Koorosh Ahadi từ Uspenskiy , Kazakhstan



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Koorosh Ahadi Sách lại (11)

2018-07-24 10:31

100 Đề Kiểm Tra Toán 3 Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Nhiều Tác Giả

If ever there was a science fiction book for those who don't like science fiction, The Sparrow is it. When the novel opens, we meet Father Emilio Sandoz, sole survivor of a failed Jesuit mission to Alpha Centauri. That's right. Priests in Space. Using a dual narrative structure in alternating chapters, we go back to learn how this bizarre mission came to be, while in the "present" we follow the efforts of Emelio's religious superiors to find out what happened to the broken man. And Emelio is broken, in both mind, faith and body. There are terrible rumors about what happened to him on the alien planet they visited, but Emelio is too traumatized to explain the mission's colossal failure. Watching the efforts of this broken priest to come to grips with his experiences is a grueling thing to read. But knowing the end somehow does not detract from the other narrative, which is how it began and unfolded. It seems that a signal is picked up at a remote radio observatory in Puerto Rico; a signal that sounds like singing. But it is singing that could not possibly be from earth. The technician who discovered the signal is friends with Father Emelio Sandoz, a parish priest working in the slums of Puerto Rico. Emelio, the technician Jimmy, and a handful of other vividly drawn and achingly real characters end up signing on to be the ones to find out where the signal is coming from. In the author's near-future world, national powers have shifted, but the Catholic Church still has resources. As they arrange the mission, and we bond so completely with the characters as they prepare and carry out their mission, that you will yourself to forget that only one will survive. The author, Mary Doria Russell has a anthropology background, which shows in the careful way she creates the alien societies that our missionaries encounter. This is a novel that deals with issues of religion, but without ever being heavy-handed or preachy. I'm an atheist through and through, but I found it fascinating how other people use faith to try and understand their experiences. Religion and science fiction could be a tough sell on their own, much less in the ingenious combo you get here. But Russell uses the formal framework of religion to tap into the truer issue of what it means to have faith, and the science fiction framework to examine what it means to be human. I've read this book twice, and both times it made me cry, but left me immensely satisfied.

2018-07-24 15:31

Rèn Kĩ Năng Sống Cho Học Sinh - Kĩ Năng Giao Tiếp Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi:

The genre of this book is a sci-fi thriller. I chose to read this book because its based off of a game that i played a while back. I very much enjoyed the game because it took me away from the "Call of Duty" genre, which is basically shooting things. So i figured why not pick up the book and enjoy a good read! The book is about a man named Alan Wake, a successful horror/sci-fi writer who has gotten "writers block" and is taking a vacation in hopes to get away from work and stress. Alice is Alan's wife whom he with on his vacation. And Barry Alan's manager and best friend who helps him on his journey. Zimmerman the mysterious entity that helps Alan in fighting the Taken. And finally "The Taken" the evil entity that is coming to life from Alan's book he is currently working on. Alan and his wife Alice go to a town called Bright Falls which looks like a peaceful environment..during the day. However when the couple gets to their cabin they have a fight and Alan wakes out leaving Alice alone in the cabin. And when Alan hears the screaming voice of his wife he rushes back to see whats going on, only to find out Alice has fallen into the lake beside their cabin as Alan jumps in to save her. Alan wakes up in his car only to realize he did not drown and his wife was not by his side. He goes into the woods in order to find help when he encounters a silhouette of a man who looks like he is covered in darkness. The man tries to kill Alan and in a desperate need to escape finds a flashlight and a gun and kills the man only to reveal that he turned to ashes. This is when Alan realizes all of this corresponding to the new book he was trying to write and now has to battle the silhouette death known as the "Taken" in order to save his wife. The Central conflict of this book is man vs man, and man vs the unknown. The theme of the book is never give up and overcome your fears. The lighthouse in the novel is a symbol of Alan's writing ability because in the book it is turned off and only if he overcomes his fear will it be lite. Mr. Rick Burroughs uses a lot of imagery in his context. He uses it to draw you in and then reveals a tragic incident and or scary moment. Mr. Burroughs writing style is all about having you sit back and enjoy the show. I did not have to sit and think too much on something ( although i don't mind that ). The story just unraveled in front of me and i sat there as if i was standing right next to Mr. Wake. I would totally recommend this book to anyone. You don't need to be very...well...intelligent to be able to read it. What i'm trying to say is that its an easy read and a very interesting one at that.

Người đọc Koorosh Ahadi từ Uspenskiy , Kazakhstan

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.