Jack Dope từ Saint-Jean-sur-Erve, France



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Jack Dope Sách lại (10)

2019-05-25 06:30

Xây Dựng Tuyến Phòng Thủ Ven Biển Dưới Triều Nguyễn Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi:

I guess I'm a little slow with classic literature. This book was checked out from the library and was laid at the book shelf in my office for more than a year. It's not until that it can't be renewed (because I've renewed it for 99 times, shame on me ya!), that I finally read it. It's such an awesome book that after I finished it, I've recommended to every friend I know. A real masterpiece! While I really think it's a great book, it's not easy to write a review. I'm confused by my own back and forth thought, without any emphasis on any of them. But I'm still determined to try. People always think kids are innocent angels. They won't do anything harm. There are also arguments about the genetic and sociological personalities. I always believed that a person's personalities was fostered during her/his process of socialization, which mainly affected by the environments in which s/he grows up, whereas gene plays partial role but not as crucial as socialization. While the book tells another story, with the concept that some people are born evil. As the character - Jack - in the book, he is a tyrant when he was showed up in the very beginning. I didn't recall any account of his parents or families. That's why I draw the conclusion that the author wants it to be a born evil. But comparatively for Peggie, who is only one with some intelligence, his family backgrounds are welll-documents. Because he is fat and always bullied by other kids, he seems spent more time by himself, and therefore learned more than more than other kids. It's Peggie, who bring up the idea to always have a fire lighted and create the fire with his glasses. But in the end is cruel and upset with Peggie died (with no account of his real name), both the evil and angel were rescued. It's kind of metaphor with God, who sacrifice himself to save all the people who believes and don't believe (which I don't blame the author for too religious, it's just very understandable). Also, the book is about early teenagers. Ralph who is the oldest, is only 14. And the littlets, who though was present, didn't do anything real harm. They are just innocent following their instinct with food and shelter. I think the author leaving them out is to give us the hope instead of being disappointed with all the children. Overall, I guess the lesson is that even if you are very smart, be careful with the way how you tell the truth and also who you are talking to. Sometimes, for certain people, the obvious truth is not well-appreciated.

Người đọc Jack Dope từ Saint-Jean-sur-Erve, France

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.