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Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Nguyễn Ngọc Tiến
"Liebe lebenslänglich" hatte nicht nur alles, das es normalerweise benötigt um mich bei guter Laune zu halten, sondern noch die ein oder andere besonders schmackhafte Cocktailkirsche gratis. Bei "Polly" handelt es sich nämlich in Tat und Wahrheit um einen Paul Levine und dieser gute Herr kann es sich nach eigener Aussage auch nicht erklären, warum man ihn in Deutschland nur nach namentlicher Geschlechtsumwandlung veröffentlicht hat. Für mich ebenfalls ein Rätsel, denn dieser Roman ist eben nicht wie einer seiner unzähligen Schwestern aus weiblicher Feder und gerade das macht seinen ganz besonderen Charme aus. Der lag für mich vor allem in einer sehr gelungenen Kombination aus Witz und Bodenständigkeit. So wie Herr Levine schreibt, so ist seine Geschichte: Locker und leicht, ohne seicht zu werden. Romantisch, ohne kitschig zu sein und nicht zuletzt einfach nur (im absolut positiven Sinne) zum Lachen. Er versucht gar nicht erst, in die weibliche Domäne von Gefühl und Drama einzubrechen, sondern konzentriert sich auf seine (das behaupte ich einfach mal) männliche Stärken und spielt die in einer flotten, ungezwungenen Geschichte gekonnt aus. So kommt es, dass die weibliche Hauptperson Viktoria leider etwas blass bleibt. Bieder, rational, perfektionistisch und vor allem bald verlobt: Das sind die Eigenschaften, die sie auszeichnen und an denen sich größtenteils auch nicht viel ändert. Aber das braucht es auch gar nicht, denn sie gibt damit den idealen Gegenpart zu meinem persönlichen Highlight der Geschichte: Solomon Lord. Der männliche Hauptcharakter ist das krasse Gegenteil der braven Anwältin. Getreu seinen "Solomonschen Gesetzen" ist er das wandelnde Chaos und spielt für den Sieg im Gericht wie im Leben auch gerne (oder eigentlich sogar am liebsten) mit gezinkten Karten. Wenn er sich nicht gerade um seinen Neffen Bobby kümmert, dann reizt er Victoria gerne zur Weißglut und manchmal auch noch ganz anderen Dingen . Und ohne zu übertreiben: Das nenne ich einen Humorpart, der seinesgleichen sucht! Seine typisch (und vielleicht auch etwas klischeehaft) männliche Sichtweise zusammen mit einem oft bissigen und ironischen Humor haben mich auch gerne mitten in der Totenstille der Universitätsbibliothek laut auflachen lassen. Man nehme noch einige schrullige, sehr liebevoll gestaltete Nebencharaktere dazu und schon hat man die meiner Meinung nach absolut perfekte Besetzung für eine Anwaltsgeschichte wie diese. Die Handlung bietet nämlich weit mehr, als nur Romantik. Sie ist auch Krimi, Gerichtsthriller und Familiengeschichte mit einer gehörigen Portion Humor. Zu viel auf einmal? Keineswegs. Paul Levine will hier in keinem Bereich das Rad neu erfinden und keine Meilensteine setzen. So wirkte die ganze Geschichte auf mich sehr ungezwungen und war einfach stimmig. Der Autor will nicht zu viel, sondern tut einfach das, was er kann und das ist eine Menge. Vor allem aus Solomons Sicht bekommt der Leser beste Unterhaltung geboten und stolpert zusammen mit ihm von einer Katastrophe in die nächste. Es wird jedoch meiner Meinung nach nie übertrieben lächerlich. Vielmehr steckt hinter der oberflächlichen Schale des Macho-Anwalts ein weicher Kern mit vielen Werten und Prinzipien, für die er sich einsetzt. Und das hebt den Roman genauso von 0815-Lektüre zum schnellen Lachen und noch schnelleren Vergessen ab, wie seine anderen unheimlich sympathischen, wenn auch nie ganz ernst zu nehmenden Charaktere. Fazit Den zweiten Teil der Reihe hatte ich nur verschwommen in einer kleinen, undankbaren Ecke meines Langzeitgedächtnis gespeichert. Diesen hier werde ich so schnell sicher nicht vergessen! Ihr mögt lockerere, leichte und dabei trotzdem herrlich bissige Unterhaltung? Ihr genießt gerne eine gelungene Kombination aus Komödie, Mini-Krimi und Liebesgeschichte? Dann bitte lesen!
Sách được viết bởi Bởi:
Unfortunately, Crichton is too convincing in his anti-global warming propaganda piece. The story is great, sure, but this book is just that – a very thinly veiled piece of propaganda for the right wing oil industries and politicians who want us to believe that there’s no such thing as global warming. And he is very, very convincing. My mother says she read that he’s actually receiving kickbacks from oil companies. I can’t even counter the arguments, so I’ll have to read more about it. Crichton is even self-righteous, claiming he wants his readers to decide for themselves and providing a long bibliography. Of course he knows that one in a hundred people will actually look anything from that list up, so he can be confident that his book is doing its job. As for the story, it boils down to a global conspiracy by militant environmentalists to actually create natural disasters, deadly ones, to convince the public that global warming is going to horribly change the world in the near future. The lawyer who is the main character ends up in many life-or-death situations struggling to find out the secret and save lives by stopping many of these disasters (a huge glacier breaking from an ice sheet, a flash flood that would kill school children on a picnic, etc.) from happening. I found the book entertaining but overall disturbing in its implications.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Hoàng Yến Anh
Very good read, eye-opening.
almost gave this one 5 stars... may need to go back and give it 5 stars... it was so beautifully written. so disturbing. maybe shouldve given five stars...
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Lý Phong Lăng
I read the first few chapters, but found many of his arguments (and the science behind them) to be overly simplistic and not particularly reflective of the process behind my decision-making, anyway. Some cute antedotes, but not enough to make me want to read the rest of the book.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Osho
When he is not in trouble, Reese is allowed to work at a nearby senior home where he is given the job of helping Mr. Hooft, a bed-ridden old man who'd rather be anywhere other than a home waited on by a black teenager. Over time the two share their stories and become friends. Mr. Hooft was also in prison as a child, in his case a Japanese prison where all Europeans living in Shanghai were sent after the invasion of China during World War II. Reese has few people in his life who are on his side. His mother is willing to sacrifice him in order to hang on to her current boyfriend The other inmates at Progress, outside of 'Toon, cannot be trusted. The gaurds are waiting for him to screw up and sure that he will. The warden believes Reese has blown every chance he gave him and does not have much faith in him as a result. Mr. Hooft and Reese's little sister Isis are the only ones who believe he can turn his life around. Unfortunately, Reese's story is all too common in the United States today. To their credit, neither Reese nor Mr. Myers point the blame for Reese's situation at anyone other than Reese. While the deck is certainly stacked against him, Reese knows he must choose how he'll play the cards he has been dealt. Those of us who started life with a better hand would do well to remember that the family we are born into could easily have been one like Reese's.
This young adult book is excellent. It is a fictional story about a true person, Helmuth Huebener, who "is a boy who dared to speak out for the truth." It was so interesting, because the perspective is of a young German boy who knows in his heart of hearts that what the Nazi party does is wrong, and that people must be told the truth, despite the risk. Part of what is so fascinating/terrifying is the hold that the Nazis had on everything-even those who felt they were wrong would go along with them because to disagree was to turn you into "an enemy of the state." The Nazis take over the schools, the radio, the newspapers, and it reminds you of how important and sacred are the freedom of speech and the freedom of the press. I picked up this book because it caught my eye, and I figured it would be interesting for male YA readers- but honestly I think anyone would be interested in this story. It's written on a level that is easy enough for middle schoolers to understand, but is interesting enough to captivate an adult's attention, as it did mine, especially if you teach about the Holocaust. There is also an an entire explanation at the end of the book about what really happened, which was great because of course you are curious at the end.
I really like this series. except that every other page these teens seem to doubt their love. come on.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Harvard Business Review
I first read the True Porn Clerk Stories years ago when it was still available in blog form online. After a while it became a ritual to read through the archives once every few years ago and when I realised they were no longer available online I finally took the plunge and bought the compiled Kindle version. Always funny, always bitingly witty and as ever, way too much information. I still love it.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Linnea Dunne
Amber is in fourth grade. Her mom wants to get engaged to Max. Amber isn't sure she wants a step dad, but she likes Max. Amber discovers she can cope with change. A story about dealing with divorce and family issues. Again, I like how Amber and her mother talk about their problems, and that they include Max in their discussions as well.
Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.