Elias Zaaza từ Bengnapara, West Bengal , India



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Elias Zaaza Sách lại (11)

2018-12-18 05:30

Túp Lều Bác Tôm Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Harriet Beecher Stowe

This book was really good. Lol. Yeah, I put that so eloquently and explained my reasoning really well, didn't I? But no, really, this book was really good. Let's clear my only problem with it out of the way before I start on the stuff I truly enjoyed about the novel... Slow start. That's my only problem. It really took a while for things to kick up, but once they did it was a very exciting read. And even though I didn't like the slowness of the beginning part of the novel, I wouldn't have had it any other way because Dubus uses most of the beginning to set up situations and characters and make them all three demensional and believable, which was something I really enjoyed about the book. What was interesting about the book was the fact there was no clear protagonist in the idea of good guy vs. bad guy, which could have easily happened. Dubus has us constantly switching perspectives between our two main characters so we see behind their reasoning and begin to aggree with them. But before we can begin to side too much with one character, we're back with the other and beginning to side with them until we switch back. It may sound confusing right now, but Dubus does this gently so the switches are easy to follow. I would be interested to hear from those of you who have read this book about who you side with. Behrani? Or Kathy? I myself, once I finished the book, had no definite person I sided with. I thought they both deserved the house and both had very good reasons for having it. But then again I thought that neither should have the house, either because of their past actions or their current actions. The second part of the book was as fast as the first part was slow. So it sort of made up for the lack of action in part one. All together the book was wonderful, with characters you could sympathize with if not related too. Well-rounded and fully believable with their flaws. Brilliant plot and absolutely stunning writing. If you start to read this and find it boring at first, I will convince you to keep on going, because like I said before, what the first part may lack, the second part will more than make up for it.

2020-05-05 06:48

Tản Văn Nguyễn Vinh Nguyên Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Nguyễn Vĩnh Nguyên

Este libro se parece mucho a una versión adulta y sexualizada de The Catcher in the Rye. El personaje principal, Alex Portnoy, pasa el libro hablando con su psicólogo, reflexionando y llorando y gritando acerca de crecer permanentemente, culpable, luchando con sus padres y con su herencia judía, y terminando miserable en cuestiones de amor, en gran medida. parte porque él se hace su propia miseria. El libro es divertido y podría convertirse en una buena comedia de pie. Entiendo que si decides que no puedes soportar su lloriqueo malcriado, pero si puedes, Roth tiene muchas anécdotas escandalosas, agridulces y dolorosas que contar sobre la vida de Portnoy, lo que es más importante (y probablemente eficaz en la medida en que el humor va) tienen una especie de anillo de verdad para ellos, como si fueran cosas que realmente podrían haber sucedido, puedes imaginar estar allí y ver al narrador reaccionar como lo hace. (Tal vez el libro tiene algún elemento autobiográfico.) A diferencia de Holden Caulfield, nada se resuelve realmente para Portnoy; los libros simplemente llevan su lamento y la narración de cuentos hasta el final, y esto se vuelve repetitivo a veces incluso si no te opones al tono general. Aquí no hay desarrollo de personajes y eso impide que el libro vaya a lugares. De todos modos, vale la pena recoger solo la risa sólida.

Người đọc Elias Zaaza từ Bengnapara, West Bengal , India

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.