Mattias Delbianco từ Nizamudinpur, Punjab, India



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Mattias Delbianco Sách lại (10)

2019-08-27 15:31

Trí Tuệ Đám Đông Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: James Surowiecki

I could cry - I had a lengthy review written for this book and it didn't save. :( To summarize... Isadora Presley has struggled with a debilitating case of agoraphobia since the tragic death of her mother by car crash, the same crash that left her father restricted to a help-home. She runs a widely popular, nationwide radio advice show. She nightly shares her romantic advice to the lovelorn of America under the name Miss Foolish Heart. Her radio persona lives in anonymity, even the people of her home town, Deep Haven, do not realize just who Issy is. Ironically, Issy, the famed relationship advisor, has never even been in a relationship! She lives her romance life by a series of rules and encourages her devoted listeners to do the same. Make a Top 10 list of qualities that is a must for your future mate to have and never waver from them. So your current boyfriend is an 8? Toss him! Okay, so she says it a bit more eloquently, but that is the idea. Her life is tossed into chaos when she meets her new neighbor, high school football coach hopeful, Caleb Knight. He annoys her, with his rather unorthodox ways of trying to get her out of her box - not to mention his messiness! While on the air one evening, a male caller, under the name Boy Next Door, asks Miss Foolish Heart for advice on getting on the good side of a girl he knows. After multiple call-in's, Issy soon finds herself swooning over BND and fighting jealousy over the girl he is trying to woo. What she doesn't know is, Boy Next Door truly is her new neighbor, the ever thorn in her side, Caleb Knight. And the girl he is trying to woo (who she is jealous of) is really herself! I can SO relate to the character of Issy, minus the agoraphobia... I have never dated, yet all of my friends come to me for their relationship advice. My best friend and I even made a video of our Top 10 of qualities for our future husbands! lol Needless to say, some things in this book truly resonated with me. But as Issy learned throughout this book, I also discovered that sometimes it IS okay if the man you marry isn't absolutely perfect (who is?!). While you should have standards and "carved in stone" qualities, some of the more trivial things really aren't important! If you waste your life trying to find someone who is perfect, you'll never get there. Only one man was ever perfect and His name is Jesus! If I had to name one thing I didn't enjoy as much in this book, it would be that there are at least 4 points of views going on. While I enjoyed reading about the other couple, I would've rather read more of Issy and Caleb. :) Loved it though! Another excellent book by Susan May Warren!

Người đọc Mattias Delbianco từ Nizamudinpur, Punjab, India

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.