Blues 李 từ Gostala, Dagestan Republits, Russia



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Blues 李 Sách lại (10)

2019-09-21 13:30

Gió Qua Rặng Liễu - Văn Học Kinh Điển Dành Cho Thiếu Nhi Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Kenneth Grahame

Almost three centuries after the Fall of Hyperion, the Time Tombs open and Aenea, child of Brawne Lamia and Johnny Keats emerges. Along with a former hunting guide named Raul Endymion and android A. Bettik, Aenea goes on a journey to fulfill her destiny as the one who teaches. Only the Pax has other ideas. Can Aenea reach her goal without being captured by Father Captain de Soya of the Pax? With all the two star reviews out there, I wasn't expecting magic from Endymion. Imagine my surprise when I wound up enjoying it quite a bit. Endymion felt like rummaging through a box of old possessions you have fond memories of but have forgotten about. Only in this case, the memories are the hawking mat, the Consul's ship, the deactivated farcaster portals along the old river Tethys, and good old A. Bettik. And also The Shrike, but we won't say much about him other than to say he's still as efficient a killing machine as ever. While not as pants-shittingly awesome as the first two books, Endymion was still an engaging read and doesn't tarnish the memory of the first two. The former Web has changed quite a bit in the 274 years since the Fall of Hyperion. Without giving too much away, the Catholic church and the cruciforms have melded in a pretty logical way into the Pax, and the Pax doesn't want Aenea fulfilling her destiny one bit. It makes for a good read. Endymion, Aenea, and A. Bettik visit some exotic former Web worlds, undergo quite a few harrowing experiences, and wind up in a good place to set up the next book, Rise of Endymion. As engaging as I found Aenea and her people's travels on the raft, I somehow found the bad guys, de Soya and the rest, to be a more interesting cast. de Soya was efficient but conflicted and I almost found myself rooting for the poor cruciform-bearing bastard. Don't let all the negative reviews steer you away. All franchises lose some steam by the third installment. At least there were no Ewoks in it. For fans of the first two books, Endymion is not to be missed!

2019-09-21 15:30

Sự Trả Thù Ngọt Ngào Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Mary Balogh

I had started out thinking that at its heart this book was a love story. But it is about so much more than that - love, coming-of-age, death, loss and sorrow. Murakami does an amazing job at putting complicated feelings into words. I loved how he keeps reminding one of the simplest pleasures of life all along the story - beauty of the sunset, walking on a moonlit path, smell of the coffee, freshness of a spring day, caress of a gentle breeze and of course music. It is only fair to give a part of the credit to Jay Rubin for 'the music of the words'. I did miss Muarakmi's bizarre,fantastic imagination. I have read three of his books so far and am amazed at how different an experience it was each time. My fondness for his work just keeps growing. I will close the review with an excerpt from the book where Murakami deftly expresses Toru's great distress at a point in his life where getting through even a single day is a great deal of pain. " Thinking back on the year 1969, all that comes to mind for me is a swamp-a deep, sticky bog that feels as if it's going to suck my shoe off each time I take a step. I walk through the mud, exhausted. In front of me, behind me, I can see nothing but an endless swampy darkness. Time itself slogged along in rhythm with my faltering steps. The people around me had gone on ahead long before, while my time and I hung back,struggling through the mud....."

Người đọc Blues 李 từ Gostala, Dagestan Republits, Russia

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.