Sigmeo Sigmeo từ Ghoshla, Madhya Pradesh, India



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Sigmeo Sigmeo Sách lại (11)

2019-03-24 00:31

Giáo Dục Sớm - Flash Card Bảng Chữ Cái Tiếng Việt Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Công Cát

Pearl Verses the World By Sally Murphy ISBN: 9780763648213 Publisher: Candlewick Press Publication Date: 8/23/2011 Source: NetaGalley Summary from NetGalley: Pearl likes to write poems, but despite the insistence of her teacher, Ms. Bruff, Pearl’s poems don’t rhyme, and neither does she. She wishes she could grow gills so she could stay underwater in swim class without drowning. And she hasn’t a clue why perfect Prudence bumps her desk and sends her pencils flying. Pearl thinks there’s no nicer sound than the bell at the end of the day, even though back at home Granny, always a crucial part of their family of three, sometimes doesn’t recognize Pearl, and Mom is tired from providing constant care. In a lyrical novel told with clear-eyed sympathy, humor, and heart, Sally Murphy follows a girl who holds fast to her individuality even as she learns to let go—and in daring to share her voice, discovers that maybe she’s not a group of one after all. Review: This was a very short read (80 pages), but it was such a sad story. I felt sorry for the little girl, Pearl. Her teacher, Ms. Bruff does not understand her poetry because it does not rhyme. Pearl feels like Ms. Bruff is always looking at her with disapproval, leading to Pearl’s feelings of being a “group of one.” When her grandmother dies—after a long battle with dementia—Pearl has a need to share her feelings, but has trouble finding the words. At the funeral, she shares a poem that she writes about her grandmother. In doing so, she releases her feelings and shows Ms. Bruff that not all poems have to rhyme. The poems were quick and easy to read. Most of the pages had simple sketch drawings to help illustrate the book. I do not typically read middle grade novels, but I thought it might be something my students would read. After finishing the book, however, I’m not convinced any of my students would read this book without my probing. It was a very sad story. As a piece of writing, I think it would be worth using in class if we discussed the underlying themes and the idea of coping with loss of a family member. I think the book would be best suited for a child struggling with loss.

2019-03-24 04:31

Học Tiếng Anh 10 Phút Mỗi Ngày - Trình Độ Sơ Cấp (Kèm 1 CD) Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Lorraine Sova

Ehrman has outdone himself again. This is a great little book for people who are actually interested in the historical questions that The Da Vinci Code claims to answer: Who wrote the New Testament? Who decided whether Jesus was a human or a god? Was he married? What did Jesus actually teach? Who was Mary Magdalene, and what was her relationship with Jesus? and what were the contents of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Nag Hammadi library, and the gnostic gospels? One puzzling thing at the beginning of the Da Vinci code, on the first page or on one of the cover pages, is Dan Brown's claim that all of the descriptions of the ancient documents in the book are true. In light of what Ehrman and other historians of early Christianity actually know, the only way to make sense of Brown's claim (other than to assume his research consisted of skimming a single book and copying it's ideas wholesale - ie ignorance) is to read this page as part of the fiction of the Da Vinci Code. As if the fictional author, who lives in a fictional parallel world where all of his claims are true, were writing it, because from Dan Brown that statement is a lie. The real historical knowledge about these questions is in some ways just as subversive and interesting as the more fanciful daydreams presented in the Da Vinci Code. The only reason authors like Brown can spin such a tale about early Christianity and get away with it, is that people, even devout Christians (especially devout Christians) have the real information hidden from them by omission. Read this book; Ehrman presents his material with clarity and authority.

2020-05-09 10:27

Truyện Cổ Tích Việt Nam Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi:

Gané esto en Goodreads. Creo que irá en la bolsa de mi cámara, ya que es una "guía de campo". Realmente emocionado por una guía de referencia, sin embargo. Recibí esto por correo hoy y leí la mayor parte: está dividido en dos secciones "El entorno digital" y "Edición de imágenes". Como no tenía mi cámara fuera, escaneé la parte de edición, ya que eso será más útil cuanto más practique disparar. Sin embargo, no puedo creer cuánto aprendí en solo 60 minutos. He tenido el objetivo de comenzar a tomarme más en serio la fotografía, en lugar de ser una madre con una cámara réflex digital que tomó una clase en la universidad y sabe cómo disparar en manual. Me gustaría practicar lo suficiente como para ser BUENO en eso. Eso, por supuesto, requerirá práctica, y creo que tirar este pequeño libro (literalmente 6x4 pulgadas) en la bolsa de la cámara ayudaría. En realidad, estoy interesado en más fotografías de paisajes / macro que personas, y este pequeño libro podría ayudarme a seguir mi camino. Probablemente aprendí más sobre cómo funciona una cámara en las primeras 20 páginas que en mis últimos 5 años de talleres y clases en línea que he tomado. El sensor, el procesador de imágenes, el rango dinámico, la creación de imágenes HDR, etc. Me gusta cómo se dan las explicaciones para PC y Mac. Frio. Pequeño libro útil. ¡Gracias!

Người đọc Sigmeo Sigmeo từ Ghoshla, Madhya Pradesh, India

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.