Dữ liệu người dùng, đánh giá và đề xuất cho sách
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Isabel Allende
Interesting read. He analyzes stats and presents his finding in an amusing way. Not bad
Sách được viết bởi Bởi:
Updated version of Alas Babylon by Pat Frank
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Herbert P. Bix
Impressive mastery of tone. Quietly heartbreaking.
Eye opening, however makes you wonder how humans can be so demoralizing and if this issue will ever be resolved.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Đinh Hoàng Anh
Wow lots of fun words. I love the writing style.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Hoan Hà
Unbelievably good. Couldn't put down. Kept me on the edge of my seat. Wish someone cared about me that much.
I thoroughly enjoyed this read, as with all David Sedaris reads. Having 5-starred the rest of his books, I was very apprehensive about this one. I was refreshingly and pleasantly surprised! I could have, however, done without the gory little cartoons - both shocking and disturbing - which I suppose is Sedaris in a nutshell. On a side note, this was my first iBook. The final page came as a shock to me. When you hold a book in your hand you can feel and anticipate the number of pages remaining. In an electronic copy, this is not so. To say that I was sad when it ended is an understatement.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Nhiều Tác Giả
Konečně. Už konečně si to zasloužil, sakra. Já vám nevím, prostě tuhle sérii naprosto zbožňuju a vážně se těším na další díl. I když asi né tolik jako na tenhle. Sakra. Jak dlouho já se načekala, abych si to konečně mohla přečíst. Což mě docela mrzí, protože postupem času se mě opadlo takovéto nadšení bezprostředně po dočtení každého dílu a já byla u tohohle jaksi zklamaná, asi jsem čekala něco víc. Což ale neznamená, že to bylo nějak špatné. Jen kdybych nebyla zklamaná, dala bych knize místo pěti a půl rovnou deset hvězdiček. Já prostě miluju ten styl psaní. Naprosto. Je to neuvěřitelné, jak to autorka dělá, ale vážně to umí. Dokonale. Líbilo se mi všechno, hlavní linie, i ty vedlejší, kluci byli naprosto parádní, možná to chtělo více zmínek o zbytku bratrstva ale to mi určitě spisovatelka vynahradí v dalším díle, kde bude V minimálně na každé stránce. Doufám. Jen mi přišel trochu navíc Gregg a Holly, ale chápu proč to tam bylo. Taky by mě zajímalo, jak to dopadne s naším velkým záporákem, protože nikomu nevěřím, že je jen tak mrtví. Ale to se uvidí. Payne je mi sympatická už teď, ale víc se něším na Mannyho, protože, to jak přišel za Jane a vyseknul jí všechny tři lichotky ve dveřích bylo nezapomenutelné, smála jsem se ještě tři dny. Vážně. Se. Na. Něj. Těším. Nebylo to špatné, rozhodně lepší než předchozí dvě knihy, ale bohužel, na ty dvě předtím to asi nemá. A já tak doufala, že bude. Ale co se dá dělat. A taky by mě už sakra zajímalo, co tam dělá ten zatracenej anděl a jak to dopadne s Tohrem. To jako bude od teď už jen sám? Tomu ani za mák nevěřím. Jop, krásně jsem si početla. Jen tak dál!
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Trần Văn Điều
A Shattered Village, A Logan & Cafferty Mystery (Book 1) Written By: Jean Henery Mead Published By: ePress-Online Inc., 2008, First Edition, 209 pages, paperback ISBN 978-1934258293 A Shattered Village feels like you are sitting down with a reassuring, old friend; it is one of those books that let you relax into it. The story is only mildly suspenseful until about 3/4’s of the way through when it ramps right up, but the whole story is packed-full of mysteries that lead you further and further away from the answers to these puzzling and disturbing murders of the members of the seniors Sew and So Club. The Author does a brilliant job of creating moods and settings that enhance the story; she is very skilled at creating entertaining and unique characters as well. With a smoothly-flowing plot and some surprising twists, the Author weaves a mystery that... **Please follow the link to read the whole review: http://bookreviewsbybobbie.wordpress....
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Bs. Sĩ Minh
“I believe that we should read only those book that bite and sting us. If a book we are reading does not rouse us with a blow to the head, then why read it? Because it will make us happy, you tell me? My God, we would also be happy if we had no books, and the books that make us happy we could, if necessary, write ourselves. What we need are books that affect us like some really grievous misfortune, like the death of one whom we loved more than ourselves, as if we were banished to distant forests, away from everybody, like a suicide; a book must be the ax for the frozen sea within us." -Franz Kafka And what a powerful ax A Clockwork Orange is.
En función de su interés en las memorias / biografía, puede probar The Red Leather Diary de Lily Koppel. Es la verdadera historia del descubrimiento de un diario escrito por una joven que vivía en Manhattan en la década de 1930. Los fanáticos de la historia y las memorias pueden disfrutar de The Red Leather Diary de Lily Koppel. La historia de un diario encontrado perteneciente a una adolescente que creció en una vida privilegiada en Nueva York en 1930 es una historia fascinante de la vida en una era diferente. También es una historia conmovedora de la búsqueda del autor para encontrar al dueño del diario y devolvérselo.
Yanlış yaptığımı biliyorum, ancak grafik bir romanda bile resimlerin çoğunu geçme eğilimindeyim. (Evet, filmlere eklenen şarkıların çoğunun hızlı ilerlemek istediğim dolgu maddesi olduğunu da düşünüyorum.) Resimlerin formatın bir parçası olduğunu anlıyorum, ancak gerçekten konsantre olmadıkça onları bile geçmeden uçurum farkında. Önceki paragraf aslında bu incelemeyle ilgilidir. Bu kitaba neredeyse iki yıldız verdim ve "tamam, bu benim yaptığım bir seri" dedim ama son bölüm bunu değiştirdi. O zamana kadar, kitap hakkındaki izlenimlerim (1) oh, bak, sözsüz dövüş resimlerinin başka bir sayfası (referans paragraf 1) ve (2) Bu karakterleri birbirinden ayıramıyorum !!! Ancak son bölümde bu kitap, (1) son hesaplamayı 3 yıldıza kadar yapmak için gerekli bir noktanın fraksiyonunu yukarı iteceğim ve (2) basitçe geri dönmeyeceğim - - serinin sonraki iki kitabı (zaten kütüphaneden kontrol ettim).
Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.