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Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Nguyễn Hoàng Anh
I personally like this book because of my own interest in African-american history and i especially love to read and study about Ruby Bridges. This is a good book about her life and the historical significance of what she accomplished by integrating an all white school in New Orleans. However because of the amount of text and actual historic black and white pictures (non-illustrated) I would only recommend this for older students (i.e. 3rd-5th)
Sách được viết bởi Bởi:
I'd give this a 4.5 if I could. I found it better than ...Dragon Tattoo.... Looking forward to finished the trilogy with ...Hornet's Nest....
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Hoàng Anh
reading along with my son and loving the boy adventure!
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Jacob Ludwig Karl Grimm
This book, like every line of William Trevor's I've read, quietly broke my heart. How he makes a story so perfectly sad out of normal people, none of whom are evil or stupid or crazy, blows me away. In fact the saddest thing about this book is that everyone in it is so *good* (but not unbelievably so), and all it takes is one small mistake -- even to call it a mistake seems an exaggeration -- to ruin their lives. It sounds incredibly manipulative, maybe, when summarised like that, but Trevor is never manipulative.
Though this was an Oprah controversy book (and that made me NOT want to read it), I read it anyway and ended up really liking it. It is graphic and gross in some parts, but I thought it was thought-provoking and entertaining.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Ngọc Duy
I loved it!!! Glen Beck said it was going to be the next "Hunger Games" I am not ready to go that far, but I really enjoyed this book. Michael is a kid with special powers. He thought he was one of a kind, but finds out that another girl in his school also has special powers. When they set out to find out about there powers, they find that some one is after them. I love the characters. Especially Michael and Ostin. I love these teenage boys who actually have values and morals. Not perfect, but they do the right thing most of the time. I can't wait for the sequel!
A fun historical mystery. Spunky characters and a fast paced story come together to make this one worth your time.
This author doesn't write a hectic paced book but I enjoy the slower speed sometimes. Set in Wales where two Americans (mother and son)come to look for their ancestors. They meet Sarah, a nurse and gifted harp player, who is attracted to the son until she finds that his ancestors are the couple who have been the subject of rumor and speculation for years. And to top it off, they are Mormons!
Inhalt: Una und Per könnten unterschiedlicher nicht sein. Sie ist kreativ, hat Modedesign studiert, er lässt sein Leben durch Statistiken und Umfragen beeinflussen. Beide sind stets anderer Meinung, waren sogar noch nie zusammen im Urlaub, weil sie sich nicht auf ein Ziel einigen können. Trotzdem wollen Una und Per nach einer einjährigen Beziehung den nächsten Schritt wagen und zusammenziehen.Gegensätze ziehen sich ja bekanntlich an… Meine Meinung: Die Autoren des Buches schildern sehr ausführlich und realitätsnah, wie schwer es sein kann, ein gemeinsames Leben aufzubauen und die Hürden des Zusammenlebens zu meistern. Dabei erfährt der Leser die Gefühle und Denkweisen der Protagonisten als eine Art ‘Tagebucheintrag’, jeweils aus der Sicht von Una oder Per. Die Schilderungen verdeutlichen, wie unterschiedlich die Beiden wirklich sind und wie oft sie aneinander vorbei reden. Trotzdem ist auch immer klar, wie sehr sich Una und Per lieben und dass sie sich bemühen, den anderen glücklich zu machen und ihre Beziehung aufrecht zuerhalten. Dass da auch oft Kompromisse gemacht werden müssen, sehen Una und Per schnell ein. Ich habe mich vom Buch sehr unterhalten gefühlt. Es gibt einen schönen Einblick in eine typische Beziehung zwischen Mann und Frau, die weder ihr Job- noch ihr Liebesleben aufgeben wollen und auch oft hin- und hergerissen zwischen ihrer Beziehung und ihrem Freundeskreis sind. Es scheint, als ob sie es niemandem recht machen könnten. Dabei war ich als Leser mehrfach unentschlossen, ob ich auf Unas oder Pers Seite stehen sollte. Die Autoren haben sämtliche Sichtweisen dermaßen glaubwürdig und nachvollziehbar beschrieben, dass sowohl die weiblichen als auch die männlichen Ansichten einleuchtend waren. Fazit: Die Geschichte um Una und Per ist amüsant, bewegend und glaubwürdig.
This book was very weird. I almost didn't want to finish it, but I did just to see how it ended. I will say one thing, you will never look at The Wizard Of Oz the same. I don't think I will every be able to watch it again.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Hà Ngọc Nga
Carrie Vaughn'un Kitty Norville serisinden gerçekten hoşlanıyorum ve Discord'un elmasını diğerlerinden çok sevmek istedim. Hikaye ilginç bir önermeye sahipti ve hikayenin bazı yönlerini gerçekten sevdim. Ne yazık ki, yakın karakterin yakın kıyamet, mitolojik geçmiş ve ana karakterin atalarının zamanları boyunca büyük ölçüde gereksiz vinyetler arasında çok fazla atladı. Ana karakterle gerçekten sempatik bir karakter olarak bağlantı kurmakta zorlandım, daha ilginç ikincil karakterler hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmek istedim. Hikaye çizgisinde atlamak beni tam olarak meşgul hissetmeye başladığımda dikkatimi dağıttı ve kitabı sık sık yere koymamı sağladı, bu da genellikle kitaplarını nasıl okuduğumun bir özelliği değil. Genel olarak, kitabın nefes alması için daha fazla alana izin vererek ve hikayeyi ileriye taşımak için hizmet etmeyen parçaları ortadan kaldırarak hikayenin daha iyi hizmet edileceğini düşünüyorum.
Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.