Renato Miño từ Calala NSW , Australia



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Renato Miño Sách lại (10)

2019-11-11 04:30

Botchan - Cuộc Nổi Loạn Ngoạn Mục Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Natsume Soseki

The Protector by Marliss Melton Romantic Suspense -July 7th, 2011 4 ½ stars The Protector is the exciting prequel to the author’s Counterterroist Taskforce series. ESL teacher Eryn McClellan finds herself a target of Islamic extremists who want revenge on her powerful father, General McClellan. She is immediately placed in a safe house by the FBI but feels caged. However, the FBI plans to use Eryn as bait to catch the extremist and leak information about her location. Meanwhile, aware of the danger to his daughter, the General calls in a favor from two trusted men. He asks them to rescue and protect Eryn by stealing her from the FBI. Eryn soon finds herself taken from the FBI and under the protection of the gruff warrior named Ike. Ike is bitter and haunted by a mission gone wrong. He retired to an isolated mountain where he has become a teacher in survivalist training. But an unexpected visit from a soldier from his past reminds him of a favor to General McClellan. Ike knows he cannot refuse the General. He sets out to locate Eryn and keep her safe. Ike figures his job is to find her and then drop her off with the other solider for safekeeping. But he plans go awry when the other man has an emergency and Ike finds himself ‘stuck’ with the sexy Eryn. He takes her to his secluded mountain hideaway where she invades his privacy and sanity when he only wants to be left alone. But keeping her safe is not that simple because the FBI wants her back and the ‘extremist’ are also hot on their trail! This was a well written suspense novel. Readers of the author’s books will not be disappointed. Ike is definitely an alpha hero but one who is very human and easy to sympathize with. The author does a wonderful job of creating character that feels like a genuine solider. I love the author’s heroes because they are strong and honorable but never over the top. The heroine is also very likeable. She is spirited but makes naïve mistakes that sometimes were frustrating to read. This made the suspenseful ending seemed a bit tacked on although it certainly made the story tenser as Ike rushes to save her again. I enjoyed the clever plot as the hero skillfully evades the scheming FBI while teaching Eryn and her dog defensive skills. While I enjoyed this romance but it wasn’t my favorite of the author’s books primarily because I didn’t feel the characters (especially the heroine) were quite as developed as her other books. A fantastic hero and a top notch suspense make for a fast and thrilling romance. This was a quick and easy read but was shorter and therefore less characterization than her earlier books. Reviewed by Steph from the Bookaholics Romance Book Club

2019-11-11 07:30

Ngọc Trong Đá - Tái bản 01/10/2010 Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Nguyễn Đông Thức

Dystopian novels are becoming more and more popular in teen and children’s fiction–so now it’s time to get picky. I haven’t read a lot books from the genre (yet) but I already can say The Water Wars is a good dystopian novel to start with. Fast-paced, suspenseful and nicely developed, The Water Wars is the tale of a group of teens who are at odds with a waterless world and a controlling monopoly who possess a carefully guarded secret...and a terrifying plan. Though the idea of a drought-ridden planet is not entirely “new”, I felt as if Stracher composed it as a fresh idea by slowly introducing the environment, characters and their way of life. I also liked how he introduced our main character’s voice, which reminded me a lot of Guy Montag in Fahrenheit 451; Vera constantly struggled (and often denied) the fact that perhaps the powerful authorities who promised to keep the people of the broken up territories safe, had entirely different agenda. Throughout the book there is a very strong sense of political views (much like Fahrenheit 451 or 1985, etc.) which plays a major role in the entire plot. I can see how some readers will be in a sense “turned-off” by this or will enjoy it all the better–as for myself, I think it made the book all the more worthwhile. What good is a dystopian novel if there’s isn’t some kind of friction with naturalistic changes and/or humanity? The semi-objective first person narrative made the story even more intriguing–the details were epic, Vera’s world made me thirstier with every page. Stracher managed to keep me guessing through most the book and kept the turn of events rolling quite nicely. Towards the end it got a little predictable but it was a great finish. I would definitely read more by Stracher and perhaps more books from the dystopian genre too. Recommendation: Teens and tweens who enjoy dystopian or who want to try something new–ages 12+ Content: Some sensuality (PG) Full review at

Người đọc Renato Miño từ Calala NSW , Australia

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.