Emmanuel Nonhof từ Langenenslingen, Germany



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Emmanuel Nonhof Sách lại (11)

2019-12-21 00:30

Bài Tập Trắc Nghiệm Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Tập 1 Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: The Windy

What will come to your mind right after you see this picture? When I read the first chapter, I didn't pay attention to the cover, but then, I took a look to the cover and surprised. At first I thought it's just a normal picture, but then I realize the whole body of the woman in the pic isn't fully visible and all of a sudden I can relate the story to the cover itself. It tells about the woman who had died but didn't vanish from human world. Instead she stayed and become a ghost. Nobody can see her, nobody can hear her and she can't smell anything. And to make it worse, she died at her birthday day. Her name is Amelia. She questioned why she was still there in the human world, but she didn't have anyone to answer her questions. She just know that sometimes she will have a very bad nightmare which tell that she died because of fell from the bridge into river. She thought that perhaps she tried to kill herself then jumping off the bridge. But it wasn't. Later she found a guy whose car, including himself sank to the river. The guy was unconcious. Amelia tried to help him, but she can't touch him, so it's useless. She just hear his heart pounding, and stopped for a moment. Then the guy woke up and directly saw her. The guy survived. Since then, they were kind of friends, then start dating. lol. Later he helped A to find her background story, where she lived, who is she, etc. Because A can't remember even a piece about her-before-die-story. The guy name is Joshua,btw. His grandmother Ruth is a Seer. So practically she can see Amelia too. She hates her for being a ghost and get so close to her grandson. Besides, there's a guy named Eli, who can see Amelia as well. But he's not a Seer. Instead, he's another ghost like Amelia. But he's more powerful, more intimidating, and he can persuade people to get high and kill themself. He needs a partner to take more people to die, He choose Amelia. However, he always said to A that they are fated to be together, etc. Most of the time he told her that she is his ==* omg.gross. E likes A but she loves J and J dislike E. So it's kinda battle among those boys to win A's heart. But since the very beginning, you'll know who owns her heart. At last A found that she has a power too, but she can't handle it perfectly yet. Overall, the story is quite good. 3.5stars. Let's wait to read the 2nd book :D

2019-12-21 06:30

The Grammar Files B2 Upper - Intermediate (Không CD) Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi:

Plot: After Sonea has gained some respect from the other novice and most of her teachers and everything seems to become better for her, BUT nobody knows about the dark secret she discovered about the High Lord Akkarin – that he is using dark magic, which is strictly forbidden. But after a while Akkarin entrust Sonea with his secrets and his past and Sonea becomes a follower and joins him with using dark magic, because she understands the threat of the bad, dark magicians of Sachaka. But after a while the Guild discovers that they both are using dark magic and they banish Sonea and Akkarin to Sachaka. Now a footrace begins which decides about death or survival of the people and magicians of Imardin… and Akkarin and Sonea has to find a fast way back to help them. But their journey isn’t only exhausting and dangerous, but they also find something good on their way…love. My thoughts about the book: I just finished the third book of this trilogy and now I don’t know what to think about it. Maybe I’ll think different in a few weeks, but for now I’m shocked and unhappy with the end… So for all who don’t want to know how this book ends… please stop reading the review now!! !!!SPOILER!!!! I really like the book, I love the characters and I found it very interesting and good how every problem and question were solved and how the different plotline become one and everything made sense. The writing was wonderful, though a bit ‘old fashioned’ but still nice and easy to read and it was so thrilling that I finished this big book within only 2 days… BUT – now to the thing I didn’t like – the end. How could such a great book, such a great trilogy end like that? At first Canavan changed our opinion in this book about Akkarin and we fall with Sonea and him in love and then she just let him die… I don’t see the reason in it, because I’m a romantic type, for me is the romance in a book very important and I just love ‘happy-endings’ and so I’m really disappointed in this end. Sonea always had to fight and did things just for the others and I felt and suffered with her and now at the end, when she has given everything to fight for her people and could discover something good for her own – her love with Akkarin – he just died – unspectacular and without any good reason… and now Sonea has to suffer again and also has to grieve her love. For me this book would be great and I would have recommend my friends, but now with such an end it just leaves the reader with a bad feeling and a bad taste in the mouth. And in a way it destroyed the book for me. Sorry, but I’m not a fan of such endings and can’t say otherwise (at the moment). Cover: Nice Cover which is classic and shows a great magician on it. All in all: A great thrilling and fascinating book, but which loose much sympathy with such an end. Handlung: Nachdem Sonea sich nun endlich Respekt von den Novizin und vielen Lehrern erarbeitet hat und sich für sie vermeintlich langsam alles zum Besten wendet, wissen die anderen der Gilde noch immer nicht über das dunkle Geheimnis bescheid, dass Sonea zufällig über den Hohen Lord Akkarin heraus gefunden hat – und zwar, dass er schwarze Magie benutzt! Doch nachdem sich Akkarin Sonea immer mehr anvertraut und ihr seine Geschichte erzählt, beginn sie die Dinge und auch ihn zu hinterfragen und schließt sich schließlich ihm an, nachdem sie die Gefahr erkennt, die von einer Gruppe böser schwarzer Magier aus Sachaka ausgeht. Schließlich wird von der Gilde entdeckt, dass die beiden schwarze Magie ausüben und werden verbannt- nach Sachaka. Von dort an beginnt ein Wettlauf zwischen Tod und Überleben für die Bewohner und Magier von Imardin… Akkarin und Sonea müssen einen Weg zurück finden, der nicht nur strapaziös ist, sondern auch angenehme Seiten für die beiden birgt…. Meine Gedanken zum Buch: Ich bin gerade eben mit dem letzten Teil dieser Trilogie fertig geworden und meine Gedanken und Gefühle zum Buch und besonders zum Ende sind sehr widersprüchlich und ich bin mir selber nicht sicher, was ich davon halten soll. Vielleicht schaut es in 1 oder 2 Wochen wieder anders aus, wenn ich mich beruhigt habe, aber zurzeit bin ich wirklich betroffen und enttäusche vom Ende. Wer jetzt nicht das Ende lesen möchte – bitte aufhören die Review weiter zu lesen – SPOILER!! Mich hat das dritte Buch von Trudi Canavan mitgerissen und fasziniert und ich war noch viel mehr gefesselt als bei den beiden Vorgängern. Es war so spannend geschrieben und die Handlungsstränge der verschiednen Personen und Erzählperspektiven so verworren, dass man es einfach nicht mehr beiseite legen konnte (ich glaube ich hatte es innerhalb 2 Tage fertig gelesen). Und ich hätte mit Sicherheit Fünf Punkte gegeben bei der Bewertung, weil endlich auch etwas Romanze hinzu kam und man Sonea auch mal von einer anderen Seite sehen konnte…. Aber als dann das Ende kam, war ich bestürzt, geschockt und frage mich noch immer, warum es Autoren darauf anlegen müssen, so ein Ende zu schreiben und einen Hauptcharakter – nein, den Partner, den Vater von dem Kind des Hauptcharakters (hier Sonea) sterben zu lassen, einfach so und ohne viel Aufhebens. Ich muss zwar an dieser Stelle zugeben, dass ich eine hoffnungslose Romantiker bin und ich besonders die Liebesgeschichten in Büchern wichtig finde, sie ‚den Lebenshauch’ eines Buches darstellen und ich ein absoluter ‚Happy- End Typ“ bin, der sehr enttäuscht wird, wenn dies nicht zutrifft (was hier leider der Fall war). Besonders wenn ich den Sinn hinter den Tod von Akkarin nicht sehe…. Warum lässt uns Canavan mit so einer Traurigkeit und Sinnlosigkeit zurück? Wahrscheinlich bestand ihre Absicht darin, den Leser noch mal wach zu rütteln, ihn noch mal alle Gefühle zu entlocken… oder ihn einfach dazu zu bewegen auch ihre nächste Trilogie zu lesen, in der es weiter geht mit Soneas leben und ihrer Zukunft. Wer weiß? Für mich hätte dieses Buch einen tollen, grandiosen Abschluss gegeben, wenn sie Akkarin am leben gelassen hätte und für mich das diese Ende leider den Rest, des ansonsten unglaublichen Buches in den Schatten gestellt. Diese Tatsache finde ich zwar bedauerlich, aber entspricht den Tatsachen und ist für mich auch ein Grund, dass ich mir genau überlegen werde, dieses Buch Freunden weiter zu empfehlen. Cover: Gleich wie bei den ersten beiden Büchern: Vielversprechend und klassisch mit einem Magier auf dem Cover. Fazit: Ein tolles, spannendes und aufregendes Buch, das sich selber, durch das überraschende Ende, viel Sympathie beraubt hat.

Người đọc Emmanuel Nonhof từ Langenenslingen, Germany

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.