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Sekiranya Allah SWT memberi kesempatan (amiin!), saya punya sembilan alasan untuk berharap melanjutkan kuliah di Inggris. Di antaranya adalah cerita-cerita Enid Blyton dan Agatha Christie yang menemani pengalaman berkhayal saya sejak bisa membaca. Alasan lain adalah ingin menonton bersama ayah saya salah satu big match Arsenal langsung di Stadion Highbury (yang tidak bakal kesampaian karena stadion itu sekarang sudah tidak ada lagi, hiks!). Oh iya, juga supaya suatu ketika bisa ketemu Robbie Fowler, hihihi... (khayalan seorang mantan Liverpudlian cilik yang sudah insyaf sejak Arsene Wenger membawa Robert Pires main di Arsenal :D). Karena berbagai alasan realistis dan pragmatis, saya sempat berpikir mau bersekolah di Belanda saja. Impian saya kalau ke Belanda bukan mau ketemu Dennis Bergkamp, sumpah! Tapi ingin sekali saja berkunjung ke museum Vincent van Gogh. Dan ternyata saya tidak sendiri. Begitu banyak anak Indonesia yang dengan naifnya juga mau menginjakkan kaki dengan dalih belajar di negeri kumpeni ini. Bisa karena gencarnya tawaran beasiswa, bisa juga akibat tawaran segala bentuk "kebebasan" yang dikumandangkan di sana. Kebebasan nyimeng, kebebasan tidak beragama, kebebasan keluyuran di distrik "lampu merah", dan lain2 yang sayup2 terdengar sampai ke tanah air kita. Nah, buku Negeri van Oranje ini membawa kita pada beragam motivasi anak bangsa yang diwakili oleh Wicak, Daus, Banjar, Geri dan Lintang untuk bersekolah pascasarjana di negeri bekas penjajah nusantara itu. Mereka bertemu pertama kali secara kebetulan di stasiun kereta Amersfort saat perjalanan tertunda akibat badai. Iya, di sini cerita mulai terasa komedik, karena kok ya ada orang yang terancam dibunuh mafia kayu, orang yang patah hati, dan orang yang mau cari muka pada calon ipar bisa sama-sama ketemu saat kuliah di Belanda, dipersatukan gara-gara rokok kretek pula! Lalu kelima jagoan kita itu, akhirnya, walau tinggal dan berkuliah di kota yang berbeda, kemudian bisa-bisanya bersahabat atas dasar persamaan nasib anak rantau di negeri orang. Benang merah cerita buku ini cukup klise sebenarnya, persahabatan yang dibumbui perebutan cinta. Wicak, Banjar dan Daus terlibat dalam persaingan memperebutkan perhatian Lintang, sedangkan Lintang sendiri sedikit demi sedikit menjatuhkan hatinya pada Geri. Hmmm... Sangat teenlit sekali, walau tokoh2nya sudah lewat usia remaja. Bagian penutupnya pun walau membuat pembaca harus menebak-nebak, pastinya berakhir bahagia. Tapi bagusnya buku ini, latar belakang cerita dijaga untuk tetap di koridor yang begitu lurus. Tetap berbau "akademik" lah, hingga bisa menyelamatkan buku ini dari embel2 "metropop". Mungkin juga karena tokoh-tokoh jagoan kita diciptakan sebagai mahasiswa "baik-baik" semua, baik saat di tanah air maupun ketika menjelajah tanah kumpeni. Saya suka bagian saat nasionalisme para mahasiswa ini untuk mengabdi kembali di tanah air seusai studi dihadapkan pada pilihan kemungkinan menambang euro di benua orang. Pada akhirnya memang pilihan tiap orang akan sangat personal dan tidak layak untuk dinilai hitam-putih. Beragam kiat hidup di negeri orang yang muncul begitu saja di sela2 cerita, tak pelak memperjelas niat buku ini yang tersirat, yaitu sebagai panduan sekolah dan jalan2 di Eropa. Tidak heran kalau buku ini sampai dipromosikan oleh lembaga penyedia beasiswa Belanda. Nah, setelah niat buku ini ketahuan (ups!) maka bagi mereka yang pernah kuliah di Belanda, tak pelak buku ini pasti berhasil menarik kumpulan nostalgia dan emosi; tawa dan airmata; hal-hal konyol maupun penuh kejayaan (kamu akan tahu rasanya jika pernah mengalaminya :p). Bagi mereka yang masih sangat berniat untuk kuliah di Belanda, buku ini pun akan menambah motivasi ke titik tertinggi, menawarkan petualangan untuk dijalani dan beragam ranah untuk ditaklukkan. Atau buat mereka yang berniat suatu ketika hanya sekedar akan jalan-jalan di Belanda atau Eropa, buku ini pun cukup direkomendasikan, mengingat begitu detil rute perjalanan kelima sekawan jagoan buku ini dipaparkan, plus sejarah beberapa lokasi wisata populer. Sayangnya, buat pembaca yang sudah memasuki masa tenang tanpa pernah ke Belanda (seperti saya), buku ini agak melelahkan. Pilihan frasa yang cocok buat hal ini mungkin karena ada "pengkhianatan catatan kaki". Bukannya tidak sah jika sebuah novel/ karya fiksi mencantumkan catatan kaki, tapi aneh sekali rasanya jika dengan berulang-ulang, bagian di halaman buku bagian bawah itu bukan menampilkan informasi tambahan, tapi justru untuk membuat plot sempalan. Atau untuk memberi tahu pembaca bahwa kita dipersilakan nyengir. Bagaimana pun, buku yang alur dan diksinya berasal dari empat kepala ini terasa lancar bercerita karena memilih penulisan lewat sudut pandang orang ketiga. Tidak ada narasi ber-"aku-aku" yang bisa tidak adil bagi sudut tertentu. Tetap saja, sebagai pembaca yang juga orang ketiga saya merasa terlalu banyak pesan titipan. Misalnya aneka tips dan trik. Tidak jelek kalau tips dan trik bagi kehidupan nyata dikaitkan dengan pengalaman tokoh rekaan. Namun akan lebih baik, misalnya, boks tips mencari sepeda tidak muncul sekonyong-konyong di tengah lajunya goesan pedal seorang tokoh cerita menuju ke kampusnya. Kasihan kan, boksnya ditabrak begitu...
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Thiên Lại Chỉ Diên
I can't even imagine what Jaycee went through during her 18 years in captivity. I'm sure the book just skimmed the surface of her story. Without having any formal schooling she wrote her story well and in a way that is heart-wrenching to the reader.
Definitely a funny, clever, and quickly paced book. It does take a little research in picking out some of the colloquialisms, but the addendums at the bottom of many of the pages help while also being the funniest parts of the story. While I couldn't always identify with characters in Gaiman's "American Gods", I found myself constantly at odds as to whether I was more akin to Crowley or Aziraphale. Although, I don't know if I really want to be like either of them since this book was a comedy and those two were often clueless. Definitely worth a read. A great present from my wonderful girlfriend. :)
I waited with much anticipation for this book, the ninth in The Sookie Stackhouse Southern Vampire Series, but it didn't resonate with me as well as many of it predecessors. Sookie is still the likable small town girl caught in a Vampire love triangle, she is still feeling uncertain about her blood bond with Eric, and she is still angry with her brother for situations he forced upon her in previous books. Yet, something was missing from this installment of the series. This book didn't contain as much action, romance, or suspense as I've come to expect from Ms. Harris. Don't get me wrong, I still thoroughly enjoyed the book. However, I think that I, like many devoted Sookie fans, had been waiting for some fabulous revelations and pertinent decision making that simply didn't happen in Dead and Gone. Harris did use Dead and Gone to kill off several reoccurring characters. She also cuts Sookie's ties to several others. This alone makes me very anxious to delve into book ten next May. I have a feeling that Sookie is in for more severed relationships and difficult decisions, though I don't necessarily think this will be a bad thing for the reader. I am fairly certain that this book was meant to tie up many loose ends so that Charlaine Harris can surprise and excited her readers with book ten, which can't come soon enough.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Chương Thâu
I wish I could say I really enjoyed reading this ten day countdown to World War II, but for reasons unrelated to its content it was just too much work. Also for those same reasons I can't comment whether this book deserves the fourth star I'm withholding now. 1939: Countdown to War (1939 Nedräkningen till andra världskriget) isn't an easy read in any language. Its focus is too narrow for any casual reader for the devil truly is in the details. By concentrating solely on the last days of peace and on the intricate diplomatic choreography played on the stage of European politics, Overy underlines just how painfully human this tragedy is. People don't start because they're angry and yelling at each other, because that still counts as dialogue. People start wars when the lines of communication are broken down, reliable intelligence is unavailable and fear for the worst takes over in the wake of unforeseeable circumstances, as the author points out. This and other insights hidden within the pages challenge the reader to think and take a step closer to those people who more than seventy years ago faced a another Great War in their life time. Few held on to the illusion of honourable war, but they were all innocent in comparison with us for they hadn't grown up being taught about the horrors of the Holocaust. That's another kind of tragedy; the more you already know about the Second World War and especially about the events leading up to it, the more you'll get out of reading this book. It doesn't give you all the answers to the how or why but it pushes you to the brink, so you can discover the answers for yourself.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Phạm Anh Thư
This book is very touching - I'm not sure I can get through it because I empathize with it too much
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Born
This fantastic book shows us that prevalent media images of strong women in power often ignore the difficult, sexist, and statistically underpaid realities of being a woman in the workplace, and that celebrity gossip and the Jersey Shore aren't as harmless and silly as we'd like to believe. It should be required reading for self-identified feminists.
This was weird, and I like the imaginative aspects, the characters, and the strangeness. I'm not sure I totally got it, as I've heard many other people say.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Katie Fforde
Murray Ball's book on the female sex! Saw in NZ. 2009
Very good towards the end but what a good first book.
Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.