Vikash Singh từ Raigaon, Maharashtra , India



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Vikash Singh Sách lại (11)

2018-04-01 23:31

Nguyễn Hoàng Tôn Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Lưu Hương

I have a hard time reading manifesto style books. I tend to find hyperbole for non-comedic purposes irritating. I'm just not very radical, I suppose. This book suffers too from being dated; some of the ideas are obviously still very relevant, but they've since been written about and reformulated in ways I find much more interesting, or at least less shrill. Wolf alternates between really piling on with the statistics and data, and writing melodramatic stories about her own life. Neither tone worked very well for me. Mostly, in a broad sense, I agree with her thesis that the societal pressure on women to look a certain way is purposely Sisyphean and consumer driven. I also thought Wolf did a good job of discussing the ways in which "health" has been elided into beauty; Shape, Women's Health and, for that matter, Men's Health may as well be Glamour. This has only expanded, I think, in the time since Wolf wrote the book. I'm hardly anti-medicine, but the "health" market is probably the next great consumer myth. Also, I thought Wolf did a reasonable job of including the detrimental affects on men in her discussion. True, it was a small focus, but her book was aimed at women and expanding the discussion of men's issues would have been inappropriate. She did repeatedly state that individual men are not responsible for the beauty myth, and that the beauty myth harms men as well. Her writing did have the unfortunate tendency, common to sociological and political tracts dealing with large, impersonal forces, to make it sound as though the problems she was lamenting were being instituted by some evil cabal that runs society from the top down ( I, personally, pictured the Springfield Republican Party w/ Mr. Burns, Count Dracula, Sideshow Bob and Arnold Schwarzenager whenever the writing leaned too far in this direction -- try it, it makes it more managable.) But it's hard to both avoid the passive voice and the tendency to make it sound like these are unchangeable, natural forces, and to avoid sounding like a paranoid conspiracy theorist, so I'll cut her some slack. I will not cut her slack on some of her ridiculous statements, however. For instance, her belief that the beauty myth comes between couples and makes it harder for them to bond is one thing, but expanding that to an assumption that the military industrial complex needs the beauty myth to keep men and women apart because it "depends on men choosing the bond with one another over the bond with women and children"(p. 144) is seriously overplaying her hand. The beauty myth is not the root of war, are you kidding me here? Perhaps the single most irritating moment of hyperbole in the whole book was the paragraph that begins with this sentence: "Nothing justifies comparison with the Holocaust; but when confronted with a vast number of emaciated bodies starved not by nature but by men, one must notice a certain resemblance"(p. 207). If nothing justifies comparison to the Holocaust, then just don't make the comparison. She later compares plastic surgery to torture and dieting to famine in ways that are equally irritating. I know she's trying to shock, and, especially in the dieting/famine comparison, I think there are probably appropriate ways to relate the two. I've been known to point out that Audrey Hepburn's much admired figure was largely a result of childhood malnutrition during WWII. And, just this week, there's been an uproar over the Bush administration's justification of providing starvation level rations of food to detainees by pointing out that Western women choose to diet at that level, as noted here. But Wolf is so over the top that it gets offensive. I also find her haphazard endnotes to be offensive. Several times she mentioned something inflammatory that I would have liked more context to, and either cited it with the least information possible or not at all. Specifically, she mentions offhand that a woman was ordered by a judge to lose 3 pounds a month (or some similar figure) to keep her job, and the endnote for that claim just cites a random Newsweek article, with no elaboration. That's at least a citation, if kind of irritating, but later she states that the AMA in 1978 claimed a preoccupation with beauty is the same as a preoccupation with health, and doesn't bother to cite that assertion at all. Complaints aside, I am glad I read this book. I don't think it's particularly good, mind you, but it is a widely referenced book on an issue that concerns me. I read a fair amount of feminist media that rehashes these sorts of discussions regularly, and in spite of that, this book did make some points, on the health/beauty spectrum and female rape fantasies in particular, that I had not thought of in quite that way before.

2020-04-28 17:46

Hạnh Phúc Là Gì? Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi:

这本插图小说的情节发生在1968年的第一部电影的宇宙中,主要讲述了宇航员约翰·兰登的经历,但其他一些知名人士和猴子也为自己致敬。故事伴随着著名漫画家的50多幅彩色插图。我认为猿猴星球的星球,我怎么说呢,太棒了!从皮埃尔·布勒斯(Pierre Boulles)伟大的原创小说《猿人星球》,到赫斯顿电影,再到当前的《猿人星球的崛起》。同时,不幸的是还有蒂姆·伯顿(Tim Burton)的电影,根本不能满足我的期望。但是现在电影专营权似乎又回到了正确的轨道。直到下一个猿猴黎明(从2014年开始)之前,我们必须耐心等待。然后加斯卡的小说派上了用场。与第一部电影相似的故事是,知名的备受关注的主角和著名漫画家创作的丰富多彩的艺术品,这可能并没有那么大。对不对不行没有啦没有啦不幸的是,不幸的是没有。相反。实验彻底失败了,这是有原因的。安德鲁·E·C·加斯卡只是写得不好。他可能是专营权的忠实拥护者,他可能是一位出色的数字艺术家和艺术总监,他一定是本着最好的意图来参与该项目的,但他却不能写作。不仅作品令人不满意,坎and而笨拙,而且故事和角色,尤其是泪流满面的宇航员约翰·兰登(John Landon),都对引人入胜毫无兴趣。加斯卡说,他想填补第一部分的空白,并从不同的角度告诉我们这个故事。但是为什么,我想知道他是否没有有趣的事情要告诉我们。您将在这里找不到任何新知识甚至猴子宇宙的扩展。如果剧情不是很令人兴奋(我们已经知道电影的结局),猴子和人类之间的互动仍然会提供足够的吸引人的叙述。但是在这里,“人猿星球的阴谋”也无法得分,因为兰登失去了声音,因此无法在小说的大部分内容中与灵长类动物进行合理的交流。因此,您会通过无聊的倒叙和关于猴子社会的阴谋的不寻常的情节折磨自己。所有这些都更好地在原著中阅读或看到。绝对没有必要!结论-谁偷了椰子?本书采用POTA复古风格设计精美,并带有令人印象深刻的彩色插图。但是,尽管包装可能很棒,但这个故事却缺乏想象力且肤浅。当阅读像金刚一样的书时,人们会因为这个错失的机会而愤怒地鼓着胸,但徒劳无功。 “猿人星球的阴谋”仍然令人失望。相反,我建议每位粉丝使用Boom!Studios最新的漫画系列《猿人星球》。您得到的所有想要的东西在这里都是徒劳的!

Người đọc Vikash Singh từ Raigaon, Maharashtra , India

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.