Pauline Acalin từ Ngwesaung, Republic of the Union of Myanmar



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Pauline Acalin Sách lại (10)

2019-04-22 19:30

Gánh Quà Vặt Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Phan Thị Diệu Thùy

What else can I say? Soo many reviews, so many applaus to this book. Sudah masuk cetakan ke-10, kalau tidak salah. Salah saya, tidak baca dari dulu-dulu. Kenapa? Ya, sudah tau sih buku ini bagus, bahkan yang rekomen ke saya adalah temen yang bapak-bapak! Padahal biasanya bapak-bapak kan jauh banget dari segala fiksi. Well, ya, ini adalah fiksi sodara-sodara, tapi mengingat betapa maha dahsyatnya kejadian yang melatarbelakangi fiksi ini, kisah ini mungkin saja terjadi. Siapa yang tahu? saksi-saksi kuncinya tidak bisa berbicara lagi. Satu dari lebih 100.000 korban tsunami Aceh atau berpuluh ribu lagi yang dinyatakan hilang, mungkin saja mengalaminya. Setiap kali melihatnya di toko buku, kepingin sih beli, tapi saya tidak siap. Buku terakhir yang membuat saya tertangis-tangis semalaman adalah 'Life' - ini juga fiksi, pengarangnya Chinese - saya lupa namanya. Kesedihan yang melingkupi saya, tidak bisa lepas berhari-hari sehingga saya takut untuk membaca buku-buku sedih lainnya. Apa daya, hari itu sang buku terpampang didepan saya, yang sedang terburu-buru. Harus ada buku, saya sedang cuti dan tidak afdol libur saya tanpa buku. Buku itu seperti mengajukan diri, menandak-nandak minta diambil. Okay,.. okay,.. saya ambil deh. Dan air mata saya kali ini, worth it. Ada banyak pelajaran, makanan rohani, yang bisa diambil. Bukan hanya mengaduk-aduk emosi, tapi ada nilai positif dari kisah yang dipaparkan Adalah Alisa Delisa, bungsu bersaudara berusia 6 tahun yang cantik (berambut pirang, bermata hijau), dengan tingkah yang polos dan menggemaskan. Keingintahuannya menggebu, dengan respon yang terkadang membuat orang dewasa tidak tahu harus menjawab apa - karena salah-salah pertanyaan susulannya bisa lebih sulit lagi dijawab. 'Ustadz, memangnya nggak boleh ya kita baca bacaan shalatnya kebolak-balik?" Ustadz Rahman yang barusan melototin Teuku Umam yang lagi iseng menjawil jilbab Tiur menoleh. Buru-buru menjawab 'Ergh, nggak boleh, Delisa!" "Kenapa nggak boleh? Kan, semuanya tetap dibaca..lengkap!" Delisa memasang wajah seolah-olah ikut berpikir serius. Pertanyaan itu sebenarnya juga serius sekali untuk anak seumuran Delisa. Ustadz Rahman menyeringai. Kan susah kalau dia mesti jelasin shalat itu 'ibadah besar'. Jadi mesti sesuai dengan tuntunan Rasul. Tidak boleh ada yang beda. Beda sedikit bisa jadi bid'ah. Lah, bid'ah itu apaan? Pasti Delisa bertanya balik. Dan urusan semakin kapiran. Bukan.Bukan Ustadz Rahman tidak mau menjelaskan panjang lebar. Tetapi mengajari anak kecil seperti Delisa, harus ada tekniknya. Atau kalau tidak,akan terjadi mal-praktek mendidik anak-anak. Kekeliruan. "Eh.. Kalau Delisa pakai kaos kaki kebolak-balik warnanya boleh nggak?" "Boleh.. boleh-boleh saja. .. Delisa pernah kok!"..... "Eh..Kalau Delisa pakai sepatu dikepala.. terus kerudung dikaki bisa nggak kebolak-balikbegitu?"Ustadz Rahman mencari analog lain. Menyesal dengan contoh sebelumnya yang terlalu sederhana. Jelas-jelas dia sedang menghadapi Delisa. dst..dst.. Delisa adalah salah satu dari sekian ribu anak korban Tsunami. Dia selamat, karena pertolongan sebilah papan. Pada hari terjadi tsunami, (duh saya merinding) Delisa dan teman-teman se-kelasnya di kelas 1 SD di Lhok Nga, sedang ujian hafalan shalat. Sampai shubuh di hari itu, dia masih ada yang lupa. Dia berusaha, bersungguh-sungguh merapalkan hafalannya sehingga tidak merasa lagi apa-apa yang terjadi disekelilingnya. Begitu khusu'nya. Kapan terakhir kali kita berasa khusu'? Sepanjang cerita, Delisa berkeras bisa menyelesaikan shalatnya yang lengkap, yang dia hafal sendiri semua bacaannya. Ada lagi tentang hadiah kalung, lika-liku persaudaraan 4 anak gadis, keseharian yang sederhana, cinta sederhana yang melingkupi mereka. 'Delisa cinta Ummi karena Allah' Duh, ibu mana yang tidak bahagia dengan pernyataan anak yang seperti ini? Semoga anak-anak saya nanti bisa belajar mencintai kami karena Allah,..amiin.. Separuh terakhir berkisah tentang kehidupan pasca bencana. Bagaimana orang-orang memunguti kehidupan mereka yang terserak. Bagaimana berbagai bangsa berusaha membantu, setelah seminggu pertama yang kering kerontang tanpa bantuan. Delisa yang harus dewasa mendadak. Belajar menghindari pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang menambah susah hati orang lain. Belajar bergembira dengan hal-hal kecil yang ia temui. Tere-liye menambahkan banyak foot-note yang tak kalah menyentuh. Lihat ini, tapi memang lebih 'terasa' kalau sambil baca ceritanya. 'Ya Allah....lihatlah! Gadis kecil itu sungguh ingin sujud kepadaMu.. sungguh hanya ingin sujud kepadaMu dengan sempurna untuk pertama kalinya. Tetapi sekarang ia tak bisa melakukannya! Ya Allah, bukankah banyak sekali orang-orang jahat, orang-orang munafik, orang-orang fasik yang bisa semaunya melakukah hal-hal buruk di dunia ini. Engkau sungguh tak menghalanginya! Tetapi Delisa! Ya Allah Delisa justeru hendak sujud kepadaMu.. Hendak sujud! Kenapa Engkau membuatnya pingsan sebelum ia sempat melakukannya. Kenapa? Ya Allah, kenapa. Aku bertanya.. aku butuh penjelasan,.. Seribu Malaikat bertasbih.Seribu malaikat mengungkung langit Lhok Nga. Turun menatapi semua itu. Dan mereka tidak melakukan apa-apa!' Membaca cerita ini, kita belajar tentang kepahitan hidup, keinginan untuk beribadah lebih dan lebih kepada illahi, kembali ke ketulusan seorang bocah,.. dan banyak lagi deh. Satu hal, endingnya agak mengganggu. Bahkan setelah menerima begitu banyak pertanyaan yang sama, sang pengarang menyuruh kita membaca lagi epilog dengan teliti, untuk tahu apa yang dia inginkan untuk Delisa. Kan, nggak enak? Petunjuknya juga kabur. Saya pikir semua orang ingin happy ending, tapi sepertinya Tere-Liye membuat petunjuk dari awal,.. misalnya tubuh Delisa yang bercahaya-cahaya ketika ditemukan, dan malaikat yang kembali ke langit di akhir cerita. Tugas sudah selesai. Tugas yang mana? Mempertemukan Delisa dengan umminya? Atau kalungnya? Atau membuat Delisa menyelesaikan hafalan shalatnya? Semuanya? Lalu kemana Delisa setelah itu? Help me please..

2019-04-22 22:30

Người Thừa Kế Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Johanna Lindsey

I dunno, dawg, this book was all over the place for me--to coin a Randy Jackson-ism. I wasn't really feelin' it toward the end, and it got a little pitchy in the middle, around the whole homosexuality part. I dunno. Paula? There! Now I am HIP and WITH IT! and MEDIA SAVVY! and CREATIVE! and TUNED IN! Maybe now "outsiders" my age will be drawn to the Christian faith as though by a magnet! Alas it's not so simple, and I would caution anyone from taking the research or conclusions in this book as definitive. Their polls found some dramatic numbers, true, but for me a big red flag was raised when they revealed just how dramatically the current numbers differ from their own 1995 numbers. Not to mention, I happened to notice that their survey results (on the attitudes of young Americans towards Christianity) were much more dire-sounding than other surveys I have seen from other news sources. To me this says "re-examine your methodology and sample for possible biases and confounds and re-do the study." Not "publish a book decrying how horrible everything has suddenly and inexplicably gotten." Dramatic changes in attitudes can happen in 10 years, sure, but they are rare and must be carefully appraised before we start running around trying to decide what to do about the putative "crisis." Kinnaman however takes the numbers at face value, and pelts them at you again and again. Young people--nicknamed as "busters" (that's me, high school class of 1998) and "mosaics" (that apparently includes everyone from my little brother to my kids)--think that Christianity is full of it. That we're hypocrites, and "boring" and "out of it" and "archaic" and "homophobic" and sin-of-all-sins in this postmodernist postethics moral relativistic world--we're "judgemental." We're just uncool, man, face it. We probably smell bad and wear coke bottle glasses and can't get anyone to take us to the prom, also! (I'm actually rather certain that the Baby Boomers who file in and make up the majority of every mainline Protestant church I have visited said the same things back in about 1971, no? And they had their fun with the guitars and flowers in the pews and suddenly now they're putting checks in the plate to fund Bach Cantata night.) To use the jargon of social research, I'm not entirely sure that Kinnaman is right in identifying these dire numbers as being a "cohort effect," that is, a true trait of an entire generation, shaped by the environment in which they were raised. I think he may be seeing a transient effect based on newly protracted adolescence and its attendant rebellion. Overprotected and coddled, today's high school graduates live out their adolescence from 18-35 in many ways. The 28 year old of today may well be more like the 18 year old of 1968. Having said that, Kinnaman is right that some of the blame can be placed on the shoulders of Christians and Christian institutions. It is right to see where we have come up short, and how we could better serve our most important missions and directives. That would be, by the way, the Gospel. I am of the opinion that if we stay true to that course, young people will eventually come to us. Kinnaman feels the same, it seems, but he's a lot more freaked out about it and offers all kinds of frantic ideas on how to polish our "brand image" as it were. Some of these are good, some of these are not so good, but the overall tone of panic and hysteria, not to mention the constant belting of statistics, makes it hard to discern. While I take seriously charges of hypocrisy and prejudice, I find it hard to take as seriously complaints about being "boring" and "too set apart." It is not the job of serious people of faith to entertain and fit in. And then on the other hand, Kinnaman charges that we are also too conformist! This is what comes of trying to stay with the trends--confusion, chaos, and loss of one's direction. I found the young "outsiders" (as he calls them) to sometimes have good points, but sometimes as well to be vapid, shallow, and judgemental and narrow-minded in their own ways. There is a case to be made that the church would do better to stay put and wait for these folks to eventually hit the shallow bottom of popular culture and come to us looking for something steadier and deeper. (Usually about the time they start either having kids or realizing they will one day pass away.) The biggest flaw with the book, however, was its neglect to mention the effects of the media. The media is all about splashy headlines, so the most outre and ridiculous specimens of any group--including both Christians and secular young people--are the ones that get reported upon. This distorts our opinions of one another considerably, and it was easy to see that many of the statistics reflected opinions based on media exposure rather than exposure to an actual church or Christians. Once again I was confirmed in my belief that one of the single most important things a parent can teach a child these days is how to debunk and disbelieve media hype and reports. Kinnaman would do well to examine this question, perhaps in another book.

2019-04-22 23:30

Vị Hạt Táo Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Katharina Hagena

Kiss of Midnight was an interesting story, but it was far too similar to the Black Dagger Brotherhood series for me to get the full enjoyment of it. After witnessing a scuffle outside a nightclub Gabrielle who has the common sense to take a photo of the attacker as he descends on his victim, this would have been fine if anyone could tell what the picture was. Dismissed as being a little unhinged by the police, Gabrielle doesn’t realise that being a witness to what she saw has put her in a lot more danger than what she ever realised. Gabrielle was a flaky character; she had absolutely no resistance to Lucan even when he was pushing himself inside her house uninvited on many occasions. She also wasn’t very intelligent, there is a rule, don’t walk in dark secluded places at night, and don’t open your door to strangers when you know evil people are after you. Kiss of Midnight was well written, the characters had ok chemistry and the writing flowed nicely. The major problem with this book though is that is far too much like the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. Vampires who are protecting their race from evil baddies under the reign of a traitor, trying to simultaneously protect human and vampire kind. Each book centres around one warrior who goes through the motions of finding his true mate or Breed mate as these women are called. The only difference in the Midnight Breeds series is that there are no female vampires and the Breed mates are born with a special mark usually behind the ear that signifies them. I also felt that at the end Kiss of Midnight became far too long-winded. The ending started to be really drawn out, and could have been wound up at least 50 pages earlier omitting a few pages of denial and empty threats. I am interested in this series purely because it is a safe read, you know it will be hot, you know it will have a happy ending and it is written well but it is not a series I will be going anywhere near until I have long since finished the Black Dagger Brotherhood books. Find this review at

2019-04-23 00:30

Em Tập Vẽ Với Paint - Tủ Sách Tin Học Dành Cho Học Sinh Trong Nhà Trường Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Hà Thành

"Making love with a woman and sleeping with a woman are two separate passions, not merely different but opposite. Love does not make itself felt in the desire for copulation (a desire that extends to an infinite number of women) but in the desire for shared sleep (a desire limited to one woman)." A philosophical window into love, passion, jealousy, and duty--set during the Russian invasion of the Czechoslovakia. When you read this, you will re-evaluate your relationships--past and present--and wonder if the person was by chance sent to you "in a bulrush basket" or your other half according to Plato's "Symposium". In either case, would you be willing to alter your life and your future for this person? Strangely enough, I wondered why an ex-boyfriend suddenly decided he would like to see me last summer, a couple of months after we broke up. I remember he was reading this book at the time. And now, after having read this book, I wonder whether he had been sent to me by chance--in a foreign city--like Tereza was sent to Tomas through six alterable choices he had made...Or was he the person in "my" dream--my ideal that suddenly showed up in person, thus inspiring one of the weirdest relationships I've ever had (and was he thinking the same thing when he saw me for the first time...and then again months later)?

Người đọc Pauline Acalin từ Ngwesaung, Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.