Angie Di từ San Ponso TO, Italy



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Angie Di Sách lại (10)

2019-04-06 10:30

Combo Tuần Của Bé - Tháng 4 (Bộ 4 Cuốn) Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Dương Hà Ngân

** spoiler alert ** Whoa! Where do I begin? I was shocked, mesmerized, horrified, upset, and happy all wrapped into one! I don't know how, but Frost seems to do this to me all the time. I actually shed a few tears throughout this book. Cat & Bones fight, break up, he leaves, she thinks that it's done, thinks he's cheating on her, gets proof that he is, he comes back, proves he didn't and they get back together. But, OMG!!! When all of this was going on, all I could think was "Please, Please, Please, DO NOT have Bones be cheating on Cat!" I should of known all along, that Bones was up to something, and had a plan. I mean doesn't he always, poppets? LOL What an amazing ride this book was!! We're introduced to a new vampire named Gregor. Gregor is actually Cat's vampire husband from when she was 16 years old. Ummm, YEP! You read that right. I was as shocked as anyone else, because all I could think was "Wait. What? How? She met Bones first". NOPE! What a TWIST, I tell you!!! Cat was actually compelled at the age of 16 along with her mother to go with Gregor. Gregor knew that Cat was half Vampire & half Human, so he wanted to combine his powers with her, and keep her with him. Which he almost did, until Mencheres stepped in to save the day. Or did he? Mencheres, deleted ALL of Cat's memories of Gregor. The time she spent with Gregor. Everything. Cat had NO clue of Gregor. And Mencheres punished Gregor for messing with the balance of things and locked him up for years. Until, Gregor gets out and goes after what's his. CAT. Now, Cat's having all sorts of horrible nightmares about this vampire she doesn't know. Mencheres finally clues Bones & Cat in on what's going on and that's where all the craziness begins. It's a crazy ride, and Gregor will stop at NOTHING to get Cat back. He follows Cat and her gang everywhere she goes and on NYE, attacks them with hideous ghoul type of monsters that cannot be killed or destructed. Bones locks Cat up in a safe place and tells her to NOT leave the room, until she knows that she is safe. Cat, being Cat, hates not being able to help and takes matter into her own hands. She contacts Gregor through her dreams again, strikes a bargain with him, and is transported to him. In exchange, he lets Bones & her friends live. Sounds pretty good at the time. Cat promises Gregor that she'll let him make her remember their time together, but if at the end of it all, if she still wants Bones, he's to let her go. Gregor thinking that Cat will NOT want to leave, strikes a deal. We soon learn that Gregor did manipulate Cat to be with him, and Cat leaves Gregor for Bones again. Sounds pretty harmful, huh? Think again. Besides being scared out of his mind, Bones is also OVER THE TOP FURIOUS with Cat for NOT listening to him EVER. He feels that she doesn't trust him, nor does she ever take his word as being what's right. He also hates that Cat took Gregor's side over his and went with him. They get into a horrible horrible fight, and break up. They find their way back to one another, but not without a ton of consequences. Cat's best friend Denise's husband, Randy is killed in the NYE fight. Rodney the Ghoul who was also Justina's lover dies in another battle with Gregor's people. And once again, Bones is almost killed by Gregor in a battle for Cat's love and for the right to claim her as his wife. We also meet the Voo Doo Queen of New Orleans, Marie, in this book. She's pretty cool. Scary and harsh, but I liked her. I knew she'd back them up somehow. She actually teams up with Bones in the end to destroy Gregor, but it's Cat who actually kills Gregor in the end. Which leads to more consequences for Bones and her, because she's not allowed to intervene in a battle amongst Vampires. Cat's also turned into a full Vampire in this book...FINALLY!! And we learn that she's got some pretty different side effects of it. Some of which are hysterical. And others which are totally cool and helpful. Again, sex scenes lacking, but there a few. I just wish we'd get more! LOL Another amazing book though! Who winds up with Cat in the end?? Read it!

Người đọc Angie Di từ San Ponso TO, Italy

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.