Tim Classics từ Tarapur, Madhya Pradesh , India



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Tim Classics Sách lại (10)

2018-04-27 09:30

Bé Kể Chuyện Cổ Tích - Bé Tô Màu (Bộ 6 Cuốn) Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Tuấn Nhung

Read this book two days ago and am halfway into my next book it just took me a while to really process this book..there is alot going on and it is infuriating, hilarious and tragic all at the same time. The premise is a young white guy completely and totally enthralled and captivated by hip hop culture and the coolness exuded by his African American friends. This guy (his name is Macon) associates so closely with hip hop and its culture----one of my favorite quotes of the book is when he is reminiscing on his affair with hip hop and its influence on those who listen as the author says "A Hip hop motherfucker carries hip hop with him everywhere he went, and knows when to hold it on its shoulder or hide it in his heart."---but back to the story so Macon is in the midst of an identity crisis as the only white guy in his circle of friends and sicknened by the white oppression he witnessses at the sides of his friends. After high school and acceptance in a preppy school (funded by his own white oppressive parents) he gets a job as a cab driver to help out and stop being so hypocritical--but this is just after the Rodney King verdict and the ensuing riots so he is full of more animosity and misplaced anger and frustration than he can handle and starts to rob his white patrons out of anger and helplessness. In robbing them he hopes to familiarize them with the daily fear and mistreatment African Americans get however he never reveals his face and the media and victims assume he is black. After it is revealed that he was a white seemingly confused youth that thinks and acts as if he was black he is studied, hated and admired... so much that his celebrity finds it way to the television where he calls for a National Day of Apology for white people to black people..This is when the book got really tense, would a white person apologizing to you for slavery and racism make you angrier or more forgiving and is it too late? This book has a lot of words, hip hop quotables (mostly old school though) and even pages of poetry..it raises some really pertinent questions on white people listening to hip hop and our country's attitudes towards each other after all these years..great discussion book but only recommended for those who read for knowledge and to learn about themselves and dont mind being half annoyed and half intrigued as they do it..very controversial...

2018-04-27 15:30

Phân Loại Và Giải Toán Điện Xoay Chiều - Ôn Thi Đại Học Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Nguyễn Đức Hiệp

** spoiler alert ** I have to say, this book is unlike any of his others books I've read, on one hand; but on another there are a lot of similarities in details. I noticed a lot of similiarites between this book and "Message in a Bottle". The main guy Taylor reminds me alot of Garrett from "Message in Bottle" with the way he takes things so calm, cool, and collective; and his bit about cooking steaks on the gril. Taylor's mom, Judy reminds me a lot of the heavy-set woman in "Message in a Bottle" and Lexie's aunt in "At First Sight" also, Denise (the main woman character) reminds me alot of the main woman character in "Message in a Bottle" when they describe the way she's dressed. Whenever I read about Denise and Kyle riding their bikes, it reminded me of Katie, Alex, and Alex's kids riding their bikes home from a carnival in "Safe Haven" Nicholas Sparks newest books. I had no idea Mitch would die, that was a shocker for me, and it's also the first part of the book that made me cry. My heart broke when I read about how his father had died, and how he blamed himself. At the end when it all comes together in the Epilouge I fell in love with their "happily ever after" story, and I was surprised (although due to foreshadowing I shouldn't have been, but I guess I didn't pay attention) that Denise had another baby, but what really got me was that the named the baby Mitch, after Taylor's best friend. There were so many parts of this movie that broke my heart, made me happy, and irritated me. I would recommend this book to ANYONE. I absolutely loved it. <3

Người đọc Tim Classics từ Tarapur, Madhya Pradesh , India

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.