Chinki Garg từ West Newton, PA, USA



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Chinki Garg Sách lại (10)

2019-10-19 17:30

Luân Lý Giáo Khoa Thư Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi:

Enjoyable. Themes of good/evil, nature/nurture and family run through the book, usually without becoming heavy handed. Stefan is more or less a flawed character, a bodyguard for a member of the Russian mafiya, and no stranger to violence. We quickly learn his devoted family side as he meets with Saul, a man he hired to find his younger brother Lukas. Saul locates him, and he and Stefan manage a rescue. Most of the rest of the book is Lukas and Stefan on a road trip, looking for somewhere safe. The interaction between the two reminds me a great deal of the Leandros brothers. Lots of snarky back-and-forth that is worth a laugh and supposed to disguise real feeling. It's rather interesting that so many of the themes running through the Leandros series are seen in budding form here. I like that Stefan's background is first-generation Russian; it adds a different and interesting spin, and the Russian slang is fun. Plot structure is mostly that of an action buddy book, where desperate and on-the-run individuals learn to grudgingly trust another. It's only sci-fi in the barest sense, as the development of some psychic and genetic manipulation comes into play. I mostly enjoyed it, especially the bits about Lukas getting to know the outside world and discovering a craving for junk food. The overall plot of running from disaster to disaster got old for me, and a few times the disasters just seemed forced. Stefan's decision to pick up a hitchhiker was so eye-rollingly bad, the only explanation must have been Thurman looking for both a hook and an effort to humanize the brothers (Stefan in his compassion, Lukas in his hormonal teenage state). Much like the stereotypical 'hooker with the heart of gold,' Thurman wants Stefan to be the wiseguy with an ethical code. I found the ending extremely enjoyable, but not that surprising, given Stefan's heavy-handed obsession. In short, I liked the themes and the relationship between the brothers; I remain troubled by a couple of more obvious plot devices. I really recommend it as a buddys-on-the-run read.

2019-10-19 18:30

Nghi Lễ Của Người Trung Hoa Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi:

Alright, I've read it now. And I thoroughly enjoyed it. I feel that Nicole Krauss actually has a better grasp of children and adolescents than does Jonathan Safran Foer, evident in that Alma was a much more realistic portrayal than Foer's child in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. And in many ways, I feel she writes with greater skill about interpersonal relationships and understanding. I was particularly struck by a passage in which one young man who fancies himself a writer reads the book written by his closest friend. Before reading the book, he had thought that the two of them were alike-- two young men who played at being writers, who shared similar talents, similar thoughts, similar feelings. Upon reading the book, he suddenly discovers how false that sense of sameness had been. He is struck by the genius of his friend's words, his emotional response is less jealousy, less shame at has own inferior talent, and more awe of the vast differences between the two of them that he never knew existed before. I had to call a friend of mine and read this passage to him after I read it, and I went on to recommend it to one of my professors. In this moment, I felt no desire to "explore the differences between Krauss and Foer". I didn't need to think about who had written this passage, only to think that it was wonderful, that I was glad I'd happened across it.

Người đọc Chinki Garg từ West Newton, PA, USA

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.