Rodrigo Romão từ Jaroszki, Poland



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Rodrigo Romão Sách lại (10)

2019-05-11 03:30

Chờ Đợi Không Là Hạnh Phúc Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Maxine Sullivan

Jamal yang memiliki hidup yang jauh dari beruntung tidak pernah berfikir akan menemukan harta karun yang kemudian begitu memuaskan kekosongan hatinya. mulai dari orangtuanya yang satu per satu meninggalkannya, pencurian buku yang dilakukannya, michelle pujaan hatinya terasa menjauh, neneknya meninggal dalam kebakaran, dipecatnya ia dari pekerjaannya. putus asa tidak heran menaunginya saat itu. akhirnya ia memutuskan untuk mengakhiri hidupnya yang bagi Ahmad begitu berharga. ia mencoba menantang petir, gantung diri, dan menghanyutkan dirinya. namun, kuasa Tuhan bekerja, ia tidak diperkenankan mati. oleh Ahmad lah ia terselamatkan, seseorang yang hampir direngut nyawa oleh takdir. mereka saling menyelamatkan. dan Ahmad lah yang memberinya peta harta karun untuk ia temukan. kuasa pikiran membawanya pada buah keberhasilan. sedikit demi sedikit, Jamal berhasil mengelola bisnis yang semula dimiliki oleh Laura, perempuan yang "sakit" terhadap lelaki. kehidupan perempuan tersebut kemudian diubahkan juga sejak kedatangan Jamal. bisnis berhasil dan berujung kesembuhan Jamal meskipun dengan kebohongan karena Jamal selalu percaya dengan sugesti. keberhasilan bukan dapat mengisi kekosongan jiwa yang Jamal rasakan. bahkan cintanya kepada Michelle perlahan pudar dan tergantikan oleh seseorang yang jauh lebih mencintainya. saat itu, saat Jamal telah berhasil Michelle baru menyadari perasaannya sehingga ia memaksakan untuk meninggalkan Rama - pria pilihan Bambang, ayahnya. pernah sekali Jamal terpuruk dan akhirnya di kali lain ia meski berkorban untuk seseorang. cinta, kesetiaan tiada artinya tanpa sebuah pengorbanan. ia merelakannya untuk satu-satunya perempuan phobia lelaki yakni Laura. kepada Laura lah ia berlabuh meskipun perempuan itu jauh lebih tua 3 tahun darinya. PENJARA mengajarkan pelajaran berharga untuknya dan membimbing William, anak yang ditemuinya di penjara. Jamal berada di penjara untuk menggantikan Laura yang dituduh menipu satu perusahaan yang jelas-jelas tidak di lakukannya. pergolakan dan pertengkaran yang terjadi antara Jamal dan Laura menyadarkan sesuatu pada diri mereka masing-masing. Jamal merasakan panggilannya, ia menyumbangkan buku-buku untuk perpustakaan di panti asuhan dengan dibantu Laura. sekeluarnya dari penjara, akhirnya Jamal menemukan harta karunnya yang berharga, bukan lagi harta dan kebahagiaan tetapi dirinya sendiri.

2019-05-11 09:30

Truyện Cổ Tích Thế Giới - Truyện Cổ Andersen Hay Nhất (Bìa Cứng) Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: H.C. Andersen

When you're looking for a novel that has no plot, no common sense, jibber-jabber about pointless love, how hot someone is, and the climax thrown together three-thirds of the book, Twilight takes the cake! I don't even know what made me "unconditionally and irrevocably in love" with it in the first place! But then again, I was a hopeless romantic trying to find love, and I thought Twilight would cheer me up for my lovesick... ness... Unfortunately, I was WRONG. When I first read the book, I was addicted to it. I finished reading it for one day because it was "so good." Time passed by, and I was hoping that my tasteless friend would give me the second volume of the series because I wanted more... MORE TELL I YA! As the time passed by, I realized the book was just stupid-fluff and very sexually frustrating. First off, we meet with the main character, the female "heroine," Isabella Marie Swan. Or Bella for short. I realized now, she's nothing more than a Mary Sue. Her name is even like one as well! Bella is Italian for beautiful. Throw it with Swan. Beautiful Swan. What's even worse is that EVERY guy falls in love with her when she moves in with her lazy ass daddy who needs Bella to cook and clean for him. Typical anti-feminist, no? Her appearance is somewhat similar to the author, and her story when moving into a new place (see twilight FAQ's in her website). Oh yeah, and she gets the guy to top it all off. Typical Mary Sue. Edward Cullen... is just too HAWT for this world! He's perfect, he's got perfect hair, perfect body, perfect face... hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he even has a perfect penis! D; Anyways, as the typical teenage fangirl I am, I fell in love with him too... I still am... but not as much. What made me head-over-heels for this guy is that he's charming and witty... but being about 100 years old is such a turn off. Not to mention, stalking Bella almost every night... and she doesn't care when she finds this out! That's just a weird/sick/creepy relationship. What I don't get is the reason for those two loving each other. Stephanie Meyer makes it destined for them to be together... but exaclty what is the reason again...? Oh yeah! Cause Bella has sweet-smelling blood and Edward's HAWT. Duh. That's why they were made for each other! Except for the whole "no sex" thing... well from what I heard, they're gonna do it later on in some other volume of Twilight. It'll be just like another erotic Anita Blake failure. Who I really hated second to Bella was Jacob Black. He was too annoying and pestered too much. Maybe he'll get better later on... I heard he and Bella hooked up. I had a feeling Bella was gonna do that anyways. The almost 500 pages Bella narrates about in Twilight is how HAWT Edward is. She's obsessing way too much and then she declares that she would even risk her life to be with him! Dude, you knew him for like, a week. Now you decide to be emo for him? Two words: Get. Help. All of a sudden, a group of villianous vampires come out of nowhere and terrorize the Cullens and Bella. The whole five chapters of that was a big blur. Was it even five chapters? I don't know anymore! x.x Do not read this!!!! This is a warning to all bookworms out there! Don't say I never told you so!!!!

Người đọc Rodrigo Romão từ Jaroszki, Poland

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.