Ben Map từ Lowland, TN , USA



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Ben Map Sách lại (11)

2019-04-20 20:31

Những Bầy Mèo Vô Sinh Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi:

Bloodlines is the first book in a new spin off series to Vampire Academy. Bloodlines follows on one month after the events in Last Sacrifice and mixes the old with the new making it readable whether you’ve read Vampire Academy or not. This book follows Sydney an alchemist whose job it is to protect humans from the secret vampire world. Sydney is still in trouble with her people after her part in helping Rose Hathaway and is sent on a new mission to redeem herself by keeping vampire Princess Jill hidden in the human world. Sydney, Jill and two familiar faces to Vampire Academy fans Adrian and Eddie must protect Jill at all costs but with humans sporting magical tattoos similar to those of the alchemists and Moroi (the good vampires) murdered in unusual circumstances the stakes are higher than ever. I’m a HUGE fan of the Vampire Academy series and couldn’t wait for this spin off. I was a little worried that this book wouldn’t live up to my love for VA but I’m happy to say that it did! Richelle Mead’s writing is as fast paced and snappy as ever and Bloodlines has a good mix of the old to keep fans satisfied and the new to make it fresh and exciting so that it’s not just a copycat of its predecessor. Events from Last Sacrifice follow on in a natural, smooth way but Sydney and Co also unearth a lot of new problems and a whole new exciting plot Richelle Mead evolving this amazing world even further, delving more into the alchemist side of things but still keeping the plot intermingled with the Moroi (good vampires), Strigoi (bad vampires) and Dhampirs (half human, half vampire). Fans of Vampire Academy are probably eager to know if there will be any appearances or talk of our old favourite characters, Rose, Dimitri, and Lissa and I’m happy to report that there is plenty of mention of them and even a special appearance from Rose early on in the book. It was really interesting to see Rose from Sydney’s point of view as Rose was our protagonist in Vampire Academy and I have to say that the last sentence of Bloodlines had me wiggling in my seat with excitement for book two- I won’t say anymore than that but if you’ve read the book you’ll know what I mean ;-) That being said however nice that it was to catch up with old friends Bloodlines is very much about Sydney, Jill, Adrian and Eddie and I found myself not missing the old cast as much as I thought I would because I was so wrapped up in their story. Richelle Mead has also hinted at some potentially very interesting and exciting future love interests and I’m very excited to see where she goes with that. Overall Bloodlines was a fantastic first novel to a brand new series that will enthral Vampire Academy fans and entice new readers. Richelle has set up an absorbing new plot that runs smoothly alongside past events, and characters old and new who are as strong and hugely likeable as the first cast. Bloodlines is a must read for anyone and I can’t wait to see where Richelle Mead takes us next.

2019-04-21 00:31

Chu Dịch Dự Đoán Học - Tập 2: Dự Đoán Công Danh Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Thiệu Vĩ Hoa

How many times have I wondered "What in the world ever happened to Harper Lee? Where did she go? Did she vanish off the face of the earth enigmatically without the news hitting the rest of us, or is she still out there, alive somewhere?" This book explores all the answers, the most fascinating being that Nelle Harper Lee still putters around her hometown of Monroeville, Alabama (a.k.a "Maycomb"), the setting of To Kill a Mockingbird, at the age of 72. She's single, living with her law-practicing elder sister Alice who is in her 90s. Does Harper Lee still write? It doesn't much look like it (at least she hasn't published a second novel) but she reads. And reads. And reads. Finishing this gem made the first four or five hours of labor last week a lot more bearable. I've been savoring doses of this book each night before bed for the last two months and it's been like eating a little dessert at the end of each day. Delectable! Here's a juicy tidbit from the book: "...too often we end up establishing difference instead of love. We like to have all our comforts and familiars about us, and tend to push away that which is different, and worrisome. That is what happened to Boo Radley, and to Tom Robinson. They were not set apart by evil men, or evil women, or evil thoughts. They were set apart by an evil past, which good people in the present were ill equipped to change. The irony is, if we divide ourselves for our own comfort, no one will have any comfort. It means we must bury our pasts by seeing them, and destroy our differences through learning another way." So fascinating. Especially as the real Atticus, Harper's father A.C. Lee, was much like the character in the book and movie. Before the filming of TKaM, Gregory Peck went out to visit the aging A.C. in his own living room, and gleaned many of A.C.'s idiosyncracies for the film: like the nonchalant tossing of a Swiss army knife, and the unconscious twirling of a pocket watch. Of course, the real A.C. didn't look exactly like Gregory Peck, but maybe that makes him seem all the more believable. A definite page-turner.

2019-04-21 03:31

Thám Tử Lừng Danh Conan - Tập 57 (Tái Bản 2015) Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Aoyama Gosho

عرائس المروج عبارة عن ثلاثة قِصص مختلفة كُتبت بلغه شعريه ساحره, قد لاتكون قوية بإحداثها لكن لغة جبران و استخدامه للكلمات و الحكم التي ينثرها بين آونه وأخرئ, تجعلك تلتهم الكتاب إلتِهاماً! القصص هي رماد الأجيال والنار الخالدة و مرتا البانية و الأخيره (وهي الأجمل بنظري هي) يوحنا المجنون الأولى كتب فيها جبران عن الحب و التناسخ أو إنتقال الأرواح من جسد لأخر. فيها الكثير من التشبيهات الجميلة و العبارات الساحرة لولا أنها لم تكن ذات نهاية سعيدة لأحببتها أكثر! إما الثانية فكانت موجعة أكثر أفضل أن تقرؤوها بنفسكم.. إما في يوحنا المجنون أظن انها هي الأكثر قوه في إنتقاد جبران للمجتمع, والتعصب الديني. الخطبة التي القاها يوحنا على الكهنة المتعصبين لمًا واجههم بظلمهم تحمل الكثير من الوجع بين طياتها فمن كتب عنهم جبران في سنة 1906 مازالوا حتى الآن موجودين في سنة الـ2011 :( مجملاً, جبران ليس بروائي محترف و القصص أغلب ما تكون عن أداة أستخدمها جبران لينقل إفكاره و ثورته على المجتمع و الأنسان الذي يفعل فقط ما يظنه من حوله صحيحًا دون تفكّر.. إخيراً تذكرت مقولة سيدنا عمر بن الخطاب -رضي الله عنه- (لا تُخلفوا أولادكم بأخلاقكم, فإنهم خُلِقوا لزمانٍ غيَر زمانِكم)

Người đọc Ben Map từ Lowland, TN , USA

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.