Veryveryvery Qi từ 41010 Doğantepe/Kocaeli, Turkey



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Veryveryvery Qi Sách lại (10)

2018-06-26 21:30

Giữa Tình Yêu Và Tình Dục Là Tình Gì? Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Lương Cần Liêm

I've definitely got a weakness for books / movies that deal with memory. Forgotten tells the story of 16-yr-old London, whose only memories are not of her past but of her future. Huh? Sounds weird, doesn't it? Well it is weird, and while London's unusual plight is by no means fully explained, I was never left with the impression that it involved something supernatural or paranormal. If anything, this book is very much grounded in realism, save for this one unusual detail of London's malfunctioning memory. I read this book in one huge gulp, just tearing through the pages. The premise is so original that I was hooked from the beginning and instantly came down with a case of "the gottas" -- as in, I just gotta know what happens next!! I remember (no pun intended) experiencing a similar case of the gottas when I read Lisa McMann's Wake, another compulsive page-turner featuring a young girl with an unusual affliction. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend that you do! In it, McMann introduces readers to Cabel (who I crowned the boyfriend we all wish we had in high school). And he still is IMO, but whoa mama, has he got some serious competition in Luke. I mean, is this guy for real or what? At times, he was almost too saccharine-sweet perfect and I didn’t know whether to puke or to run screaming to the dentist. I did neither, because in the end he completely won me over. Grown men who wish to woo their long-term partners would seriously benefit from taking a few pages from “the book of Luke” – this guy has got it figured out gentlemen. Trust me. So yeah, while there is mystery in this story, and while there is high school drama, this is mostly a teen romance. I don’t want to lie to you about that, in case you might have been getting other ideas. But it’s a romance that is tested by a pretty unusual problem – that being the girl has no past memories but a whole life of future memories. This makes her present very interesting. Forget girl meets boy, try girl meets boy over and over again because she can never remember him. Okay, I know it’s a stretch, but I promise if you suspend disbelief for just a moment, the story really will sweep you up and away. This part of the book reminded me a lot of the movie 50 First Dates. How would you live if you weren’t able to remember what happened yesterday, but you know what will happen next week? A year from now? Ten years from now? Do you accept your fate? Do you try to change it? Most importantly, do you keep your mouth shut about the fate of others? Imagine knowing when someone was going to die, even how they were going to die? That is one burden I could live without. I am a firm believer in ignorance is bliss. I think. And ultimately, that’s what I loved about this book the most, it made me think. Are our futures written in stone? Is it destiny or free-will?

2018-06-27 05:30

Tình Yêu Tìm Thấy Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Johanna Lindsey

Quotes from book: The deepest relief that addiction provides is that it destroys our deepest passions. As addiction continues, it dulls the deeper passions of our hearts for other people and other things. Addiction opposes love. it nails the energy of our longings to someone or something - a person, place, substance, behavior, or belief. And the addictive object or central activity works; it provides relief from living in the midst of messy relationships, so we want more and more of it.(But then it imprisons us to self hate.) When we are addicted we can not love. Addiction is energized by the belief that if God were as He should be, we would not struggle with desire and having to say no to desire. And so we substitute a God of our own making. Really, the heart of addiction is rooted in the last addiction: "I will be in charge, because i know best." So far what i have read, this book explains quite well the root of addictions, How addictions kills our desire and how I want to be in Control of my life. This book rings true to my life, how I have tried to numb out my pain through my addiction to food and co-dependency. I see how i have killed the desire of my heart, I want what the cover of this book says. Own My Desire Live Beyond Recovery Find Lasting Freedom This book is not just for those who are addicted, I think it is a book for those who deal with wounds that has kept anyone from living a full life that God has intended for us to live.

Người đọc Veryveryvery Qi từ 41010 Doğantepe/Kocaeli, Turkey

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.