Louis Cadieux từ Telma, Uttar Pradesh, India



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Louis Cadieux Sách lại (10)

2018-08-04 01:31

Học Tiếng Anh Theo Phương Pháp Tập Viết Từ Vựng Và Đọc Truyện - Tập 6 Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Tri Thức Việt (Biên Soạn)

I'm a *big* Hemingway fan, one of the favorite things I own being my 1st edition copy of Old Man & the Sea, so it was a foregone conclusion that, if written well, I was going to enjoy this. You have been forewarned. I wondered going in if this was essentially going to be Hadley's version of 'A Moveable Feast', and it turns out that book is where McLain got her inspiration. So a second reading of that earlier work is in the cards for me soon. This book is beautifully written, and covers a fascinating period of time: the 20s in Paris, when an incredible collection of artists and writers more or less spontaneously assembled in Paris. You'll meet Hem, Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald, Ezra Pound, John Dos Passos, Gertrude Stein, Ford Madox Ford, Harold Loeb, and many, many others. I found myself referring often to Wikipedia to learn more about this fascinating real-life cast of characters. You'll learn a lot about the making of the writer and man who was Ernest Hemingway. McLain's writing is tremendous, and Hadley's voice is pitch perfect in relating her story. Hadley was one of many boats who crashed to near-ruin on Hem's rocky shores, and you feel her pain - and his - acutely as their marriage disintegrates. Even though the subject matter is mostly historic fact, I'd rather not give away how McLain resolves the story. Suffice to say, the ending is satisfying in that way which makes you want to just sit back and reflect upon putting it down for the last time. Highly recommended. And for those who find it enjoyable, I likewise highly recommend Woody Allen's recent film, 'Midnight in Paris', about which I will say nothing except that there's a magical surprise in store for you.

2018-08-04 03:31

Thời Gian Chỉ Dừng Lại Vì Em Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Scotland Chiết Nhĩ Miêu

I was soooo disappointed in this book. I love good, graphic novels where the blood is bloody, the bones are crunching, and the terror is terrifying! The book started off with a natural disaster (earthquake), some weird spooky supernatural stuff, and 4 protagonists that starred in our show, I mean book. The 4 characters see some seriously creepy stuff and basically, they don’t know whom to trust, were to go and what the hell is going on. Great setup right? Yup. It was soooooooo good. And then….. well Wash, rinse and repeat. That’s it. It was one graphic scene after another, with no plot. It was just our 4 characters going through the motions of surviving without us, the reader, understanding (let alone the characters) of what the hell was going on, or why any of this was happening. The book was just a poorly made horror movie where the reel gets stuck and you play the killing/dying scenes over and over again. Why did we need 4 POV? We didn’t. It seemed like such a cop-out. The reader never feels emotionally attached to any character because of the 4 POV’s. You thought Divergent was screwy? Sometimes I become a bit picky about the world the book is set in. If I don’t understand something, my entire review can be hyper focused on my confusion & I’ve been known to write an entire review full of questions. (See Divergent). I’m not going to do that here since, well, it’s been a while since I read the book and frankly, a lot of the specifics have left me. However, I have placed my thoughts regarding some of the quotes from the book below. “He didn’t go home. Instead he drove around until his gas tank was nothing but fumes. Stopping to refill, he grabbed a bag of chips that he ate but didn’t taste. Glancing at the clock, he decided he’d spent enough time away as the doctor ordered. He headed back to the hospital because there was nothing else he could do.” If you have no clue who “he” is, neither do I. “The old man twisted around on his crutches and scanned the road. “ So, these bad evil dudes are beating the shit out of people left and right. Here comes an OLD man on CRUTCHES and offers to take you in (well not you but the kid in the story). Either the old man is a bad dude in disguise OR is one of the luckiest old men around. Because if my understanding of “old” is correct, usually you cannot run from bad evil dudes and if you are on crutches AND old, you are in serious trouble and should not be alive at this point of the story. However, that doesn’t prevent our character (at this point I cannot even remember who was the stupid jackass POV at this point of the story) from fully trusting old man in crutches even though he’s seen some pretty graphic evil dude bone crunching deaths. This totally reminded me of the bimbo blonds that trip and fall when running from the slasher serial killer in the movie! Totally predictable and dumb. “The clouds were fat and gray, the land pregnant with swollen tears.” All righty then! “Glancing down onto the street below, he could see some people trashing a car with what might have been a baseball bat or a crowbar. A few blocks over to the right, a group of people had cornered someone. They were closing in on the kill. Even farther away, a group of people were stacking bodies into what looked like a gigantic bonfire.” No, the kid doesn’t have super human eyesight. It’s fricken dark and he can see blocks and blocks and even farther down. Wow. “She wasn’t overly familiar with the area, and it was even harder at night with the shadows mixing up her sense of direction.” Ok so, um, exactly what is causing the shadows? Since, one of the big issues here is it is REALLY dark. Like, no electricity. “The last thing in the world she needed was a broken ankle”. No really, according to the author, “the last thing” many of the characters need is to come up with some other wording besides “the last thing”. Maybe I was hyper-focused on these words but I swear the author loved the combo of “the last thing”. Overall I’m still whining….. such great potential!!!

Người đọc Louis Cadieux từ Telma, Uttar Pradesh, India

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.