Ming Man từ Chavannes, France



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Ming Man Sách lại (10)

2019-02-15 03:30

Hộp Đen - Chôn Giấu Những Sóng Gió Thẳm Sâu Nơi Tâm Tưởng (Tặng bookmark) Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Nhiều Tác Giả

I think my life would have been a little easier (psychologically at least) if I had discovered Tony Campolo in high school. After reading him, I have to say that I agree with just about everything he says. What's funny to me is that there's a low-level fundamentalist outcry that Campolo is 'liberal' (Stay away, kids, he might make you think) but really he has some pretty conservative views toward homosexuality and abortion. He isn't so much 'liberal' as 'moderate' but I guess the Religious Right thinks anyone slightly to the left of them is shockingly liberal. The difference between him and many Evangelicals is that he refuses to condemn gay people (though he does classify their behavior as 'sin' he also advocates for equal rights for gay people) and instead condemns the rampant homophobia in fundamentalist Evangelical circles. As for abortion, he actually has ideas about how to decrease the rate of abortion instead of just making abortion illegal. Some of the ideas he mentions: government-funded medical coverage for pregnant women, daycare programs for single moms, programs for young moms to stay in school and complete their education, and becoming adoptive parents, as well as teaching sex ed. Campolo cites a study that suggests that 200,000 abortions would be prevented simply by teaching and providing contraception to low-income women. You know, I don't know how feasible these things are, but I certainly applaud Campolo for highlighting the fact that there are ways that pro-life Evangelicals can tangibly make a difference without lobbying to overturn Roe v. Wade. He also points out that there were a shocking number of abortions done in 1950 (pre Roe v. Wade) so making it illegal won't keep anyone from doing it (watch out, kids, he uses logic and fact-based arguments!). Though pro-life, Campolo rejects the Republican/fundamentalist position that politicizes one issue to make it a hot-button that is sure to rouse the party base and get them out to vote based on one issue. Campolo also points out that the 'gay-marriage ban' amendment of 2004 was what won Bush the election (or at least heavily swayed the swing state vote). Rove didn't actually care about gay marriage one way or the other, but introducing the amendment measure in swing states was a surefire way to get the base mobilized to the polls, but that's an aside. Overall, I thought Campolo didn't sacrifice a single Evangelical conviction but at the same time rejected a lot of the garbage creeping into Evangelical Christianity due to its unholy marriage with partisan politics. I have to say that being a liberal leaning Christian I wasn't ever sure I could call myself Evangelical without being anti-science, anti-gay, anti-woman, anti-etc. I wasn't any of those things, so I decided I couldn't be Evangelical. And it seemed that Evangelicals were more about being against things than telling you about their faith and living the words of Christ as represented in the Gospels. And I realized that there were some pretty convincing things in there about caring for the poor, loving everyone, fighting for justice, being humble, etc. And I appreciate that Campolo gets that too. "A religion of rules is not to be compared with a religion of love." "...those who neglect the social teaching of Jesus preach only half the Gospel." "If killing is wrong, they argue, then Christians should oppose all forms of killing." "Whenever Christianity becomes identified with any political party, it tends to take on the values of that party, rather than remaining loyal to the principles of Scripture." "Too many of us make God into a deity who looks just like us and incarnates our values." "We will be doomed by our relentless consumerism." "Deliverance from social and economic oppression must also be part of the Gospel story."

2019-02-15 07:30

Cùng Chơi Với Bé - Câu Trả Lời Dễ Thương Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi:

Giovanni's Farewell - Claudia Gray ***** Twins have psychic abilities, one, Ravenna, helps a ghost. Scenic Route- Carrie Ryan *** Zombie(?) apocalypse where Margie and her little sister Sally try to survive. (Corresponds to a series) Red Run- Kami Garcia **** Edie wants to find and kill the ghost who killed her brother. Things About Love- Jackson Pearce **** A genie wants to learn about love. (Part of a series) Niederwald- Rachel Vincent *** Sabine goes to an oracle with her ex's new girlfriend's best friend. (Part of a series) Merely Mortal- Melissa Marr **** Love story about a fey queen and her newly mortal beloved. (Part of a series) Facing Facts- Kelley Armstrong *** Necromancer has to help her friend. (Part of a series). Let's Get This Undead Show on the Road- Sarah Rees Brennan ** Boy band, one is a vamp, gets kidnapped. Bridge- Jeri Smith Ready ** Boy dies, comes back as a ghost and tries to help his brother. Skin Contact- Kimberly Derting **** Boy has future-telling dreams, tries to save his girlfriend. Leaving- Ally Condi ** A girl wants to leave her sheltered world but ends up going back. At the Late Night, Double Feature, Picture Show- Justine Musk **** Jane is a supernatural hunter who tries to prove herself to her family. IV League- Margaret Stohl * Southern vampire tries to get into college. Gargouville- Mary E. Pearson **** Gargouvilles lose their wings and memoires. This happens to Giselle, then her beloved Etienne. The Third Kind- Jennifer Lynn Barnes **** Jess's sister has pulses, and they find out they're both like guardian angels. Automatic- Rachel Caine ***** Michael drinks blood from machine, and becomes scary.

Người đọc Ming Man từ Chavannes, France

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.