Alane Mothy từ Oswego, KS , USA



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Alane Mothy Sách lại (10)

2019-07-04 11:31

Giáng Sinh Ở Thành Phố Ma Thuật - Tập 1 (Truyện Tranh) Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Lyle & Michael

Setelah sekian lama selalu bergelut dengan buku yg ada unsur fantasinya, akhirnya baca juga buku yg gak ada embel embel supranaturalnya. Shopaholic Series merupakan salah satu seri terakhir yg gg ada embel embel supranaturalnya yg aku baca dan yg aku suka, tp kayaknya sekarang Shopaholic Series udah ada saingannya nih. Yup !! It's Perfect Chemistry !!!! oke, bukunya mungkin emang agak beda yah, shopaholic itu kan lebih ke humorisnya walaupun ada romancenya juga tp yah dua-duanya kan gak ada unsur supranatural lah. Jadi bisa deh aku jadiin saingan, secara aku jrang baca buku yg gg ada unsur supranaturalnya. Buku ini emang udah lama diincer buat dibaca, alasannya : 1. Pas diumumin bakal diterbitin ama Terakota banyak yg bilang buku ini keren banget ( emang bener ternyata ). 2. Liat aja covernya *cantiksangat* kalo ke toko buku tuh bawaannya pengen diambil aja ato dielus elus tuh bukunya *kayak puppy aja yah* 3. Karena Duet Mautnya dong :D Duet Maut ?? yah bukunya emang dikerjakan oleh duet maut menurutku Angelic Zaizai as The Translator n Mery Momo as The Proofreader duet kalian emang keren , ditunggu duet selanjutnya yah :D Oke, langsung aja reviewnya yah :) Buku ini menceritakan tentang dua Remaja yg nantinya bakal *eng ing eng* jatuh cinta satu sama lain. Namanya Alex dan Brittany. Alex, adalah seorang anggota geng LB. LB ini merupakan geng yg terkenal sangat suka main kasar dan suka melukai orang lain, intinya geng yg sangat berbahaya . Tapi walaupun anggota geng, Alex ini adalah seorang pribadi yg pintar, sayang keluarga dan teman-temannya dan yg HARUS DIGARISBAWAHI Alex ini HOT ABIS !!! Brittany, seorang Kapten pemandu sorak disekolahnya. Punya pacar yg seorang kapten sepak bola. Kehidupan Brittany ini kelihatan sangat indah deh. Tapi tidak setelah kita tahu yg sebenernya. Tp yg bikin buku ini menarik yah karena dikemas dengan konflik konflik yg cukup menegangkan , bikin yg baca gk pengen berhenti membacanya. Alex n Brit harus melawan banyak halangan yg merintangi mereka untuk bersatu satu sama lain. Baca buku ini yah ngalir aja, gg ngebosenin yg ada malah bikin penasaran di setiap chapternya. terjemahannya zaizai ini emang KEREN deh. Ditunggu buku keduanya yg ttg Carlos dan Luis di terbitin sama Terakota n pastinya diterjemahin zaizai :D

2019-07-04 17:31

101 Bước Thiết Kế Trang Web Trong 10 Tiếng Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: KS Công Tuân PC

Emily Lear's Ladies of Market Street had great possibility with her Madam Veronica and her exotic girls. The plot and character development fell short. The story as a whole was decent. This book is one you have to sit down and take your time to read. Reviewed by Tina 3 Divas Escorts, Madams and mystery are a few things a reader will find in Ladies of Market Street. This book isn't a true erotica but it has touches of romance here and there through out the novel. It's a good read for those interested in tender feeling books. Reviewed by Dana 3 Divas Ladies of Market Street is not a the typical novel. Its not often you read about a Madam and her girls. Really didn't know what to expect from this book after reading the blurb. Then reading the first couple of chapters and realize it was nothing as the blurb stated. Overall there were a few things that made this book lacking but the story was good. I just wished the author would of put more depth in the romantic relationship between Veronica and Jake. The concept was a very good. Reviewed by Kishia 3 Divas Call me crazy, I believe that when I open an erotica e-book that promises several bondage scenes, abduction, and slut training. Then at least one of those scenes should be in the first chapter. While I like my erotica to have a certain theme and story (major plus if those writing it can string a full developed sentence). I must say that spending several chapters jumping every which way physically and emotionally is more irritating than enjoyable. Especially when there is no sex described anywhere in said pages! The synopsis was main character Veronica Baldwin is a Madam for high priced and "exotic" girls in New York on a sensuous world tour to find one of her missing"kidnapped" girls. Along the way, she will be retrained in the arts of seduction and pleasure. The book opens with the main character prepping an Fifth Avenue and Park apartment in NYC for a "client" party of some sorts. That party is held for someone named "Doc" and her serious medical condition.(I never got to the part where any of this was explained, and frankly didn't care enough to slog through.)There are more words wasted on these small details throughout the book than on any of one the sex scenes! The detail of the party is lost on me. I'm not interested in buying and reading a one-hundred plus page erotica about interior decorating. I think most of the flowery prose was inserted after the story was completed just buff up the word count, again, not something that's endearing my erotica reading preferences. We follow the "heroine" (or whiney Madam who is too emotionally attached) through the emotional loss of "someone somewhere" stealing one of her girls. It's a strain to read the pages following, especially when we are subjected to the most descriptive scenes of actual human slavery (BOY! THAT'S SOMETHING I WANT TO READ WHEN I WANT TO MASTURBATE!) and a bumbling murder of her captor. Reading page twenty and STILL NOT ONE DESCRIPTIVELY ENJOYABLE CONSENSUAL SEX SCENE in sight makes me a sad, sad girl. Eventually when I came to Chapter Five, I walked away in a of disappointed huff. Reviewed by Spitefully Sane 1 Divas My rating for, " The Ladies of Market Street " by Emily Lear is a three Divas. I think the story line of a Madam taking women from a horrible life. Where they are treated worse then animals, helping them. To become something better and yet they continue to do what they did before. but with more glamor and style makes for a good read. As for my heat rating I have to give it a (NW) not worthy. There was some suggestions of brief sex, although nothing really speed the heart rate and make you sweat and tingle. I felt for as short as this was it could have been more detailed of the main ladies lives before they were taken in by Veronica. I have to say even more specifics. The women in the slave house had to endure other than, the basement would have made the story more real to the reader as well. My last opinion is about the author touching on Veronica and Jake drawing each other romantically. It just seems like it was added as extra fluff to fill in spaces when needed to help move the story along. If the author would have involved their love life more. Made them come together with more flair at the end. It might not seem as awkward as it was with them and not felt just thrown in. I think this book has great potential with a bit more added to it. Definitely more sex thrown into it descriptively for anyone's imagination to start the blood racing. Reviewed by Furry Cat tails 3 Divas DIVA RATING: 3 HEAT RATING: NW Link:http://www.deviantdivaseroticbookrevi...

Người đọc Alane Mothy từ Oswego, KS , USA

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.