Barbie Joolie từ Chirai, Gujarat , India



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Barbie Joolie Sách lại (11)

2019-08-05 00:31

Hướng Dẫn Chi Tiết Về Đất Đai - Nhà Ở - Kinh Doanh Bất Động Sản Và Xử Lý Vi Phạm Hành Chính Trong Lĩnh Vực Đất Đai Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Khải Nguyên

"Am 7. Juli 1807 kam es in Tilsit zum Friedensschluß zwischen Frankreich und Rußland. Einer Geheimvereinbarung zur Folge, sollte das, bis dahin neutrale Dänemark, ohne russischen Widerspruch, seine Kriegsflotte an Frankreich ausliefern. Anscheinend war das Zusatzabkommen weniger geheim als gedacht, denn England forderte daraufhin die Auslieferung der Flotte. Da dieses von dem dänischen Kronprinzen verweigert wurde, setzten die Briten eine Belagerungsflotte und -armee in Marsch. Gleichzeitig übernimmt Richard Sharpe, Leutnant 2. Klasse, einen geheimen Auftrag. Er ist der Begleiter eines Abgesandten des englischen Außenministeriums, der durch Bestechung den Kronprinzen umstimmen soll. Die Mission scheitert, Sharpe wird trotzdem zum Retter in der Not. Persönliche Tiefen, seine Geliebte starb im Kindbett, die mörderische Rache an seinen Peinigern und eine neue Liebelei, aber auch das Wiedersehen alter Freunde, geben, neben den geschichtlichen Ereignissen, die Rahmenhandlung. Im 5. Band dieser Reihe betritt Sharpe den europäischen Kontinent. Eine direkte Konfrontation mit dem französischen Militär bleibt aber noch aus. B.C. vermochte, wie in seinen vorhergehenden Bänden wieder Fiktion und Geschichte eng zu verknüpfen. Für „Sharpe-Freunde“ natürlich ein Muß, für alle anderen der obligate Hinweis, die Reihe möglichst mit dem 1. Band zu beginnen."

2019-08-05 02:31

Vòng Quanh Thế Giới Trong Tám Mươi Ngày - Tập 2 Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Jules Verne

Having always intended to read this, I was finally pushed to purchase it (at Book Soup) because of the Halloween Evening with Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer. I read it in the 3 days leading up to Halloween; it was a long weekend and I was enjoying the act of lounging and only moving to make a meal once or twice a day. I loved the totality of this story and definitely want a sequel. From the beginning, the book had me living through Shadow. I think the lack of thoughts and talking on his characters part really opened him up to be an everyman/woman. If he had been more opinionated or more developed he would have gained fans and detractors. In the beginning I wanted more answers upfront, why was Wednesday waiting for Shadow? Why are these agents after Shadow? - and slowly the book answers every question. As someone who before reading this had the theory that everything I can think of is already true, the nature of the God's plight in modern times seemed somehow possible. The only thing I didn't really understand was why Laura killed herself while killing Loki, why this magical water would only restore her life for a brief time. I also found the very end scene with Hinzelman compelling - how Shadow sees how he was made - a young boy stabbed and burnt with his bones as the totem. I can't get the imagery out of my head and am wondering if Neil Gaiman found evidence of this practice in his research or is speculation. I know that often they carried bones/skulls as totemic symbols of power and meditation so its seems quite likely that is how it was made. Additionally, it makes one think - how All Hallow's Eve became Halloween and St. Nicks' day became Christmas: that there is an unstoppable progression of new myths, holidays, gods being constructed in the image of the time period (i would vote totally soulless and commercialized for our own). Will we one day worship Aliens because our eyes will be space-ward? Or will we turn to our own ancestor bones and cart them around in fanny packs?

Người đọc Barbie Joolie từ Chirai, Gujarat , India

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.