Katarína Pšenáková từ عردة , Saudi Arabia



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Katarína Pšenáková Sách lại (10)

2018-03-13 21:31

Kinh Tế Học - Trọn Bộ 2 Tập (Tái Bản Lần Thứ Nhất) Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Paul A. Samuelson

My first attempt to read Sarah Dessen. Do you know Sarah Dessen? She's known for writing teen romance novels. I've never read them before but in some reviews of books I've seen people say, "I'm not a fan of 'Sarah Dessen' type of stories." which tells me that some readers have already categorized her style a little. It just made me reluctant to read it because I'm not a fan of overly formulaic novels. (Tell that to the part of me that reads nothing but paranormal vampire books) So I went in with low expectations. I was actually pleasantly surprised at how good this book was! I mean, it's not going to win a Pulitzer (frankly, nothing I read will win a Pulitzer) but it was a pleasant read. The characters were complex enough to really help the reader empathize their plight and they were dysfunctional enough to keep me interested. This is not Sarah Dessen's first novel, but it's her most highly rated one, which I can see why. The story follows Macy, a lonely teen girl whose father passed away unexpectedly and left her wallow in her own guilt over his death. She meets Wes and begins to heal from the heartbreak of her father's death. Deeply moving at times and hysterically funny at others, the supporting characters in this book really kept me in rapt interest, they were really well-developed and supported Macy's turnaround in the best possible way. As shoulders to cry on, as distractions and as wake up calls, Delia, Kristy, Bert (omg, he's HILARIOUS as Wes's End of the World Conspiracy Theorist little brother), and Monotone, I mean, Monica, are quite the ragtag bunch! But really, the real reason I loved this book was Wes. Wes, the tattooed tortured artist who is seemingly so out of Macy's league and is definitely more than meets the eye. Get this girls, HE WELDS. That's his art, he designs and welds sculptures. I could die right there about how dreamy that is. Anyway, if you're looking for a quick afternoon read that is easy and fun, pick up The Truth About Forever. It's too cute to pass up.

2018-03-13 22:31

Hướng Dẫn Ôn Luyện Kiến Thức Thi Vào Lớp 10 - Môn Ngữ Văn Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Đào Tiến Thi

Brooks has a wonderful knack for character-driven narrative, and her deep, deep research into her topics bring her novels to life. March is not only an excellent, believable depiction of what Mr. March was up to during the narrative of Little Women, but a whole new story about a man struggling with his own outsize expectations himself and everyone around him. It is also, to a lesser extent, a story about the Civil War and race relations. I was intrigued by the character of March, and how his own hang-ups and desires are the cause of all his distress and the haunted way he feels. He is a deeply principled person, but being in danger and at war makes many of his principled stances seem obtuse, and even he is angry with himself for some of the decisions he makes. March is also someone who seeks perfection, in himself most of all but also in others. He badgers his wife about her temper, treating her in his mind like an animal he must tame and making her feel like a misbehaving child. He expects only perfect behavior from the soldiers and others around him, making them dislike him, and he's prone to lecturing and proselytizing. He is also completely unable to forgive himself for any mistake or decision he makes that ends badly - and, of course, in war many things end badly for everyone. He is driven to keep trying and trying to save the people around him and his inevitable failure is destroying him. Though March and I would not be friends, he is so fleshed-out and flawed and realistic that I was fascinated by his story and his internal struggles. Late in the novel, there is a portion from his wife's perspective and this highlights the struggles of being with a man like him - this only made the novel more well-rounded and character-driven. Like the other novels by Brooks I have read, March is tragic, somewhat violent, and full of the very real ways that life is completely unfair. I love her ability to get her readers completely intrigued in heavy, historical tragedies. Themes: Little Women, marriage, Civil War, race, violence, tragedy, slavery, education, religion, military, morality, underground railroad

Người đọc Katarína Pšenáková từ عردة , Saudi Arabia

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.