Amy Zurcher từ Jungle Bhelam Urf Sarkar, Uttar Pradesh, India



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Amy Zurcher Sách lại (10)

2019-05-03 00:31

Mỗi Đêm Một Câu Chuyện Kinh Dị Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi:

THIS. By the obvious evidence of my rating this five stars and putting it on my “Books Which Are Awesome” shelf, it’s evident that I REALLY LOVE THIS BOOK. (This is actually the first book I read by Pratchett and/or Gaiman in the first place, too.) That, and the fact that I have two copies and plan to get a third to replace one of the two. The thing about this is that while you’re laughing hysterically or getting wigged out by some of the demons (specifically the maggots; thank you Neil Gaiman), it does have a lot to say. It doesn’t so much condemn religion, but rather looks at the human ideals of good and evil in a greatly different way from a lot of other books. I like that neither Heaven or Hell is presented as wholly wrong nor right, just the two sides of the same coin. Aziraphale and Crowley have one of the best relationships I’ve read in fiction. Yes, it’s very easy to go and say that they’re an old married couple, but you get the sense in the beginning that they were genuinely good friends who happened to end up on different ideologies. They’re willing to work with each other, even if their end goals are on completely different ends of the spectrum. I also like that they’re not omnipotent—they’ve lived on Earth for millennia but they can still cock up. Massively. The Them do play into a little of stereotype of kid gangs, but I generally liked them. There’s a lot more to Adam’s development that I could have used, but I like that we don’t know everything about his childhood. Adds more to his eventual decision. Anathema does fall into the lines of something like Discworld’s Lancre Witches, but she’s a strong enough character in her own right. My one tiny nitpick of the book is that I really don’t like her relationship with Newt. I like them both as individual characters, and I can see them being attracted to each other…but I don’t like the whole “Oh, well, now we have to sleep with each other because Agnes said so!” Or rather, that Newt and Anathema know about this BEFORE they commit said act. It’s a very quick and somewhat cheap way to progress their relationship, and would have probably been better if they developed their attraction more naturally. (That said though, Agnes Nutter is a BAMF.) I liked the lampshading of general Apocalyptic plotlines, particularly with the intended Antichrist supposed to go to an American diplomat, and the portrayal of the Four Horsepeople while they’re waiting around for the end to come. (And in Famine’s case, if his ways to keep himself amused may just scare you off of processed food forever.) I love the scenes where you see the effects of Adam’s powers worldwide—while they feel more like isolated incidents, it does give a larger scope of what he’s doing. Also the references and shout-outs are tastefully handled—obvious enough to get the joke, but neither writer beats it into the reader’s skull. (For example, I’ve read this book a number of times. Only this last time do I spot the Doctor Who cameo.) Being a huge fan of both Gaiman and Pratchett, their writing really compliments the other. The casual observer may think that it wouldn’t work given the kind of books they respectively write, but there’s a similar sense of humor and use of language that both authors use and it works brilliantly. The use of footnotes aside, there’s no large passages that scream “NEIL/TERRY WROTE THIS!” (aside from the ones that the authors have said they had a stronger hand in developing). Which is fantastic—I haven’t run across It often, but I love it when a cowritten book flows just so seamlessly that it feels more like a book rather than “You got your Gaiman in my Pratchett!” etc. It’s an engaging funny book that still manages to hold up even after repeated readings. Like I mentioned above, I’ve read this hundreds of times, and yet I’m still finding jokes and references and plot devices each time. There’s a reason why I need extra copies, it’s one of those books I want to go to everyone I know and say “You HAVE to read this.”

Người đọc Amy Zurcher từ Jungle Bhelam Urf Sarkar, Uttar Pradesh, India

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.