Raul Pabilando từ Ostrzeszow, Poland



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Raul Pabilando Sách lại (10)

2019-08-05 12:30

Junie B. Jones Có Con Quái Vật Dưới Gầm Giường (Tái Bản 2015) Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Barbara Park

This is book 4 in the Tairen Soul series, and it really does need to be read in order, as each book builds upon the last. If you pick this book up and read it without reading the previous one you are going to be missing so much. I LOVE this series, but I didn't feel that this book really moved the story forward much. It mainly covers the coming war between the Eld, and the Fey and their allies, and how everyone is preparing for it. It seemed to drag a little, and by the end I was getting sick of listening to Ellie whine about not being good enough and still worrying that she couldn't control the "darkness" within her. However, that's really just a minor complaint, this is probably my least favorite book of the series, but still worthy of a 5 star rating! I still loved the book and the writing, world building and characters are so rich it's a wonderful epic fantasy about the triumph of good and love. The book is a page turner as it switches between a few different story lines. Rain and Ellie are outcasts from the Fading Lands but still working to defeat Eld, they are also trying to complete their truemate bond. Ellie's family is caught in the war as they are ushered to safety, there is distrust among the Celerian leadership, there is unrest in the Fey leadership; there's so much happening it's impossible to put the book down. This book/series has everything you could ask for; romance, suspense, action, and adventure all wrapped up in superb writing. The secondary characters and story lines are just as rich and developed as the main story. None of the characters are perfect, they are all struggling with their own "demons" (some literally) and insecurities, but it's these flaws that make them so loveable and interesting too read about. It's the attention to the details that really draw you into the story. I can NOT wait for Crown of Crystal Flame to find out how this unforgettable story ends!

Người đọc Raul Pabilando từ Ostrzeszow, Poland

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.