mothers and prospective mothers. Bennetts presents a well-researched/documented argument persuading women to nurture their careers along with their children once they become mothers. In exploring the recent trend of impressively educated, highly accomplished young women sacrificing their careers to become stay-at-home mothers, she ponders the question: Why, when the future is unpredictable and women can so easily lose their husbands' income to divorce, disability, and death, are so many young women choosing to cheerfully hope for the best and voluntarily become dependent on their husbands? She examines some social and historical reasons, including how the conservative media portray working moms as selfish and clamor for a return to more traditional gender roles. She argues that female dependency has very strong roots in western culture and there is a lot of pressure on women to stay at home. Bennetts cautions about the various risks to women. At the same time, she details the many advantages to maintaining a career, discussing the financial freedom and the security that come from employment but also the less tangible rewards, such as intellectual stimulation, continuing to face challenges as you move further ahead in your career, earning respect and accolades from colleagues and bosses, the pleasure of lifelong learning, and acting as a role model for your children, among other things. Overall it is a fascinating read and very important contribution.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Wayne Cordeiro
Sexy Sasha, who I'm honored to call a friend, is an amazing writer and this book is positively delicious. Trust me, it is.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Nguyễn Ngọc Tuấn
serious stuff.
I adore Jerzy Kosinski's writing style, and it amazes me how he can string together simple words to form beautiful, complex passages. The overall message of the book was fantastic, but I feel that the first half of the novel loses its power as it begins to appear repetitive - boy travels to town, they think he's a gypsy, he's beaten, he works, he eventually leaves for another town. It's an interesting insight into the wartime mind, and investigates the power of belief (and of prejudice), and it's shocking in all of the right places.
Most outstanding, modern plot you'll ever read. Bold, original and immensely thought-provoking. Keeps you on the edge of your seat. I read it three times and with each time it got better and better. Probably one of the most quotable books there is. I can't stress much on how I adore this book - even more than the movie.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Bryan Mattimore
It's incredibly violent and jaw dropping but also quite believable. It makes you think about religion in general, not just the mormon religion, though especially that one.
Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.