Rockstar Atelier từ Yahodynka Druha, Zhytomyrs'ka oblast, Ukraine



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Rockstar Atelier Sách lại (10)

2018-04-27 18:31

Cuộc Sống Quanh Em - Lễ Giáng Sinh Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Nhiều tác giả

The Edge of Grace is a Christian fictional drama. On the day that Caryn Becker receives a phone call from her brother, David, her world and all she knew about it, comes crashing down. David has just told Caryn that he is gay and will be heading off to Mexico with his new lover. Caryn is shocked, David had been planning his wedding to his long-time girlfriend, Lori, and this announcement leaves Caryn with feelings of disgust and revulsion. Caryn is a single, widowed mother of a seven year old boy. Her husband, Harrison, died when their son, Ben, was only a toddler. Caryn's best friends and neighbours, Julie and Trey, help Caryn through life's difficulties and offer her advice and wisdom. Caryn ignores her brothers messages and her friends advice, she is angry, hurt and feels like she never knew her brother. Her friends think Caryn is over-reacting and cannot understand her feelings. She believes there is nothing that will mend the hurt that she is now experiencing. On the day that David is beaten and left for dead, Caryn has to adjust her thoughts and remind herself that love can conquer all. Caryn begins to heal from the betrayal she feels was bestowed upon her and tries to understand her brothers life choices. I thought the story started out great. The introduction of Caryn and her brother began right from the beginning and the reader is immersed in Caryn's thoughts and feelings. The feelings and questions are real and her reactions are not uncommon to the situation before her. However, not knowing David before this phone call, one cannot feel for David and his plight. I thought the editorial issues were more than common, at times Lori, David's finance is called Lauren and I had to reread the passages a few times to make sure who it was being discussed in the chapter. Mayhaps Lori is being used as a short form version of Lauren, but it isn't explained as such and from her first introduction, we meet her as Lori. I didn't like the missing quotations around dialogue, you are left wondering if the characters are talking to someone or are they in thought mode, it was very confusing at times. I found that most of the book played out like a commercial, there were too many product placements throughout and just came across as the author looking for anything to fill the pages. The first half of the book is meandering thoughts and confusion about David's homosexuality and is rather ho-hum, however, after you get past that portion, the book does pick up and you are left with a read that is rife with human emotions and actions. I would give this book two and a half stars out of five. The editorial issues were annoying as was Caryn, she came across as a spoiled rotten brat in which the world should revolve around her. I enjoyed Julie and her open minded, level-headed character brought much to the book.

2018-04-27 22:31

Sức Mạnh Niềm Tin (Tái Bản ) Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi:

Ei da, asta e cu totul altceva. Tot din lipsa de chef, n-am sa insist prea mult asupra subiectului, dar ce pot sa va spun e ca sunt absolut mandra de mine insami ca am insistat sa primesc acest roman, de ziua mea. In primul rand, se simte ca Ioana Parvulescu a depus o munca de documentare sanatoasa, care face atmosfera evocata sa fie veridica. In al doilea rand, dom'le, personajele sunt interesante! Nici una dintre recenziile pe care le citisem nu-mi divulgase faptul ca, secundar, romanul trateaza pana si calatoria in timp. Dan Cretu e un jurnalist al zilelor noastre care, intr-o zi, intorcandu-se de la servici, si dorind sa se odihneasca putin pe o banca dintr-un parc, se trezeste transportat intr-un alt timp, un timp in care inca nu existau automobile, incalzirea se facea doar cu lemne, electricitatea de-abia incepuse sa fie la moda, fetele purtau rochiile acelea prodigioase + corset, toata lumea era cuminte si la locul mai departe. Cartea e, intr-adevar, semi-politista, anume ca pe parcursul actiunii se investigheaza moartea unui tanar gasit inconstient pe acelasi camp pe care aparuse, in mod misterios, si Dan Cretu. Bineinteles, asta nu face nimic altceva decat sa-l puna in dificultate pe ziarist, care nu doar ca nu reusea sa explice oamenilor cum se face ca aparuse, dintr-o data, in mijlocul unui alt timp, ci il incrimineaza, indirect, pentru asasinatul lui Rares Ochiu-Zanoaga. Intr-o oarecare masura, felul in care e scrisa Viata incepe vineri mi-a amintit de stilul lui Tracy Chevalier, dat fiind faptul ca fiecare subcapitol incepe cu o alta perspectiva: pe de o parte avem evenimentele instorisite prin prisma unui baiat, Nicu, ce indeplineste sarcina de comisionar la 8 ani, pe de alta parte e perspectiva Iuliei Margulis, fiica unui doctor bucurestean, cea care istoriseste majoritatea lucrurilor [cred eu] si care le priveste dintr-un unghi relativ obiectiv; mai sunt si parerile sefului Politiei, nea Costache, ale unui colonel care ajuta la descifrarea misterului, precum si ale lui Alexandru Livezeanu, tanar amorez care sufera de o maturizare fortata. Trebuie sa aflati cine l-a ucis pe Rares, daca Dan se intoarce inapoi in timpul lui, daca Iulia e sau nu indragostita, si multe altele! Asta ca sa nu mai spun de toate detaliile absolut formidabile care ne transpun in atmosfera secolului 19 si care imbunatatesc considerabil toata actiunea. Recomand prietenos.

Người đọc Rockstar Atelier từ Yahodynka Druha, Zhytomyrs'ka oblast, Ukraine

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.