Yumi Imai từ Villagrande BL, Italy



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Yumi Imai Sách lại (11)

2019-10-22 10:30

Truyện Kiều - Bản Nôm Tự Đức Thứ 19 Liễu Văn Đường - 1866 Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Nguyễn Du

¡Este ha sido uno de los libros más emocionales de la serie! Bajo cero sospechas, en esta nueva entrega de la serie Shopaholic descubrimos que... ¡Becky tiene una hermana! O más bien una hermanastra. Al regresar de su luna de miel, luego de 10 meses de relajacion y de compras junto a su esposo Luke, Becky Brandon -de soltera Bloomwood- se entera de que su padre tiene una hija, llamada Jess. Siendo Jess 2 años mayor que Becky, se vuelve la anhelada hermana mayor y la perfecta compañera de compras que Becky necesita. Pero lo que Becky nunca penso fue que su ahora nueva hermana odiaria las compras a muerte. Al principio Jess no me agradaba, se veia a Becky tratando de llamar su atencion hasta el punto de hacer hasta lo imposible por agradarla, y la entiendo, Becky al creerse hija unica por muchos años, claro que se alegraria de compartir momentos con su hermana, se le veia tan desesperada por lograr una gota de afecto que en un punto llegue a odiar a Jess por mostrarse tan antipatica. Mientras tanto el matrimonio Brandon comienza a venirse abajo, luego de regresar de la luna de miel, Luke vuelve a ser el tipo todo negocios, sarcastico, frio y competitivo que venimos conociendo desde el primer libro. Luke me parece un poco bipolar >.< La presion por mantener la empresa, el stress de Luke y los gastos y las mentiras de Becky parecen ser el peor obstaculo que el matrimonio enfrenta. Ahora que Becky esta casada con Luke y los problemas matrimoniales que acarrea la relacion, Becky no es la unica que se encuentra en problemas, cada error que ella comete Luke tambien lo paga. Y esta fue una de las situaciones que me agrado que Kinsella reflejara en el libro, ya no vemos a una superficial mujer loca por las compras, observamos a una Becky madura, llena de errores pero que esta dispuesta a irse a un pueblo lejano y escalar una montaña para probar que puede mejorar y que Luke -aunque se nos vuelve un poco grosero por ratos- es capaz de perdonar a Becky y amarla con todos sus defectos. Aun cuando la trama es un poco repetitiva -Becky se gasta un dineral comprando, se mete en problemas, miente y luego de milagro se salva de la situacion- algo que me gusta de la serie es el humor que la autora le pone al libro. Aunque existan muchas reseñas negativas alrededor de esta serie - aun asi - se ha vuelto una de mis series chick lit favoritas, la leeria una y otra vez. Shopaholic & Sister hasta el momento es mi libro favorito de la serie, seguido de Shopaholic Takes Manhanttan, ambos han sido los libros más emocionales de la serie, con ambos me he reido a carcajadas o con el que me he echado a llorar. Esta es una serie recomendada para aquellos que disfruten de series ligeras, llenas de humor, y por que no, a quien le encante ir de compras. :)

2019-10-22 11:30

Tôn Tử Binh Pháp & 36 Kế Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Trần Trường Minh

I've placed my hold on Ashes, Ashes since February 2012 in the library and only got it in mid-July. This book seemed to be interesting. The cover, the blurb... Imagine my disappointment when it turned out to be a horrible and boring book. Story and World-building: Five years ago, a plague came upon earth and annihilated 99% of it's population. The plague had a 1% survival rate. After the plague, the earth's weather was in chaos. Exactly what the scientists warned the people about. There was drought, floods, and lots of rain that would go on for months. The remaining 1% of the population was consisted of S'ans (people who were infected with the plague but survived), the Sweepers (people who cures the plague victims, abducts other survivors, and experiments on people to find a cure), and the normal survivors who haven't been infected with the plague. Characters: Lucy Holloway is an ordinary 16-year-old girl. Or so she thought. Her family died and she lives alone in the wilds of Central Park... until a pack of dogs chases her out of her "home" and she was saved by Aiden. Since Lucy wasn't vaccinated, it seems that something in her blood can cure the plague. Aiden is an older boy who lives with 35 (more or less) survivors in a place known as Hell's Gate. As the story progresses, it was revealed that Aiden has been watching and admiring Lucy when she was still living alone. I didn't like any of the characters, except for Henry and Sammy. Henry was one of the survivors and is very flirtatious. Sammy is Aiden's brother, he's also an S'an and he's very kind. Lucy was a boring and an annoying character. Some might say that she's tough. But seriously, from the beginning of the book, she gets injured and it seems like nothing to her. It's like she never felt it. It annoyed me that she gets so powerless at the end. (Ugh, the end. I don't wanna mention it. It fails on so many levels!) Aiden was another annoying character. He's also Lucy's love interest (I don't know what she sees in him!!!). Not only is he Lucy's love interest, but he is also Del's love. *gasp* A love triangle? Yes. The romance was very boring and rushed. Lucy and Aiden rarely talked when she arrived in Hell's Gate. He was always with Del so I don't know how this "romance" developed. But I can tell you that it sucked on so many levels. BTW, Del is one of the survivors living in Hell's Gate. She's in love with Aiden, is sarcastic, annoying, and a traitor. But she gets forgiven in the end because the characters are idiots. She is also the daughter of the Sweeper leader who has been abducting survivors in their camp. The Writing: The writing made me sleepy in the beginning. The author was very descriptive, but she mentioned a lot of stuff that I don't need to know. She also described how to cook turtles (which I think is barbaric and totally unnecessary... couldn't she have picked something instead?), peeling potatoes, and other boring stuff. Conclusion: Ashes, Ashes was a very boring book. The characters are horrible, the writing was okay, and the world-building was bad. I give this book 1.5 star(s).

Người đọc Yumi Imai từ Villagrande BL, Italy

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.