Almir Spahic từ Veselovka, Respublika Bashkortostan, Russia



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Almir Spahic Sách lại (10)

2019-10-29 16:31

Yêu Thương Không Cấm Đoán Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Ohmae Kenichi

Any sort of summary you can give of this book gives you the wrong idea about how good it actually is. The premise makes it sound like the book is cheesey and overblown, but it's the complete opposite. I mean it sounded interesting, but not in the sense I was going to be so addicted to it. From the first word your drawn in, finding yourself really liking Paul and Joanna, feeling their pain and joy, bonding to them like their real people. Everyone in this story comes off as a real person, even the "bad guys." Because this is a mystery there's not much I can say. Siegel has a simple, but catching way of writing that draws you in. His words combined with his characters and plot makes this a book that's hard to put down. And boy are their a lot of twists, but not in the way you start getting annoyed, there is just the perfect amount. And, at least for me, every twist came as a huge surprise, something else that made this novel even more enjoyable. The only small flaw I found was that every once and a while I got a little confused with all the political talk and certain details that are sometimes hashed out. It's hard to explain without giving a lot away. Hopefully you'll understand things a little better than I did. But really, that was the only problem I had, and that's not even a big one. It may sound like a book that's only so-so interesting, but seriously pick it up and give it a read. You'll be pleasantly surprised.

2019-10-29 18:31

Tô Màu Thật Là Dễ - Tập 5 Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi:

The Hidden Goddess, by M.K. Hobson, is one of those well-crafted sequels that’s enjoyable and intelligible even if you haven’t read the book that came before. The past is alluded to in passing, and there are details that will leap more vibrantly from the page if you’ve read The Native Star, but the change of setting to turn-of-the-century New York City, and the increasing sophistication of young witch Emily Edwards, is enough to separate the stories and make Hidden Goddess stand alone. Emily is now engaged to society’s darling Dreadnought Stanton, and some delightful conversations ponder the implications of what she might call him after the wedding. Meanwhile Dreadnought’s family strive to complete Emily’s civilization, and teach her to enjoy the dramatic reading of Wordsworth by studious young women in lieu of chasing round California looking after her Pa and neighbors’ illnesses. Sadly, the newspapers are full of drama. Earthquakes and “black exunge” are troubling San Francisco and beginning to spread. And anti-magical Russian scientists have been questioning Pa and others to learn Emily’s whereabouts. While Dreadnought is bound in the details of gaining and retaining control of magical authority, Emily becomes embroiled in apocalypse. The untied links of The Native Star all reappear nicely threaded into this tale. Dreadnought’s tortured character and past come together. And the gentle intrigue of seeing ourselves in a slightly distorted image of our past continues to amuse, inspire and delight. By turns scary and romantic, humorous and deep, The Hidden Goddess is a truly enjoyable mix of steam-punk, magical romance, and historical social commentary. Disclosure: The friend who loaned me The Native Star loaned me this book as well. Thank you.

2019-10-29 19:31

Tiểu Sử Steve Jobs (Tái Bản) Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Walter Isaacson

My BookBuyingAddict Blog If you think the cover is beautiful (which it is), then you wait until you read the story!! 'Or maybe I'm just damn easy on the eyes.' Love Cas, his personality and inner monologue is fantastic!!.. Theseus Cassio Lowood, a Ghost Hunter NOT a Ghost Buster!! Instead of breaking hearts he's vanquishing spirits, sending the evil spirits away. He saving people and they don't even know it! And seriously, with an outstanding name like that could you expect anything less than total awesomeness!!!! Anna, Anna Korlov AKA Anna Dressed In Blood - utterly grotesque, wicked, scary, confusing, vulnerable, strong, beautiful and terrible!! This new Teen Horror from Kendare really stands out, not just because it's horror but it's really GOOD and because it's delving into a tried and test genre that is successful with teens and YA demographic!! Buffy, Charmed, Supernatural, Twilight, Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf .. the list goes on. If it works, go with it people!! I really enjoyed the 1st Person POV because it made me feel like I was literally watching/reading a movie, there wasn't any crap that is page filler, it was all go, go, go. I immediately felt like I was watching an episode of Supernatural, with Dean or Sam, driving along looking gorgeous and kicking ass. But his confidence is tested (beaten to a pulp) when Cas and his mother move to Thunder Bay to hunt Anna Korlov - Anna Dressed In Blood and end her killing spree. But will Cas' strength and skill beat enough to overcome whats in hiding in that house!! Oh, it was great how Kendare managed to slip romance in between the pages of murder and dismemberment given that the story really and truly is 'Boy meets girl. Girl kills People story'.. I'm still smiling! Definitely read it, I think Kendare has only just started (what a start) and will very quickly become a very popular YA author, with us readers scrambling over eachother for her next story!! That cover.. I just love it!!

Người đọc Almir Spahic từ Veselovka, Respublika Bashkortostan, Russia

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.