Irena Leite từ Ebçiler/Bartın, Turkey



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Irena Leite Sách lại (11)

2019-10-20 03:31

Từ Điển Bách Khoa Britannica (Tập 2) Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi:

The sample of the ebook that I downloaded intrigued me enough to buy the book but after I got past the first chapters it became a little boring. At half way through there have been a lot of things going on with multiple strands to the story. We have met lots of different characters throughout who have interesting stories of their own each and relationships prior to the start of the book etc...however, something is just not quite clicking for me as I am not feeling much for any of the characters. I don't know whether it is because there is so much to explain that not enough time has been spent on any one character or whether it is just a complicated plot so the first half of the first book in the series is being used to lay out all the strands...but I can't say I am as engrossed as I feel I should be at this point and I am not feeling anything much for the characters like I should be...especially the potential love interests at this point (there are a few to choose from!). I do like the way we were not introduced to every character at the beginning and we are meeting new people and parts of the plot as it goes along. Plus it is not immediately obvious who the leading man/hero is - there is a choice of quite a few potential heros in the book. But without the depth to them that is needed to develop any emotions about them, they are all feeling quite flat at half way through although now that I have finished the book this does get better to some extent... There are many unanswered questions at the end with a resolution to the most immediate 'battle' but a complete cliff-hanger as to other areas. Despite some of the negatives, I still feel that I would continue to read the rest of the series. Its a shame as some parts of the book probably warrant a 4* or 5* but I cant say that I enjoyed it enough to give more than a 3*.

2019-10-20 04:31

28 Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi:

I read a lot of Steinbeck as a teenager: East of Eden, Of Mice and Men, The Grapes of Wrath, The Pearl, Cannery Row, and a collection of his short stories. I bought Travels with Charley when I was 18 and took it to work one day, intending to read it at lunch, but got teased so badly that I began to leave it at home and eventually to neglect. "What kind of sissy crap is that yer readin'?" I was asked. I had a blue-collar job. What I didn't realize was that I had casually tossed aside what is surely one of the greatest travel narratives of all time. Steinbeck, aging and in bad health (his daughter said later she believed he knew he was dying) gathers up his poodle, Charley, and a bunch of provisions (including many bottles of booze) and heads off in his truck in search of America, and what he finds both delights and frightens him. Steinbeck's descriptive prose is unmatched. Here's a master writer showing off every now and again, just to make you wow. He characterizes Montana as "a great splash of grandeur," talks about the lanscape "shouting color," and relays the "excited crackle" of a fire he builds. But those are mere samplings; he can go on for whole pages, molding topography until the ear hears poetry and the mind sees a portrait. There's also a lot of ironic commentary that, sadly, you don't find much any more. He says that he was told that driving around the country with his dog might cause suspicion and curiosity. "For this reason," Steinbeck writes, "I racked a shotgun, two rifles, and a couple of fishing rods in my truck, for it is my experience that if a man is going hunting or fishing his purpose is understood and even applauded" Like Mark Twain's The Innocents Abroad, Travels with Charley: In Search of America is also a time-capsule, having been published in 1962. the same year he won the Nobel Prize for Literature.

2019-10-20 07:31

Giáo Trình Thiết Kế Cơ Sở Dữ Liệu Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Trịnh Minh Tuấn

Because I try really hard not to reveal spoilers this is a very hard review to write. I have loved this series from the first chapter of the first book SOME GIRLS BITE. I love that Chloe has added in all these little hints that tell you of things to come and things to look forward to. This is definitely not a series that you can pick up at any book but book 1 so if you have not started the Chicagoland Vampires series yet I would highly recommend starting from the beginning. As all you fans know there was a HUGE devastating cliff hanger at the end of HARD BITTEN. Hopefully you didn't hold that against the series because DRINK DEEP totally makes up for the absence of Ethan. Will you miss him? Of Course. But the story still rocks. I found the pacing to be slower then previous installments but there is a lot of action and detective work mixed in to everything. We see a lot of Jonah and don't worry all you loyal Ethan fans it isn't bad as you might be thinking. I actually really enjoyed seeing Merit become closer friends with someone outside the house or someone in her normal circle. There were so many surprises and major things that happened in DRINK DEEP that I will end this review with, you really have to read it. All you people that said you were going to stop reading after HARD BITTEN will be extremely disappointing if you don't snag a copy.

Người đọc Irena Leite từ Ebçiler/Bartın, Turkey

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.