Pinky Shalom từ Bondone Sudovest, Italy



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Pinky Shalom Sách lại (10)

2018-06-19 14:30

Sổ Tay Kiến Thức Ngữ Văn 11 Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Nguyễn Xuân Lạc (Chủ Biên)

I saw a list of some classic books that someone created saying which books everyone must read before dying. And i was am a bit ashamed to realize that i actually haven't read most of them. This is partly because these books are usually required to read when you are in high school in the US, and since i didn't study in the US, well... Anyway, i think it's never too late to start reading these books, so I decided to start with the book that is probably the most famous, and most read out there, To Kill a Mockingbird. This was a really good book that shows us the importance of not prejudicing people just by what you think of them or by looks, without knowing them. This is very important because most of the times you see someone, and you may start making things up in your head, and start criticizing them, hating them, or being afraid of them. You may start thinking how someone is strange, but you don't really know what's going on with that person, so everything you think is idle. It's important to stop, and realize it's a person as well. Atticus is the father of 2 kids, Jean Louise aka Scout and Jem. He is a very interesting character and very unique, he is someone who always wants to do what it's right. And he tries to teach his children with his actions to always act this way. In occasions, he even told them that he was doing certain things because if he didn't then he couldn't tell them anymore not to misbehave or do wrong things. This book goes into the subject of racism. It shows us how the people in the book see the colored people like inferior creatures and don't stop to think that they are people too. In some part of the story there's a lady who is saying how what Hitler did was horrible, treating the Jews like that, that it was so wrong, but then again she was at home and was treating all the colored people the same way practically. I watched the movie the same day i finished the book, and was so good, i really liked it. The scene with Tom Robinson was really heartbreaking, not that it wasn't in the book, but in the movie it all came to life and felt more real. I totally can see why this book became a classic, why it is now regarded as a masterpiece of American literature.

Người đọc Pinky Shalom từ Bondone Sudovest, Italy

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.